The ten strongest military divisions of the Three Kingdoms: Why doesn't Zhuge Liang rank in the top five? See who is in front of him?

The period of the Three Kingdoms was an era of talent blowout. In addition to the five generals of Shu Han, the five good generals of Cao Wei and the eight tigers, there were many military divisions. So, they had a great time fighting wits and courage on the big stage of the Three Kingdoms in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. This article selects the ten strongest military divisions of the Three Kingdoms in official history. Who are they? Where is Zhuge Liang ranked?

Tenth: Chen Gong

Chen Gong, the word Gongtai, the chief adviser under the tent of a generation of heroes Lu Bu. He was upright, originally Cao Cao's confidant, but later turned against Cao Cao because Cao Cao killed Bian Rang. Chen Gong persuaded the brothers Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao to betray Cao Cao and welcome Feng Lv Bu to enter Yanzhou and occupy the rear of Cao Cao.

After losing the battle with Cao Cao, Chen Gong and Lu Bu moved to Xuzhou and successfully captured Liu Bei's Xuzhou. When Lu Bu was surrounded by Cao Cao in the city of Xiapi, Lu Bu did not heed Chen Gong’s plan of horning each other, and was finally defeated and killed. The brave and inexperienced Lv Bu can achieve the record of occupying Yanzhou and Xuzhou, mainly relying on the plan of Chen Gong, so Chen Gong has a place in the top ten military divisions.

Ninth: Guo Jia

Guo Jia, the word Fengxiao, is the premier strategy officer under the account of Cao Cao, and the officer to the military division offers wine and seals Weiyang Pavilion. When Cao Cao had a hard time making a choice, the country would put forward its own unique insights, defeat all opinions and win. It is a pity that Guo Jia died of illness when Cao Cao conquered Karasuma. He was only 38 years old and died young. If Guo Jiaduo lives for a few years, it is better to live until Cao Wei is established, and his achievements will be great. Now, his untimely death has affected his ranking and can only be ranked ninth.

Eighth: Xu Shu

Xu Shu, the character is straight, Liu Bei’s first big adviser. He planned many strategies for Liu Bei and helped Liu Bei repel Cao Jun's offensive. Xu Shu was not jealous of the virtuous at all, and recommended to Liu Bei a good friend Zhuge Liang who was ten times stronger than him, and he had a third of the world. He is still a filial person. Because his mother was captured by Cao Jun, he had to leave Liu Bei and return to Cao Cao. But because Xu Shu left Liu Bei and arrived at Cao Ying, he didn't make much contribution, and he almost didn't say a word, which affected his ranking, so Xu Shu was temporarily ranked eighth.

Seventh: Ju Grant

Ju Grant, "Small ambitions, more powers", originally Han Fu, don’t drive, Yuan Shao became the master of Jizhou and was reused. He helped Yuan Shao seize the three states of Qingzhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou, and then unify Hebei. Long before Cao Cao took the emperor to make the princes, Jushou made similar suggestions to Yuan Shao. He put forward the correct strategies for Yuan Shao, such as welcoming the emperor, opposing the separation of the lords, and three years of fatigue, but Yuan Shao did not adopt it.

In the battle of Guandu, Jushou's slow-moving tactics against Cao Jun's weaknesses were once again rejected by Yuan Shao. After Yuan Shao was defeated and fled, Jushou was unfortunately captured by Cao Jun and refused to submit to Cao Cao. Later, when he fled, he was defeated and killed. Jushou is Yuan Shao's most powerful adviser. If Yuan Shao follows his advice, there is probably nothing wrong with Cao Cao.

Sixth: Zhuge Liang

Zhuge Liang, whose name is Kong Ming, he has two identities. He was a military officer in the early stage and became the prime minister of the Shu Han in the later stage. He is no longer a military commander, but an army. Coach. Therefore, this article only analyzes Zhuge Liang's performance before Liu Bei's death. Zhuge Liang proposed "Longzhong Pair" for Liu Bei, and he is a very good strategist.

He also went to Jiangdong to persuade Sun Quan and form an alliance with his three-inch tongue to resist Cao Cao's army. When Liu Bei entered the Sichuan and Hanzhong battles, Zhuge Liang administers the local area in the rear to ensure the supply of grain and grass on the front line. After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang had five northern expeditions. He was the commander of the first army and was no longer a military division, so he was not considered.

