As our daily cooking space, the kitchen not only smells a lot of oil fumes, but we also have to wash vegetables and cook in this space. Therefore, an excellent kitchen design can not only make kitchen cooking more efficient, but also greatly reduce the risk of cooking. Kitchen ch

The kitchen is our daily cooking space. Not only does the smell of oil fumes tend to be relatively large, but we also have to wash vegetables and cook in this space. Therefore, an excellent kitchen design can not only make kitchen cooking more efficient, but also greatly improve the cooking efficiency. To reduce the housework in the kitchen and make it easier for us, let’s introduce to you some kitchen designs that “remove housework”.

1. Do not make traditional floor rail sliding doors

Many people install floor rail sliding doors in order to isolate kitchen fumes. Although this design is beautiful and convenient, some dust and dirt are easily generated in the gaps of the floor track sliding door, which can easily harbor dirt and evil practices, making it difficult to clean later. In order to reduce our workload in the future, we recommend that you choose hanging rail doors instead of traditional floor rail sliding doors.

2. Do not make traditional water retaining strips

Many people will also make traditional water retaining strips in the kitchen to give themselves a clean kitchen space. However, traditional water retaining strips are prone to mold and blackening after being used for a long time. They need to be cleaned regularly, making price comparison troublesome. It is recommended that you use anti-mildew caulking agent instead of waterproof strips. This caulking agent can fill some gaps to prevent dirt from entering the dead corners, and makes subsequent cleaning easier.

3, cabinet door Choose bright door

Kitchen fumes are relatively large, which can easily cause the cabinet door to generate a layer of fumes, which requires us to clean them regularly. The daily cleaning of cabinets will take up a lot of time, so it is recommended that you look for cabinets with bright doors. This material is relatively smooth and can be cleaned gently with a wet rag, which can greatly reduce the amount of daily housework.

4. The kitchen sink is made into an undercounter basin.

The kitchen sink is made into an undercounter basin, which is very convenient for cleaning and maintenance. It can effectively reduce daily dirt in the kitchen and improve the efficiency of home life. But we need to pay attention when installing the under-counter basin. We must choose the appropriate size. It is best to start based on our own living habits and personal hobbies, so that we can have a more comfortable kitchen space.

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