# AGRICULTURE SCIENCE POPULATION COMPETITION# I don’t have any other hobbies, I just like to go to the flower market and buy some of my favorite varieties. No, during this period of free time, I went to the market to buy flowers with my friends. We originally went for the hibiscu

The hibiscus pot I bought is very similar to the hibiscus flower. its leaves are slightly smaller and the edges of the petals are blunt, which looks flat and smooth. The flowers are mostly light pink or lavender, giving people a fresh and comfortable feeling. The beauty and overall charm are even higher than that of hibiscus flowers.

Some people regard hibiscus and hibiscus as the same plant. In fact, this is a misunderstanding caused by not understanding them. Take flowering as an example, hibiscus has the ability to bloom all year round, while hibiscus usually blooms between June and October. Now is the peak season for hibiscus blooming in the hot summer. If you also like to grow flowers, don’t miss this flower. It’s really beautiful. The more you grow it, the more you like it.

How to care for hibiscus in summer?

1. Hibiscus is particularly fond of sunlight and has a high dependence on light. If your hibiscus does not bloom, most of the reasons are related to insufficient light. If the lighting conditions are too poor, not only will it not bloom, but it will also affect the overall growth.

Potted hibiscus can be maintained on the south balcony. Just move it to a semi-shady place for management during noon time in summer. If the conditions in your home are good, you can put hibiscus and other flowers that are intolerant to strong light together, and then put up a layer of sunshade net to make it easier for them to spend the summer.

2. The most suitable growth temperature for hibiscus is around 25 degrees. However, I believe that this temperature cannot be "satisfied" in summer in most areas. The highest temperature here will be around 40 degrees. Since the temperature is so high, what should we do? Okay?

In fact, we can artificially cool hibiscus, such as growing it indoors or placing it in a ventilated and cool place, spraying water from time to time to cool down. These measures can allow hibiscus to spend the entire summer safely.

3. Hibiscus itself loves water and is not drought tolerant. However, some flower lovers always dare not water hibiscus for fear of watering too much and rotting the roots. This overly cautious approach is not conducive to the growth of hibiscus, and even It can also damage the root system and cause the leaves to dry out and turn yellow.

When watering hibiscus, you can observe the dryness of the soil. If you find that the soil turns white or becomes dry, you can replenish water. I usually decide whether to water based on the condition of the leaves. When the leaves are wilted, it means that the hibiscus is "thirsty", and watering is most suitable at this time.

4. If you want hibiscus to bloom big and beautiful, fertilizing is also very important. During its vigorous growth period, you can topdress some decomposed manure such as sheep manure and chicken manure in an appropriate amount to increase the nutrients in the soil and make the plant grow strong and vigorous. When

is about to bloom, you can no longer apply a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer . It should be mainly phosphorus potassium fertilizer . For example, spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on the leaves to promote the differentiation of flower buds. The concentration of the solution should not be too high, and thin fertilizer should be the main one.

I really didn’t expect that the hibiscus I bought by mistake this time would be so beautiful, which makes me very satisfied. It seems that I will “depend on each other” with hibiscus this summer. If you also like to grow flowers, I sincerely recommend not to miss the hibiscus, it will definitely satisfy you.