Shou Niang who is very friendly to bonsai novices, easy to raise, plastic and strong

2021/09/0403:31:02 home 1711

Shou Niangzi, also called Qiao Niangzi.

Shou Niang who is very friendly to bonsai novices, easy to raise, plastic and strong - DayDayNews

Shou Niang who is very friendly to bonsai novices, easy to raise, plastic and strong - DayDayNews

Shou Niang who is very friendly to bonsai novices, easy to raise, plastic and strong - DayDayNews

Shou Niang who is very friendly to bonsai novices, easy to raise, plastic and strong - DayDayNews

picture shows the current status, you can control the size of

lady leaves life through timely pruning Advantages:

is evergreen throughout the year, and can continue to contribute green vision to the home

has strong budding power, that is, it is resistant to pruning, and it is not afraid of broken hands, because it will soon have new leaves to grow.

If the root system is developed, then its growth will be stable, and it will extend the roots deep into the soil to absorb nutrients and water, which is easy to nourish, worry-free, and will not hang up at all times.

Shou Niang who is very friendly to bonsai novices, easy to raise, plastic and strong - DayDayNews

Shou Niang who is very friendly to bonsai novices, easy to raise, plastic and strong - DayDayNews

Shou Niang who is very friendly to bonsai novices, easy to raise, plastic and strong - DayDayNews

Shou Niang who is very friendly to bonsai novices, easy to raise, plastic and strong - DayDayNews

life lady doing bonsai when the blade to trim a little sparse and there are many levels , Because its roots are better, just highlight the beauty of the roots.

Shou Niang who is very friendly to bonsai novices, easy to raise, plastic and strong - DayDayNews

Shou Niang who is very friendly to bonsai novices, easy to raise, plastic and strong - DayDayNews




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0Shou Niangzi likes a warm, humid and semi-shady environment. The soil is loose and breathable, more ventilated, and intolerant to winter. In winter, it is put indoors for the winter.

Finally, because it grows fast, the pruned shape will quickly turn into a bunch of green because of the lush foliage, so pay attention to the shape, pruning more, and pruning. It is really friendly for bonsai novices. You can always contact, because Shou Niangzi is always green all the year round, so you can buy a few more pots, make them with rocks or cliffs, and practice your hands more, which is conducive to improving. .


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