Introduction: It has good meaning and high value. It is called "auspicious grass". It is both a flower and a medicine. There are many benefits to growing it at home. In recent years, more and more people like to grow flowers. It can not only beautify the environment at home, but

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Introduction: It has good meaning and high value. It is called " Lucky Grass ". It is both a flower and a medicine. There are many benefits to growing it at home.

In recent years, more and more people like to grow flowers. It can not only beautify the environment at home, but also It is a good thing to do for the body and mind.

As the saying goes, "People raise flowers, and flowers also raise people." Raising some potted plants that we like and have meanings at home can add a lot of fun to our lives.

Some flower lovers especially like to cultivate some potted plants with meanings, such as good luck, golden liang, wishful grass, clover , money tree, money tree , fortune bamboo , etc. These potted plants are very suitable for keeping at home. They not only have good meanings, but are also very nourishing.

Introduction: It has good meaning and high value. It is called

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The natural plant that the author shared with you today is of great value. It is also a very meaningful potted plant. In our hometown, it has a famous nickname called Guanyin grass .

Why is it called Guanyin grass? Legend has it that the original Buddha became a Buddha by sitting on this wild grass, so people called it "Guanyin grass".

In fact, its scientific name is Jixiangcao. It is also because the Buddha sat on it and became a Buddha, so this weed is regarded as a symbol of auspiciousness, hence the name auspicious grass.

Because its name and legend have very good meanings, many people like to use it as a potted plant to keep at home, hoping to bring good luck and good wishes to their families, which is also a good wish.

This kind of auspicious grass can even be seen in many business shops. It has the meaning of attracting wealth. It has strong vitality and is very easy to grow.

Introduction: It has good meaning and high value. It is called

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Lucky grass not only has a nice name, but also has high ornamental value. Its shape is similar to orchid . The flowers bloom very beautifully, and it can also bear fruits. The red fruits are in bunches, which look like Like Buddhist beads, very beautiful.

Lucky grass also has many aliases, such as Dieffenbachia small leaf, jade belt , pine longevity orchid, bamboo root seven, purple cloth and other names. It is a perennial evergreen herbaceous plant of the Liliaceae Jixiang genus. It is distributed throughout the country. It grows wild in forest edges, grassy slopes, under sparse forests and other places. Nowadays, it is also cultivated artificially.

The rhizome of auspicious grass is creeping, with roots at the nodes, and linear leaves. The flowers bloom in various colors, including white, purple-red, light pink, and light blue, and the flowers are beautiful. Moreover, it has a beautiful plant shape, green leaves, cold and shade tolerance, and is an ideal indoor decoration.

In fact, auspicious grass is not only a flower, but also a valuable Chinese medicinal material. Its medicinal whole plant has the effects of moistening the lungs, relieving coughs, strengthening the kidneys and bones, and can be used to treat asthma, tuberculosis and hemoptysis, chronic bronchitis, and rheumatism. Arthritis , eye nebula, fractures, bruises and other diseases.

Introduction: It has good meaning and high value. It is called

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Because auspicious grass has so many functions, among the people, some elderly people often use auspicious grass and pork to stew soup and drink it. It is curative for colds and coughs and has a good cough relieving effect. Therefore, it is called " cough grass " by the elderly and is very popular among the people.

Lucky grass not only has beautiful flowers, leaves and fruits, but it is also a very beautiful bonsai plant, which is both a flower and a medicine. At the same time, it is also a plant with good meaning and high value, symbolizing good luck, happiness and contentment. Plants like this are rare.

Dear friends, do you have this kind of lucky grass in your hometown? Today's auspicious grass is relatively rare. If you are lucky enough to encounter it, be sure to cherish it and transplant it home quickly. There are many benefits of keeping it at home. Friends who like to grow flowers must not miss it.

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