There are many grasses on the abandoned land in the sun, in the fields and in the ditches and beaches. The white flowers grow on the mountains, and the yellow flowers grow on the roadside at the bottom of the ditch. A white-flowered mignonette, a one- or two-year-old herb, four o

There are many grasses and rhinoceros in the abandoned land in the sun, in the fields and in the bottom ditch. The white flowers grow on the mountains, and the yellow flowers grow on the roadside at the bottom of the ditch.


Alpinia albicans, one, biennial herb , four or five feet high. The stem is upright, cylindrical, hollow in the middle, many branches, almost hairless.

The main root is strong and developed, deeply embedded in the soil, and has many root nodules. The upper part of the main root develops into a fleshy root, which is an important organ for overwintering and an important part of green manure.


pinnatetriple compound leaves, the stipules are like spikes and cones, with entire margin; the petiole is shorter and slender than the leaflet; the leaflet is slender and rounded, oblanceolate, the leaf tip is blunt and round, and the leaf tail is like a wedge. The leaf margin is sparsely serrated, the leaf surface is hairless, the back of the leaf is finely pubescent, the lateral veins are multiple pairs, parallel to the leaf margin tooth tip, neither surface is raised, the terminal leaflet is slightly larger and has a longer stalk, and the lateral petioles are short.


Racemes are slender, axillary, with dozens or even hundreds of flowers, loosely arranged; the bracts are as slender as lines, the flowers are small, and the pedicels are short; the calyx is like a bell, slightly pubescent, and the calyx teeth are like triangles Lanceolate, shorter than the calyx tube; corolla white, flag petal oval, slightly longer than wing petals, keel petal and basal petal are as long; ovary is lanceolate like an egg, tapering at the upper part, with three or four ovules.

The pods are round and slender, with a sharp apex and a sharp beak. The veins on the surface are thin, like a net, brown, and turn into dark brown when mature. The seeds are oval, one or two, brown, with small tumors on the surface.


Alpinia alba, cattle and sheep like to eat it. It grows on the hillside and sways in the wind. It is very beautiful. After many years of neglect, the alba militaris will grow on the land, and it will become fertile in a few years. Therefore, it is a very good green manure. plant.

The whole plant of Alpinia alba is used as medicine to clear away heat and detoxify, resolve dampness and kill insects, cut malaria and stop dysentery.

The ancients included it in books. , such as , was called rue . When we were young, we used to think that the broom used to sweep the yard was harder than the broomstick and softer than the bletilla of Caragana broom. It swept cleanly without scratching the floor, so it was very easy to use.

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