This article has a total of 2471 words and takes about 5 minutes to read. Financial Investment News reporter Xue Lei Text/Picture Would you spend 90,000 yuan to buy a pot of green plants? Recently, in a live broadcast room, after 11 rounds of fierce bidding, a pot of "White Tears

2024/06/2922:14:33 home 1340

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Financial Investment News reporter Xue Lei Text/Picture

Would you spend 90,000 yuan to buy a pot of green plants? Recently, in a live broadcast room, after 11 rounds of fierce bidding, a pot of "White Tears Monstera" was sold for 90,000 yuan. Some media reported that hot plants are a new luxury product for young people and the new darling of the investment community.

Is this really the case? A reporter from the Financial Investment News found that the price of hot planting this year has already dropped compared with last year, and the story of a thousand gold leaves is coming to an end..

With the continuous improvement of domestic hot planting methods, the once "luxury products" have entered the homes of ordinary people. In Sansheng Township, Chengdu, you can even buy three or four pots of comparable tropical plants for less than 100 yuan. . Professional hot planting players have also begun to gradually accept domestically produced cuttings and cultivated plants. Some players even spend high prices to build greenhouses and spend a lot of time and energy studying hot planting. Whether

is expensive to buy or not, whether it is a hot planting player or a hot planting enthusiast, price has never been the only criterion for judging hot planting.

This article has a total of 2471 words and takes about 5 minutes to read. Financial Investment News reporter Xue Lei Text/Picture Would you spend 90,000 yuan to buy a pot of green plants? Recently, in a live broadcast room, after 11 rounds of fierce bidding, a pot of

Most people in the circle are mainly hobbies.

Hot planting is the collective name for "tropical foliage plants." According to Li Xiang, a hot planting merchant in Chengdu, most hot planting players currently like Araceae plants the most, including flower candles. Family , calla family, Dieffenbachia family, Monstera family , etc. The price of a plant is mainly related to its rarity. If it belongs to the same species, the price is mainly determined by its degree of brocade. "Plant out of brocade" is used to describe the common mutation state of plants, which is mainly reflected in the variation of color. The price of brocade plants is generally higher than that of conventional plants.

Affected by the epidemic in 2020, young people who stay at home began to look for things to entertain themselves at home. Because the appearance of hot plants is quite different from that of mainland plants, with thick and thick leaves and different colors, they are sought after by a small number of young people. , the concept of hot planting exploded on a small scale, and the price went up accordingly. The exaggerated price made hot planting officially enter the public eye.

According to Li Xiang, Chengdu’s thermal planting circle is relatively advanced in China. But despite this, there are not many posts when searching for Chengdu Hot Plant on a certain grass platform. Li wanted to say that they have a large group of hot transplant enthusiasts in Chengdu, with a total of thousands of people. Many of them go to a coffee shop in Wuhou District for offline meetings. The owner of the cafe is a senior hot transplant player. In his cafe, there is a hot-planting room. It is said that one wall is worth tens of thousands of dollars.

A reporter from Financial Investment News came to Sange Rezhi Cafe. The room where the hot plants are placed is at the innermost area and is not large. There are about 300 pots of hot plants in the room. The room is equipped with air conditioners, humidifiers, fans, constant temperature and humidity , and the hot plants grow very well. Many hot-planting enthusiasts said that this is the most comfortable hot-planting holy place in Chengdu, and many planters even bring their own plants to "use the air conditioner".

This article has a total of 2471 words and takes about 5 minutes to read. Financial Investment News reporter Xue Lei Text/Picture Would you spend 90,000 yuan to buy a pot of green plants? Recently, in a live broadcast room, after 11 rounds of fierce bidding, a pot of

Third Brother’s Hot Planting Room

The green plants in Third Brother’s flower shop are expensive and come from different places. Mainly from South America, Indonesia , Thailand, Netherlands and Japan. Most of them come from Thailand, and the prices are cheaper. Hot plants from South America are the most expensive, not because the plants are expensive, but mainly because of the shipping cost. The third brother of

told reporters that he started to practice hot planting around 2016, and prices had not yet risen. At that time, a pot of flower candles could be purchased for about 51,000 yuan. If it were placed in the first two years, it might cost tens of thousands. The initial construction cost of this flower house was about 500,000 to 600,000 yuan, but it is difficult to estimate the price of the flower house.

