The old house that has lived for 25 years still has formaldehyde? Unbearable health hazards

The formaldehyde in the newly renovated new house will exceed the standard, which is often expected by everyone. But many people don't know that even in an old house that has lived for many years, there will be a situation where formaldehyde exceeds the standard!

The formaldehyde in the old house exceeds the standard, which is not shocking!

The volatilization cycle of formaldehyde can be more than three or five years. In some houses, formaldehyde will still exceed the standard after 10 or 20 years! After all, there are not a few "formaldehyde excess incidents in ten-year-old houses" that have been exposed.

# 5-year-old furniture formaldehyde exceeded 5 times the standard

A netizen's home was tested for MDF furniture and old laminate floors at home.

The results show that the formaldehyde concentration of the cabinets used for more than 15 years is 0.28ppm, which is 0.38mg/m³, which exceeds the national standard limit by nearly 5 times!

#5-year-old girl living in a 7-year-old house suffers from leukemia

In 2019, there was a case where a 5-year-old girl was found to have leukemia during a physical examination in hospital . Investigate its cause, it was suggested that it may be caused by excessive formaldehyde.

The parents expressed doubts, because they are not newly installed houses, they have lived in them for 7 years, and there is no abnormality of formaldehyde poisoning before.

But still with uncertainty, I found a testing agency for testing, and the results showed that 2 bedrooms in the house exceeded the standard limit!

Only then did the parents realize that their family members had been living in an environment with excessive formaldehyde for 7 years!

#htmlFormaldehyde in a 125-year-old house exceeds the standard by 3 times There really is such a call for help.

He said that the whole house uses plywood , and the old decorations themselves are not particularly good materials. It also painted a layer of paint on the outside. After many years, with the aging of the furniture, there have been cases of broken skin and missing corners.

The owner of

found an agency for testing out of the idea of ​​finding out. The results show that after 25 years, the formaldehyde concentration is 0.2 mg/m³, which is still nearly 3 times higher than the national standard! No matter how

emphasizes that "formaldehyde volatilization cycle is as long as 3-15 years", some people will still scoff at it. However, the above cases have fully demonstrated that it is not only the newly renovated house that has excessive formaldehyde.

Not to mention, 25 years ago when there was no awareness of formaldehyde removal, who could ensure that the formaldehyde in the home did not exceed the standard? Delusions of solving formaldehyde pollution by drying and ventilating the room are simply joking about the health of the family!

Environmental protection report

According to the "2020 National Household Environmental Protection Report", it shows that the formaldehyde excess rate is still higher than 15% within 5 years after the completion of room decoration.The

report shows the indoor air detection exceeding rate:

Theoretically speaking, the release content of furniture or various decoration materials will reach a peak within 3-5 months of new Kaifeng, especially when the temperature is high summer. In the next few years, various materials may continue to transport pollutants into the air, and gradually enter a state of slow release until the release of formaldehyde in the board is completed.

Formaldehyde Removal Misunderstanding

Owners often have such an intuitive feeling: Why did meet the formaldehyde detection standard before, and it rebounded so quickly? ! - that's because of the aldehyde removal error.

Because of being misled, the owners generally fell into a trap of aldehyde removal: only paid attention to the decrease of the formaldehyde concentration index at that time, ignoring the importance of continuous aldehyde removal in the later period!

By opening windows for ventilation, simple physical adsorption and other methods, the formaldehyde in the indoor free state will only be temporarily reduced, so that the indoor formaldehyde concentration seems to reach the standard value. In fact, it did not remove or even affect the source of formaldehyde inside the material at all.

Removing the sequelae left by a renovation, every house renovation, new additions, etc. may also cause the indoor air detection of the old room to exceed the standard.

Ryansun® Net Formaldehyde Factor -

In-depth, long-term net formaldehyde It is because of formaldehyde pollution that it is necessary to remove formaldehyde!

Ryansun® net aldehyde factor is the only pure biological agent that can be implanted in decoration in China. The core component is active protease. The product uses the principle of osmotic polymerization reaction, which can effectively penetrate into the material and interact with the formaldehyde in the material. and other harmful substances quickly combine to complete the reverse reaction, and the resulting polymer protein gel will remain in the board and the fabric material. Even if formaldehyde appears in the later stage, the biological enzyme can continue to decompose, long-term quality control, and odor removal. Install and live, no waiting! Put an end to the harm of formaldehyde pollution to the human body, and realize a real green formaldehyde-free ecological home!

For houses that have already moved in or have added pollution sources, use Ryansun® clean aldehyde factor to conduct professional indoor air treatment, take the initiative to completely remove formaldehyde, and ensure that indoor air quality is better than the national standard. Don't give formaldehyde a chance to endanger your family's health!