There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t

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What kind of decoration is considered successful?

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

There are many friends around me who are decorating houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence.

There is a friend who has decorated several houses, and his answer is simple. Directly, he said: If you don’t regret it after moving in for a few years, then the decoration will be considered a success.

When buying a house and decorating it, once the hard decoration is confirmed, there is almost no chance of regret. Even if there is, the cost is very high.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

Therefore, in the short term, we must first do not regret during the decoration process.

If you want to stay here for a few years without regrets, then you should listen to the advice of people who have experienced it! learn lessons from their various experiences of pitfalls and prevent ourselves from making the same mistakes. In this way, we can at least avoid some.

Below I will share with you some decoration experiences of people who have been through it, in order to help you avoid detours and successfully decorate.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews


Principle 1 of not regretting decoration: Be more ruthless with "high-frequency" use

Someone has said this: Expensive goods may not necessarily be good, but good goods must not be cheap.

Another sentence is: expensive Things may not necessarily be good, but cheap things must be bad.

Therefore, when buying furniture and home appliances, if you want not to regret it, buy expensive ones. As long as the size is suitable, this is the easiest way.

However, in this case, the furniture and appliances for the whole house will become a big investment. Owners who are not short of money can do this.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

Not every family has a lot of money to choose expensive ones!

If you want to save money, you can first figure out your daily living habits. Which furniture and appliances are frequently used at home. They are closely related to your quality of life. If they can improve your happiness at home, you can follow the principle of choosing the most expensive ones. add.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

, such as mattresses

One third of your life is spent in bed. A good bed makes your life more meaningful. Sufficient and comfortable sleep is also particularly important for your health.

Therefore, choose one at a high price. A good mattress is definitely worth it, and you will never regret it no matter what. Everyone has different soft and hard needs when choosing a mattress, so you must try it yourself.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

In addition to the softness and hardness, when a couple sleeps, the other half will also be affected by turning over. High-quality independent pocket springs, relying on good internal support, can fully realize the two people sleeping on the same bed without being affected by turning over. Influence.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

. Such as dryers

dryers are also home appliances worth buying.

With the dryer, there is no need to install a clothes drying rod on the balcony. It is really cost-effective to release the balcony as a leisure area and have a few more square meters of free space.

You no longer need to check the weather when washing clothes. You don’t need to iron the dried clothes. You can wear them directly without wrinkles. How simple and hassle-free!

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

Therefore, choosing a more expensive heat pump dryer will provide a better experience than an all-in-one washer and dryer. It can not only dry clothes at low temperatures, but also protect valuable clothes, saving you the need to send them to a dry cleaner. The money is a good deal!


No Regrets in Decoration Principle 2: Don’t be careless about key details

When decorating, there are many things that require special attention to quality, such as various hardware accessories. These accessories are related to the quality and practicality of the furniture.

①, Customized cabinet hardware

First of all, there are hardware parts in the customized cabinet, which can directly affect the use of the cabinet, such as hinges, slide rails, handles , locks, etc. Don’t be careless about any one of them. You must choose expensive ones. Good quality quality hardware.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

If you choose a cheap one and it breaks down after a short period of use, becomes unusable and needs to be replaced, then the loss is not the same as the expensive one!

Hardware accessories are recommended to be purchased online. The quality and after-sales service of official stores are more guaranteed.

②, faucet shower

faucet shower and other hardware should pay more attention to quality. Choose the expensive . If you want to be durable, ceramic valve core is the core factor that needs to be considered, such as smoothness and damping, and other selling points. Or secondarily.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

Some friends choose black faucet showerheads, but after using them for a short time, they all regret it.

And those made of white or stainless steel are easier to care for, more versatile, and less prone to traces of scale.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

In addition, choosing a shower head with constant temperature and bubble boosting will make bathing more enjoyable. Using it will stabilize the water temperature and make the water flow gentle and comfortable when it hits the body.


Principle 3 of no regrets in decoration: Hard decoration should be taken seriously

Light decoration, heavy decoration, has been a saying circulated in the industry in recent years, hard decoration is simpler, soft decoration is more brilliant, making more and more people realize that , and also experienced its beauty.

Hardware installation is irreversible once construction is confirmed. If cannot be the icing on the cake, then the bottom line must be maintained. What is the bottom line of hardware installation for ?

For example, the bottom line of noise, the bottom line of tolerable indoor temperature in winter, the bottom line of circuit usage and load, the bottom line of water leakage prevention, etc.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews


Before renovation, a comprehensive inspection should be conducted to check the sound insulation of the walls, whether there are any problems with noise from outdoors, neighbors, and sewer pipes. If so, sound insulation protection should be provided.

Use sound insulation cotton etc. through sealed doors and windows, walls and sewer pipes. The initial stage of decoration should be arranged in advance to avoid regrets after moving in.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

Floor heating~

In the south, many families choose to install floor heating to spend the winter. Homes with floor heating will feel more comfortable, provide warmth in winter, and dehumidify during rainy weather.

Therefore, install floor heating if possible. If you don’t consider it properly when decorating, you won’t have the chance to regret it after moving in. 's self-installed floor heating allows you to control how long you want to run it, without being restricted by the heating company.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews


Principle 4 of No Regrets in Decoration: Reasonable Utilization of Kitchen and Bathroom

Kitchen and bathroom are places with small usage area but full functions, so they should be decorated wisely.

Choose a large single sink

In the kitchen of a small apartment, it is recommended to use a large single sink. It is more practical than a double sink. It can wash pots and is convenient for dishwashing and hygiene. In fact, the small sink on one side of the double sink basin is very efficient to be honest. Low, you have to clean it every time.

In fact, a large single slot can fully meet the daily needs of a small family.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

Recommendation: It is better to choose an undercounter basin for a large single sink. It is clean and has no dead ends. If there is accumulated water and food residue on the countertop, you can directly sweep it into the sink with a rag.

Install sensor lights

Sensor lights can be applied to every space indoors. In the kitchen, they can be installed under the cabinets. For example, when cooking at night, the embarrassment of backlight is avoided. If your hands are wet, just wave with your hand. It is safe, simple and convenient.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews

Sensor lights should also be installed at the entrance, so you don’t have to look for the switch in the dark when you go home at night. They should also be installed in the corridor, bathroom, bedroom bedside or under the bed, so that it is easier to get up at night without turning on the lights to dazzle the eyes and affect the family’s rest.

There are many friends around me who are renovating their houses. Everyone agrees that decoration is not a matter of success or failure that can be answered in one sentence. However, a friend who has renovated several houses gave a simple and direct answer. He said: If you don’t  - DayDayNews


The above are the things that need to be paid attention to when decorating. In some places, you really have to be willing to spend a lot of money, and try your best to stay there for a few years without regrets.

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