The third brother said that he had bought too many plants, many of them had died, and he had never calculated how much he spent in total. Moreover, the thermal planting foam is too heavy, and the price varies a lot every year. Especially this year, the price of hot planting has plummeted. Take the most expensive burnt leaf orange stem brocade in the flower shop as an example. It was purchased for 63,000 yuan per pot in 2021, but it is almost half cheaper this year.

The prices of other hot plants have also dropped.A reporter from the Financial Investment News learned that last year a burnt white turtle leaf cost more than 10,000 yuan, but this year you can buy it for about 6,000 yuan; a flower candle leaf cost a thousand yuan last year, but this year you can buy it for only 400 yuan; the price of trout begonia In high school, a leaf cost several hundred yuan, but this year you can buy a large pot for less than 100 yuan. Both players and merchants are lamenting that the price of hot planting has dropped too quickly this year.

According to the third brother, his Hot Planting Flower Shop is currently the largest open non-profit flower shop in the Mainland. Previously, a boss wanted to buy his Burnt Leaf Orange Handle Brocade at a high price, but he declined because "it hasn't been done yet." So poor that he sells flowers.” The hot plants in Sange's store are his personal hobby showroom and are not for sale. The third brother of said that most people in the industry keep hot plants as a hobby, and the value of hot plants should not be measured by money.

This article has a total of 2471 words and takes about 5 minutes to read. Financial Investment News reporter Xue Lei Text/Picture Would you spend 90,000 yuan to buy a pot of green plants? Recently, in a live broadcast room, after 11 rounds of fierce bidding, a pot of

Hot planting players "make leaves from leaves"

There are not many stores selling hot planting in Chengdu, and there are even few hot planting exhibition halls.

According to the third brother, players mostly buy plants online, while Chengdu plant friends mostly buy plants offline at a hot planting studio near Liulichang. The shop has no name and the owner is known as "Snail". Snail was once a well-known player in the industry, and he only started doing hot planting business in the past two years.

With the introduction of the third brother, the Financial Investment News reporter quickly found the Snail Hot Planting Shop. This is the first floor and basement of a residential building. There is no sign at the door. You can see a few good-quality flower candles in the garden in front of the door. The real hot plants for sale are in the basement.

followed the staff, walked through the steep stairs, and arrived at the hot plant warehouse.

It has a structure of four rooms and one living room, with thousands of pots of hot plants neatly stacked on the shelves, and there are many hot plants on the balcony in the basement. The prices of these hot plants vary. The most expensive one, Chengshanjin, costs tens of thousands per leaf, while the cheapest, White Lover, costs only 30 yuan per pot.

According to the staff, the most common thing that novice planters buy is white turtle leaves. The price of a good white turtle leaf is about 600 yuan, and the price of a bad one is about 400 yuan to 500 yuan.

This article has a total of 2471 words and takes about 5 minutes to read. Financial Investment News reporter Xue Lei Text/Picture Would you spend 90,000 yuan to buy a pot of green plants? Recently, in a live broadcast room, after 11 rounds of fierce bidding, a pot of

The white turtles sold by Snail Studio

At the bottom of many shelves, there are many white turtles and flower candles being cultivated. There are not many complete potted hot plants in the studio. Most of them are single leaves and are sold on a per-piece basis. The warehouse where the hot plants are stacked has constant temperature and humidity, and the hot plants are in good quality.

