The living room is the largest area of ​​a home and the face of the home, so everyone pays special attention to decoration and design. In modern home decoration design, a traditional Chinese landscape painting can be paired with the living room. These landscape paintings can well

The living room is the largest area of ​​the home and the face of the home, so everyone pays special attention to the decoration and design. In modern home decoration design, add a piece of Chinese painting landscape painting in the living room. These landscape paintings can well show the artistic accomplishment of the home owner, and at the same time add richness and class to the home wall.

Living room hanging paintings:

On the other hand, landscape paintings also have extremely profound cultural heritage, and hanging them at home can also improve Feng Shui. Let’s take a look at some landscape paintings suitable for hanging at home.

Hanging landscape painting in the living room

Landscape painting "High Mountains and Long Waters" by the famous Chinese painting artist Xu Kunlian Source of work:

This painting can see a strong sense of weight, deep and restrained, steady and open-minded, a fully mature expression! With a panoramic form of artistic expression, the bones of the pen and ink are conveyed through a calm and concise style of writing. The pen is used to establish the bones and the ink is used to capture the image, showing a spectacular scene of magnificent mountains and rivers! In terms of Feng Shui, this painting also has a very beautiful meaning. The owner of the mountain has only a small amount of water to manage his wealth. With the mountain at his back, he is rising step by step. The boat in the river means that life is smooth. Therefore, this landscape painting is a good choice as a living room decoration painting.

Hanging landscape painting in the living room 2

Cornucopia decorative painting Li Guosheng's new six-foot banner "Auspicious Treasure Land" Source of work:

The rising sun is rising in the east, accompanied by the morning glow, the mountain peaks are continuous, the trees on the mountain peaks are strange in shape, the vegetation is prosperous, and the water flows slowly between the mountains and trees The flow nourishes the mountains and forests. ; The valleys are surrounded by clouds and mist, and birds are flying around them, just like what Tao Yuanming wrote: "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountain. The mountain air is getting better day and night, and the birds are returning to each other." The overall picture combines reality and reality, with a sense of layering. The work has great room for appreciation, so it is the first choice to hang it in the living room for decoration.

Three hanging landscape paintings in the living room

Flowing water brings wealth and prosperity Li Guosheng's landscape painting "Scenery and Spring Brightness" Source of work:

The rising sun dyes the mountains in the distance red, the clouds are steaming, the grass and trees are thick, and they are full of vitality, ancient pine grows strangely, taking root in the crevices of rocks and swaying with the wind like vines, in order to better welcome the rain, dew and embrace the sunshine. The picture shows virtuality and reality in the far and near areas, the close-up view is abrupt, and the writing is spirited and powerful. This painting is huge and has a tenacious power of life. In Feng Shui, the welcoming pine means welcoming good fortune and attracting wealth, so it is a good choice to hang in the living room!

Hanging landscape painting four in the living room

Xu Kunlian’s latest eight-foot landscape painting "Everyone is Drawing a Picture" Source of work:

Mountain Range Continuously leading into the distance, the neat houses on the mountain are like living in seclusion in a paradise. The waterfall in the mountain cascades for thousands of miles, and it really flows down three thousand feet, forming a curved river. The water flow is accompanied by strange-shaped stones, and the trees are thick and dense. It is really a lively scene. In the distance, there are steaming clouds and mist, and the mountains are shrouded, as if you are in a fairyland on earth.

Rendering of hanging landscape paintings at home

Feel the landscape and feel life. Hanging landscapes in your home will fill your home with infinite vitality and eliminate all dullness and boredom!