Amu likes flowers and plants, but currently she only keeps pothos at home. When everyone goes to the flower market to buy pothos, does the boss say that pothos is very easy to grow, as long as it is watered regularly? Yes, pothos is indeed a relatively easy green plant to grow, b

Amu likes flowers and plants, but currently she only keeps pothos at home. When everyone goes to the flower market to buy pothos, does the boss say that pothos is very easy to grow, as long as it is watered regularly? Yes, pothos is indeed a relatively easy green plant to grow, but if you want to make your pothos grow lushly, let me teach you a secret that the owner of the green plant store is unwilling to tell you.

Amu’s family raised eight pots of green radish, and the pots were full. The green radish is placed on a high shelf, and the hanging branches and leaves are already very long.

Does any friend find it difficult to water such tall pothos? You have to move the pothos down every time you water. Today Amu will teach you a good way to save effort.

Amu found a large Coke bottle and removed the outer wrapping paper. Fill up half a bottle of water at the faucet (you can adjust the amount of water appropriately according to your hand lifting strength), then stand on the bench, hold up the bottle with your hands, and align the bottle mouth with the inside of the flowerpot (the bottle mouth should be lower). You can easily water the pothos without the water spilling out.

Just use two bottles of water for eight pots of green plants. Amu was not very diligent in watering. He only watered once when there was no water at the bottom of the pot. He watered once every ten days and a half, but he had to water it fully every time.

The secret that the green plant boss won’t tell you is that after a few days of growing pothos, it will be all over the wall. Every time when watering, Amu will drop two drops of soy sauce in the water. The ratio of water to soy sauce is about 1:500, so don't put too much soy sauce. Because soy sauce is fermented from soybeans, it is rich in amino acids and other nutrients, which can promote photosynthesis of pothos and make the leaves of pothos grow greener. The iron contained in soy sauce can promote the absorption of the roots and allow the green radish to continue to grow..

water with soy sauce

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