According to Zhiyou, Snail was also a player at the beginning, and only started to run a studio in the past two years. The goods are mainly imported from abroad, with high quality. He can also cut and sell them himself, mainly doing online business. Hot planting players in Chengdu usually buy plants from Snail when they buy them offline. Zhiyou privately calls him the "Dongmen Boss". However, generally speaking, there are relatively few offline purchases. Real hot planting players generally buy online. In the past few years, it was pre-ordered, and after filling out the form and paying the payment, you had to wait a long time to get the goods. In the past two years, the transactions were mainly in Xianyu and live broadcast rooms. Most of the snail goods are foreign goods. After purchasing, you can cut and cultivate them yourself, and use the leaves to grow leaves to make a profit.

The third brother also told the reporter of Financial Investment News that most players can cultivate it by themselves. Plants have regeneration function. If they are cultivated well, one leaf can turn into ten pots of flowers. One of his planting friends is also planning to set up a greenhouse in Chengdu this year to specialize in hot planting. Cultivating new seedlings by oneself is an unspoken step in the plant circle.

This article has a total of 2471 words and takes about 5 minutes to read. Financial Investment News reporter Xue Lei Text/Picture Would you spend 90,000 yuan to buy a pot of green plants? Recently, in a live broadcast room, after 11 rounds of fierce bidding, a pot of

Purchasing channels are still mainly online

According to Li Xiang, the sale of hot transplants is mainly online. Currently, there are no more than 10 offline hot transplant businesses in Chengdu, and even the total number of offline stores across the country. Not much. Different varieties of hot plants also have different supply locations. Take begonia as an example. Currently, Shandong is the most famous place for begonia cultivation in China.

The reporter searched for Begonia on Taobao. According to the comprehensive ranking, 7 of the top 10 stores were shipped from Shandong, with the majority being Weifang , while domestically cultivated araceae plants were mainly located in Guangzhou.

Large import and export thermal transplant businesses are mainly concentrated in Hangzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places. Domestic thermal transplant players often get their goods from several large merchants in Hangzhou. The third brother recalled that in the early days of his hot planting business 6 years ago, the main channels for purchasing goods were Xianyu and Taobao. Sometimes he had to wait several months to get the goods when buying a pot of plants.

Why is Hangzhou’s hot planting business the best? The third brother thinks it has something to do with e-commerce background. Hot plants mainly come from Indonesia, Thailand, the Netherlands and South America, and transportation is a big problem. Freshly cut leaves will wither within a day, and potted hot plants have very high requirements on temperature and humidity. When transporting from overseas to within the country, how to control the transportation time and ensure that the humidity and temperature are properly controlled during the transportation process so that the plants do not become stuffy at the roots? How to preserve and cultivate them are difficult problems to solve.

"Hangzhou people are very business-minded. I still don't know how they deliver these hot plants to players. They may have their own logistics system, and they may also use some unconventional methods." Three Brother said.

With the rise of live streaming, the sales position of hot plants has begun to move closer to the live streaming room. The anchor will explain the plants in the live broadcast room, and will tell about the origin, leaf color, root system condition and cultivation methods. When old players buy plants, they will also ask the anchor to measure the length of the leaves. What are the longest leaves and the shortest leaves? The anchor will also ask the anchor to give a close-up of the root system.

This article has a total of 2471 words and takes about 5 minutes to read. Financial Investment News reporter Xue Lei Text/Picture Would you spend 90,000 yuan to buy a pot of green plants? Recently, in a live broadcast room, after 11 rounds of fierce bidding, a pot of

Hot Planting Live Room

There are also disadvantages to buying plants in the live broadcast room. For example, the roots of plants become stuffy during the delivery process, which is very harmful to the plants. The third brother has encountered this situation.

Express delivery will inevitably cause leaf loss and plant roots to become stuffy, but this still cannot replace online, the main channel for hot plant sales. The third brother of analyzed that on the one hand, hot planting cultivation has higher climate requirements; on the other hand, real hot planting players buy large orders and do not care about the damage of one or two plants, while sellers who are good at doing business once When buyers complain, most of the products are reissued voluntarily, and the transaction process is relatively peaceful.