Fifth: Sima Yi

Sima Yi, the same principle as Zhuge Liang, when confronted with Zhuge Liang Qishan, he is also the commander of the first army and is not considered. So just look at his performance when he was a counselor before. Sima Yi was very arrogant, and looked down upon Cao Cao's origins as a "supplementary castration", and once rejected Cao Cao's call.

Cao Cao threatened Sima Yi with his life, and he gave in and responded to Cao Cao's call as an official. His most notable performance was to help Cao Pi defeat Cao Zhi and win the battle for reserve. Before Cao Pi died, Sima Yi and Cao Zhen, Chen Qun, and Cao Xiu became auxiliary ministers, assisting Wei Ming Emperor Cao Rui. After that, Sima Yi stepped forward and became Cao Wei's general.

Fourth: Lu Su

Lu Su, the word Zijing, when Zhou Yu was the commander of the three armies of the Eastern Wu, he was a counselor, and after Zhou Yu died of illness, he was not considered a military adviser. So, just look at Lu Su's performance before he took control of the military. He was the facilitator of the Lianjun Sun and Liu. As early as when Cao Jun went south to Jingzhou, Lu Su entered Jingzhou alone to find Liu Bei's alliance. Lu Su urged Sun Quan to lend Liu Bei the Jingzhou (South County) that Zhou Yu had taken to deepen the alliance.

Third: Pang Tong

Pang Tong was a great contributor to Liu Bei's entry into Yizhou. Without Pang Tong, Liu Bei would not necessarily open up Yizhou or occupy Yizhou. Liu Bei brought Pang Tong army division to Yizhou, why not bring Zhuge Liang, this has already explained the problem. In the military, Pang Tong had a greater effect on Liu Bei than Zhuge Liang. For example, Liu Bei had been in Sichuan for more than a year. When Jia Mengguan didn’t know what to do, Pang Tong made suggestions for him. If he proposed upper, middle, and lower, he pointed out the direction for Liu Bei. , And finally captured Yizhou. Unfortunately, Pang Tong died in battle, and his brilliant plan cannot be concealed.

Second: Fazheng

Fazheng, who is also a great hero of Liu Bei's entry into Sichuan. When Liu Bei entered Sichuan, Fazheng abandoned Liu Zhang and welcomed Liu Bei to become Liu Bei's great counselor. His most outstanding performance was the battle of Hanzhong, he made suggestions for Huang Zhong, and the battle-cut general Xia Houyuan made great contributions to the capture of Hanzhong. It is a pity that not long after Liu Bei became king of Hanzhong, Fazheng died of illness.

First: Jia Xu

Jia Xu, the word is harmonious, not gentle at all, but he is the biggest poison in the Three Kingdoms. After Dong Zhuo's death, Jia Xu made plans for Li Hao and Guo Bang, counterattacked Chang'an, defeated Lu Bu, and beheaded Wang Yun. When he was under Zhang Xiu's account, he had made a surprise for him and defeated Cao Cao twice. Jia Xu later persuaded Zhang Xiu to return to Cao Cao and become Cao Cao's great adviser. In the battle of Tongguan, Jia Xu offered a divorce plan to get rid of Ma Chao and Han Sui and pacify Guanzhong. He also secretly assisted Cao Pi and became the eldest son of Wei Wang Cao Cao. In the troubled times, Jia Xu lived 77 years old and died well, and he deserved to be called the first military division.


Jia Xu, Fazheng, Pang Tong, Lu Su, Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang, Jushou, Xu Shu, Guo Jia, Chen Gong, the above ten are the Three Kingdoms The ten most powerful military divisions. Among them, most of Zhuge Liang's achievements were revealed when Liu Bei died and became the prime minister of the Shuhan. For example, he calmed down Nanzhong, five times the northern expedition, assisted Liu Chan, and stabilized the kingdom of Shuhan. He was placed in the rear by Liu Bei during the military division period to manage the place. His military strategy was not as good as Pang Tong, Fazheng and others, so he ranked behind them.

Jia Xu, Lu Su, and Sima Yi all have their own unique places. For example, Jia Xu is hailed as the smartest counselor of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Su facilitated the Sun Liu Alliance, and Sima Yi killed Zhuge Liang when he confronted Zhuge Liang. All are better than Zhuge Liang, so they rank ahead of Zhuge Liang.

Comprehensively, in the official history of the top ten military divisions of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang was not ranked in the top five, but only ranked sixth.

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