Someone asked me: Who is the greatest figure in the history of China? I think that if you want to define "greatness", then he should do the following: 1. Establish an advanced social system;

Author: Doubtful Explorer (Member of China Popular Science Writers Association)

Someone asked me: Who is the greatest figure in the history of China?

Chairman Mao

I think that if you want to define "greatness", then he should do the following:

1, establish an advanced social system;

2, contribute to the development of social productivity;

3, contribute to the development of advanced culture The direction has made some achievements. A brief analysis of


1 establishes an advanced social system.

There can only be outstanding politicians or political theorists here.

2, contributes to the development of social productivity. People like

are divided into politicians and scientists.

3 has made contributions to the development of advanced cultural directions.

Here, it should be thinkers (including politicians) and scientists (science is also a kind of culture).

It can be seen that the greatest historical figure must be a politician or scientist.

Here, it involves a question: Do politicians or scientists contribute more to society?

I think that from the perspective of historical development rules, politicians have surpassed scientists in the past. From the perspective of future development direction, See, scientists will gradually replace politicians. But this point is still far away, at least a few centuries away. The greatest possibility in the future is that the identities of scientists and politicians will merge into one. Therefore, as of now, the greatest in human history should still be a politician. Scientists come second. The same is true in China.

The role of politicians is to find and formulate appropriate social systems, and the core of social systems lies in "how the means of production are distributed."

Because the world is very big and has differences in geography, climate, history, and race, social systems will be very different. Improper distribution of means of production often hinders the development of a country. Even democracy is not a panacea for solving all problems.

For example, in Zimbabwe in Africa, people vote for people from their own tribe in every general election, based on which tribe has the largest number of people, rather than voting for the person who is most suitable to be president. After all, humans have subjective tendencies, which is a biological flaw.

and artificial intelligence can automatically choose the distribution of production materials for humans, gradually replacing the role of politicians. Therefore, science must transcend politics.

Getting back to the subject, if I were to select the greatest figures in Chinese history, I think that except for the legendary ancient saints, such as Yellow Emperor Fuxi, there are very few great figures in the real world. From my personal point of view, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping are both great men that I admire more. If we must say the greatest figure, it must be Comrade Mao Zedong.

For five thousand years, there is only one person.

On my bookshelf, there is a hardcover version of the complete works of Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong's poems. I often read and think about Mao Zedong's works repeatedly.

We respect and worship Mao Zedong, not as a god or as a superstitious person, but as a pragmatic acknowledgment that Mao Zedong Thought is indeed useful. It just has value. Whether it is before liberation, the "first 30 years" after liberation, or after reform and opening up, Mao Zedong Thought can solve many practical problems.

Even science popularization work can draw on the power of Mao Zedong Thought. Just like my writing about genetically modified science, I was praised by many people because I practiced the spirit of "seeking truth from facts" and "without investigation, no right to speak" in Mao Zedong Thought; I was also insulted by many ignorant netizens, but the more I fought, the more courageous I became. , I am not discouraged at all. This is because the ideas in Mao Zedong Thought of "the right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life", " serve the people without fear of sacrifice", "protracted war" and "piecemeal nuggets" have helped me a lot.

I also carried out science popularization work to promote atheism. Mao Zedong Thought’s concepts of “staying away from officials”, “anti-denominationalism” and “following the mass line” also gave me guidance in action.

Mao Zedong's personality and courage deeply touched me. The grievances he suffered during the revolutionary years were 10,000 times that of mine, the difficulties and setbacks he experienced were 10,000 times that of mine, and the tests of life and death he experienced were 10,000 times mine. . Under such difficult circumstances, he powerfully transformed a seemingly hopeless, extremely weak and broken semi-colonial semi-feudal agricultural country into a stand-up Eastern power, completely changing the mental outlook of the people across the country, and daring to dare U.S. imperialism and Tsarist Russia imperialist competition, and eradicated illiteracy in poverty and poverty, developed "two bombs and one satellite", and laid the foundation for the country's industrialization.

Therefore, in the process of fighting against all kinds of monsters and monsters, I am often wronged, slandered and insulted by some ignorant netizens. What does that mean? It's simply insignificant and not worth mentioning. Improving the scientific literacy of the people is a long revolutionary process in itself. It requires determination, perseverance and patience. The determination to go through fire and water to move forward, the perseverance to work hard despite being slandered without honor, and the ability to withstand a lifetime of loneliness. patience.