This article has a total of 2471 words and takes about 5 minutes to read. Financial Investment News reporter Xue Lei Text/Picture Would you spend 90,000 yuan to buy a pot of green plants? Recently, in a live broadcast room, after 11 rounds of fierce bidding, a pot of

Hot planting is not synonymous with luxury products.

Domestic hot planting online stores supply plant enthusiasts. The number is larger than that of player stores. Hot planting enthusiasts often gather in groups to discuss the quality of the store. Generally, they will not blindly buy. If the product is in good condition, Bad plants will also avoid each other. Compared with the player store, the price of hot plants in domestic hot plant stores is lower. You can buy four or five pots of good-quality plants for 100 yuan. What Li wants to do is a business for green plant enthusiasts.

Li Xiang's store is located in , the Sansheng Flower Village of . The store mainly sells relatively affordable tropical plants such as begonias and velvets. The most expensive ones only cost just over 100 yuan. He said that hot planting players generally do not come to Sanshengxiang to buy plants, and his target audience has never been high-end players, but junior green plant enthusiasts. All the plants in the store are cultivated in-house. The cultivated varieties include the more expensive white turtle, but they do not sell them because they are "too expensive and there is no market for them."

This article has a total of 2471 words and takes about 5 minutes to read. Financial Investment News reporter Xue Lei Text/Picture Would you spend 90,000 yuan to buy a pot of green plants? Recently, in a live broadcast room, after 11 rounds of fierce bidding, a pot of

Although the hot plant shop in Sansheng Township

sells hot plants, the businesses of Snail and Li Xiang do not conflict. From the perspective of product classification, Snail focuses on the high-end market, selling high-quality rare hot plants; Li Xiang takes the affordable route, selling cost-effective plants that are easy to grow; from the perspective of target audience, Snail is backed by hot planting players across the country, and Li Xiang mainly To do business for local green plant enthusiasts in Chengdu; from the perspective of sales channels, Snail mainly relies on online sales, while Li Xiang mainly relies on the offline market.

Li Xiang, who only started his green plant business in September last year, has now opened four branches in Chengdu. The store with the worst business has a monthly turnover of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and the store with the best business has a monthly sales of 20,000 yuan during the peak season. The amount can exceed 100,000 yuan.

"More and more young people are beginning to like hot planting, but hot planting is not a luxury. The price of hot planting has plummeted this year, and the price of azure plants has come down. It may still be slightly more expensive than conventional plants, but It still doesn’t exceed the average price of plants,” Li said.

The third brother also disagrees with the concept of "hot-planted luxury products".

"Although I have to admit that high-quality hot planting is indeed very expensive, it is very superficial to measure hot planting only with money. I play hot planting because I want to satisfy my own hobbies, and I buy it frequently because I want to make a beautiful wall of flowers and candles. . There is no reason to say that there are hobbies. Some people like to hoard figurines, and some like to hoard blind boxes, just to satisfy their own collecting desires.

This article has a total of 2471 words and takes about 5 minutes to read. Financial Investment News reporter Xue Lei Text/Picture Would you spend 90,000 yuan to buy a pot of green plants? Recently, in a live broadcast room, after 11 rounds of fierce bidding, a pot of

Flower Candle Wall

The third brother believes that hot plants are just a pot of plants that are scarce in the mainland. Just like the price of Chinese orchids will rise when they go abroad, it is just a regional advantage and there is no distinction between high and low.

As for the previously hyped collection value, the third brother believes that Rezhi does not have it. plants can be cut and are replicable. Unless a certain species is on the verge of extinction and the plant in the player's hands becomes an orphan and no one can cultivate it, it can be said to have collection value.

editor | Chen Yuhe proofread | Yuan Gang review | Miao Xi

This article is | Financial Investment Report jrtzb028 (WeChat ID) |

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