Shandong is also experiencing high temperatures. It’s 30 degrees outside and the air is hot. Succulents will suffer!

2024/07/0102:16:32 home 1843

Shandong is also facing high temperatures. It is 30 degrees outside and the air is hot. meaty will suffer!

In recent days, Shandong has also experienced high temperatures. The daytime temperature is as high as 30 degrees, and the temperature in the interior is even higher, even close to 35 degrees. The air is very hot due to the ultra-high temperature. The high temperature in summer is really disappointing. People are very irritable, and the flowers and green plants growing on the terrace are suffering. The plants cannot withstand the temperature exceeding the temperature. The first thing they do when they get home every night is watering.

Shandong is also experiencing high temperatures. It’s 30 degrees outside and the air is hot. Succulents will suffer! - DayDayNews

When growing flowers in summer, watering has become an essential step in daily life. In the evening after get off work, the first step is to go to the terrace to water. After a day of exposure to the sun, the leaves of the plants on the forum have become soft, and only in the evening, the leaves have wilted. The leaves will be a little active. Although the plant status of in summer is not very good, it will not die. succulents will be sad.

Shandong is also experiencing high temperatures. It’s 30 degrees outside and the air is hot. Succulents will suffer! - DayDayNews

It is difficult for succulents to survive the summer. This is a common problem faced by everyone. During these two months from July to September every year, whether in the south or the north, the temperature is extremely high. Succulents on the terrace must It is necessary to provide sunshade, otherwise you will be sunburned by the sun. The probability of sunburn for Crassulaceae succulents is as high as 80%, and some succulents will even be directly burned into water.

Shandong is also experiencing high temperatures. It’s 30 degrees outside and the air is hot. Succulents will suffer! - DayDayNews

As the temperature rises during the day, light shines directly on the lime floor. The ground is like an oven, constantly reflecting hot airflow. At the same time, coupled with the sun's irradiation, succulent plants can survive in the summer. The probability is very low. As the temperature rises, the temperature of the water in the succulent leaves will also rise. If the high temperature exceeds the range that the succulent can withstand, the leaves will turn into water.

Shandong is also experiencing high temperatures. It’s 30 degrees outside and the air is hot. Succulents will suffer! - DayDayNews

It is still difficult to raise succulents in summer. Even without watering, there will still be problems with individual succulents. Faced with the high temperature in summer, the death of succulents is inevitable for everyone, unless you keep succulents at home. , turn on the air conditioner or blow a fan to increase air circulation, the mortality rate of succulents will be reduced, but the balcony area is limited.

Shandong is also experiencing high temperatures. It’s 30 degrees outside and the air is hot. Succulents will suffer! - DayDayNews

How to avoid sunburn on succulents? There is no other way. The only measure is to provide sunshade. If one layer of sunshade net is not enough, add two layers. Keep at it. Summer will pass and autumn will soon come. In autumn, the temperature will gradually drop.

Shandong is also experiencing high temperatures. It’s 30 degrees outside and the air is hot. Succulents will suffer! - DayDayNews

The only two issues that need to be paid attention to for succulents in summer are sun and rain protection measures, and reducing watering appropriately, or not watering. If necessary, it is okay not to water, such as long-term high temperature weather. The temperature has been 30 degrees for a week. It's okay if the succulents are not watered. It's just that the outer leaves are consumed. If you water them, the chance of black rot will increase.

Shandong is also experiencing high temperatures. It’s 30 degrees outside and the air is hot. Succulents will suffer! - DayDayNews

It is said that raising succulents outdoors has many benefits. When high temperatures come, you will find that succulents placed indoors are the safest.

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