How to avoid and reduce formaldehyde pollution in new house decoration? Where do common decoration pollutants come from?

2021/09/0918:27:05 home 1762

   As an expert in indoor air purification treatment-Heart Respiration and Aldehyde Removal, some of the usual questions are how to avoid excessive formaldehyde pollution in newly renovated houses as much as possible, and what measures can be taken to reduce formaldehyde pollution after renovating the new house, Where do common pollutants come from after renovation? On the above question, I will give you a brief explanation.

How to avoid and reduce formaldehyde pollution in new house decoration? Where do common decoration pollutants come from? - DayDayNews

   How to avoid and reduce pollutants in new house decoration?

  1. Simplify the decoration style

   After the improvement of the per capita material living standard, most people in the new house decoration are pursuing diversified decoration styles. The decoration styles that use complex shapes and decorations like European classics need to be used. Complex and diverse decoration materials, but the environmental protection level of most domestic decoration materials is far less strict than that of Europe. After using complex decoration materials, it is easy to superimpose various pollutants to exceed the standard. In order to avoid this source of pollutants exceeding the standard, the decoration design Try to choose simple and single as much as possible, and control the environmental protection performance of the decoration materials from the source.

  2, do a good job of indoor ventilation design

   Whether it is a new house or an old house, it is important to keep the indoor air circulating, especially in a newly renovated house. If the indoor ventilation is maintained, it will be beneficial to all kinds of pollutants. How to do a good ventilation design in a new house? If possible, families can directly install fresh air system to increase indoor ventilation. The corresponding ventilation design can also be used to improve indoor ventilation. You can change the position of windows to let indoor air. Convection is formed to increase the circulation of indoor air.

  3, do a treatment to remove formaldehyde

   As a team that specializes in the removal of formaldehyde from the heart and breath of indoor air purification, it only recommends scientific and effective methods for removing formaldehyde.Keep windows open regularly for ventilation. Some activated carbon can be placed in a confined small space. Remember to replace it regularly. For efficient and scientific methods of removing formaldehyde, you can find a professional formaldehyde removal company to use chemicals for professional treatment.

How to avoid and reduce formaldehyde pollution in new house decoration? Where do common decoration pollutants come from? - DayDayNews

   Where do common decoration pollutants come from?

  1. Wood flooring. Wood flooring is divided into two categories: natural and man-made. Among them, man-made composite panels are made by high-pressure compression of wood, which requires a large amount of glue to bond the wood together. The so-called "no formaldehyde and no glue", the formaldehyde content in wood flooring mainly comes from glue. If the glue is environmentally friendly, then wood flooring is also more environmentally friendly. If you want to choose wood flooring, it is recommended to choose solid wood flooring or directly select wood grain tiles , it is better to choose more natural decoration materials as much as possible.

  2. Wallpaper, paint and paint. When choosing wallpaper, the most important thing is to choose glue that meets environmental protection standards. If the glue smells great, it is likely that the environmental protection is not up to standard. The putty, latex paint, wood coating used in the decoration and painting also contain formaldehyde, which is easy to release in a high temperature environment. Even if it is ventilated for several months after decoration, it will continue to release formaldehyde in the home. When choosing coating materials, it is necessary to choose carefully.

   3. Furniture cabinets and customized furniture are very popular nowadays, but it is recommended not to build cabinets on-site. It is easy to release contaminants when cutting panels on site, and accumulate to a certain extent, it is easier to exceed the standard. You can choose to build the furniture outside and then move it indoors for assembly.


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