Our understanding of how much it costs to renovate a house must be directly related to many factors, which cannot be summarized by a simple number. For example, how big is the total area of ​​this house? In which city is this house located? What is the quality of decoration of th

Our understanding of how much it costs to renovate a house must be directly related to many factors, which cannot be summarized by a simple number. For example, how much area does this house have in total? In which city is this house located? What is the quality of decoration of this house? And do you have any other special requirements?

Various factors will affect the total decoration cost of the house, so how much does this decoration cost? We can only use a simple example as a reference. If you want to renovate a 100-square-meter house in Nanchong , if you choose the Chinese decoration style, the total cost will be about 300,000 yuan. This cost is all-inclusive. Of course, if you move in, you will definitely need to buy furniture and appliances. , plus the purchase of furniture and home appliances, the cost is about 350,000 yuan, and you can move in with your bags. Therefore, this price is still somewhat stressful for local people. After all, this cost is indeed not a small amount. For ordinary families, they may need a loan to afford it.