Recently, Xiao Qi met several florists who asked Xiao Qi, why are the bougainvilleas I raise not growing? Why don't they bloom? I asked him about it, and it turned out that he didn't fertilize it after he bought it. If you don't fertilize it, it's impossible for it to bloom. With

Recently, Xiao Qi met several florists who asked Xiao Qi, why are my bougainvillea not growing? Why don't they bloom? I asked him about it, and it turned out that he didn't fertilize it after he bought it. If you don't fertilize it, it's impossible for it to bloom. Without fertilizer, without nutrients, it will not grow. So if you want your bougainvillea to bloom, fertilizer must be used, and it must be chosen correctly.

Our two common types of " phosphate fertilizer " can be used for bougainvillea, but they must be used correctly to ensure that they explode every time. There are two common types of phosphate fertilizers, one is Huaduoduo No. 2 and the other is potassium dihydrogen phosphate, which is a flower-stimulating fertilizer. Our common slow-release fertilizer and general-purpose fertilizer are all multi-element fertilizers. Try to use them as much as possible. Do not use this fertilizer as a flower-stimulating fertilizer.

1, Potassium dihydrogen phosphate

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Its main components are phosphorus and potassium. It does not contain nitrogen or trace elements. When we use it for bougainvillea, if we continue to use it, it will lack nitrogen and cause it to bloom. After the last time or two, the whole plant stopped growing, because the nitrogen element in the soil was completely absorbed by it, and only contained phosphorus and potassium, which would cause the leaves to turn yellow and stiff, the seedlings would not grow, and finally the whole plant would fall off. Withered. Therefore, potassium dihydrogen phosphate should not be used blindly.

If the bougainvillea you raise has been growing leaves but not blooming, and you want to make it bloom, you can use potassium dihydrogen phosphate. First prune the branches, cut them short, and cut off thin and weak branches. Then mix potassium dihydrogen phosphate with water at a concentration of 1:1000. Spray the leaves first, and pour the rest into the soil at intervals of ten seconds. Once a day, if you use it like this, the bougainvillea we raise will quickly divide the flower buds and grow buds to bloom. Once the flower buds have grown, do not use potassium dihydrogen phosphate again.

2, Huaduoduo fertilizer

Huaduoduo fertilizer has many kinds. The common Huaduoduo No. 2 is a very good flower-promoting fertilizer. Its main component is high in phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, and it also contains trace elements. , it is very good for the bougainvillea we raise, because when the bougainvillea blooms, the branches continue to grow, and the flower buds will continue to sprout out. If the branches stop growing, its flowering period means the end. Therefore, if you want bougainvillea to keep blooming, you should choose Huaduoduo No. 2 fertilizer with high phosphorus content and no shortage of other elements.

After each flowering, prune the branches, cut off the thin and weak branches, and directly replenish Huaduoduo No. 2. It will quickly grow new buds, and the new buds will bloom after they grow. We use potassium dihydrogen phosphate to induce flowering of the bougainvillea that has never bloomed. After the flowers bloom, we will switch to Huaduoduo No. 2. When the bougainvillea blooms and promotes flowering, fertilizers must be used continuously and do not stop.

These are the two types of fertilizers we use to grow bougainvillea. You can make a reasonable choice and operate according to the method Xiao Qi said. Only by obtaining sufficient phosphorus can it quickly dedifferentiate the flower buds. However, when choosing the right fertilizer for bougainvillea flowering, you must ensure sufficient light. It is a strong-sun type flower. The light time and should not be less than six hours. If the light time is more than eight hours, put it under the sun. If you go and water it with phosphate fertilizer, it will grow buds quickly and continue to bloom.

If the lighting time is about six hours, then you have to control the water, wait until the soil in the pot is completely dry, then water it thoroughly. After the flower buds grow, just water it normally. To grow bougainvillea well, it is best to choose a small pot, a low pot, and use soil with good air permeability, which will make it easier to promote flowering.