In today's era, no one has a few decorative paintings at home to embellish the living room decoration.

In today's era, no one will have a few decorative paintings to decorate the living room. According to statistics, most people currently prefer landscape paintings for living room decoration. Hanging landscape paintings in the living room shows a fashion and a trend. Whether it is a majestic mountain or an elegant mountain scene, the artist's paintings highlight the It is so vivid that it can be blended into it unconsciously, and it will definitely have a complementary effect. It is suitable to be hung on the sofa background wall in the living room or behind the TV background. It has a backing and can also add a touch of vitality and aura to the home wall.

Living room hanging paintings:

Today I have brought you several landscape paintings suitable for hanging at home, let us enjoy them together!

Living room landscape painting

2020 Zhang Li's new creation cornucopia of flowing water to make money "The Rising Sun" Source of work:

This rising sun Feng shui painting is very popular nowadays, especially The one written by Zhang Li, a national first-class artist This one is highly recommended. It is beautiful and elegant when placed at home, and it also means auspiciousness. It can bring good feng shui, and can also be kept as a collection, which will bring you considerable profits over time.

Living room landscape painting 2

Flowing water brings wealth and money rolls in. New product masterpiece landscape painting "The Rising Sun" Source of work:

This is a green landscape with a very beautiful meaning of Feng Shui. The mountains in the painting are majestic and continuous. It means that if you have someone to rely on in life, your career will go smoothly. The gurgling spring stream and the upside-down incense burner waterfall finally converge into a clear pool, which has the implication that flowing water brings wealth, and all the big and small fortunes in life can be gathered together. It is an excellent Feng Shui masterpiece.

Living room landscape painting three

National ceremony calligraphy and painting artist Zhang Li's new six-foot banner landscape painting "Jiangshan Duojiao" Source of work:

The mountains in the painting are vast and majestic, which has a profound meaning. There is a backer behind, protecting the family and career, everything goes smoothly; like a horse racing The waterfall flows down and gathers into a pool of water, which means that flowing water brings wealth and can gather financial resources together. Such a feng shui landscape painting is an absolute best choice to hang in the living room.

Living Room Landscape Painting Four

Cornucopia of Fengshui Zhang Li Hongyun Feng Shui Painting "So Many Beautiful Mountains" Source of work:

This is a typical cornucopia landscape painting. The gurgling waterfalls on the mountain peaks continuously flow into the mountains. The lake means that the wealth is rolling in and the wealth is not leaked; the work also incorporates the elements of good luck, the red flowers covering the mountains, and the rising sun, the colors are bright, giving people a sense of joy and beauty!

Living room hanging Landscape painting renderings

The choice of living room decoration paintings should be based on content that is legitimate, subtle, and edifying to the body and spirit. It can boost the spirit and face, add icing on the cake, and add prosperity. Hope and expectation play an extremely important role.