From the following four major household products, I have a glimpse of the future development trend of bathrooms. As an inconspicuous small item, the electric towel rack may be considered by many people as its function is to dry towels and is dispensable.

As a common topic, the status and role of bathroom in home life are self-evident. Good bathroom decoration can greatly improve the comfort and happiness of home life. From the following four major household products, I have a glimpse of the future development trend of bathrooms.

1. Electric heated towel rack

Electric heated towel rack is an inconspicuous small item. Many people may think that its function is to dry towels and is dispensable.

In fact, this is not the case. The electric towel rack can not only dry daily towels, but also dry some small items, which is very convenient. Some people think that drying towels can also achieve the same drying effect.

But what is easy to overlook is that the electric towel rack has a sterilization and disinfection function, which can effectively kill most bacteria on the towels. This may be the source of allergies for many people.

Especially in the plum rainy weather in the south, it is really a happy thing to be able to use warm towels every day. Some infant and toddler clothes can also be dried on the towel rack, which is very convenient.

2. A common problem with air-heated bathroom heaters

lamp-warmed bathroom heaters is that the range of warm air is usually relatively small and the coverage is not wide; the temperature rises very slowly, takes a long time, and consumes a lot of power; It feels uncomfortable. Many traditional bathroom heaters can only blow in one direction.

The functions of the air-heated bathroom heater are also diverse, including lighting, ventilation, blowing, heating, drying and other functions. It is a further upgrade and improvement of the traditional bathroom heater.

There are many types of bathroom heaters on the market now, including lamp-warmed bathroom heaters, wind-heated bathroom heaters, and light-warmed bathroom heaters.

Only by making choices based on your actual situation and real needs can you select the truly suitable type.

3. Constant temperature showerhead

Traditional showerheads are difficult to control the temperature, and under unstable conditions, the temperature fluctuates between hot and cold, which is very unfriendly to the experience of home life.

The smart thermostatic shower head can preset the desired temperature. Bathing at the right temperature is really a very happy thing.

At the same time, be sure to choose a shower head with spray gun , which is convenient for hygienic cleaning and can form a columnar water outlet system, which is a very good design.

4. Folding washing machine

For small items such as socks, underwear, underwear, etc., sometimes there is no need to occupy our large washing machine, but we don’t want to wash them by hand.

At this time, you can use a folding washing machine. As a mini washing machine, the folding washing machine occupies a small space in the home and is also very friendly to many small families.

Of course, this washing machine cannot replace our original washing machine, but it can indeed facilitate our lives. The washing machine has clear division of labor and is more efficient.

Of course, everyone has different living habits and home hobbies, and only the one that suits them is the best. Life in the future will definitely be more intelligent, liberating our labor force and allowing us to enjoy life more comfortably.

introduced the above related household knowledge about bathroom decoration. What do you think of this introduction? Do you have any other good suggestions for home decoration and living? Everyone is welcome to leave comments in the message area. (Some pictures come from the Internet and will be deleted if they infringe)