On June 30, the Provincial Department of Transportation organized some retired retired comrades to carry out party day activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st and Welcome the 20th National Congress", and visited Harbin's "Old Dongjiang Bridge" site and Dadingzishan Avi

celebrates the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, reviews the party’s glorious history, eulogizes the party’s great achievements, and inspires the sense of glory and mission of veteran party members and cadres. On June 30, the Provincial Department of Transportation organized some retired retired comrades to carry out party day activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st and Welcome the 20th National Congress", and visited Harbin's "Old Dongjiang Bridge" site and Dadingzishan Aviation and Electricity Hub. Visit the dam.

In front of the ruins of the "Old Dongjiang Bridge", everyone listened carefully to the humiliating construction history of Dongjiang Bridge. In 1932, Japan invaded Harbin. Thousands of Chinese workers were kidnapped by the Japanese army to build the Dongjiang Bridge. The workers worked for more than 15 hours a day. If they showed any slightest neglect or resistance, they would be stabbed to death and thrown into the river by the Japanese army. The Japanese took advantage of the Dongjiang River. Qiao frantically plundered Heilongjiang's resources. When they heard that the People's Liberation Army heroically liberated Harbin in April 1946, and that the Dongjiang Bridge finally returned to the embrace of the people, and that the bridgehead of the Japanese invading army became a factory for road maintenance workers, some old comrades shed tears of excitement. Nowadays, the newly built Binbei Bridge, both for road and rail, stands majestically on the east side of the "Old Dongjiang Bridge". Under the reflection of the rising sun, it further highlights the image of China entering the new era. The old comrades stopped to watch, exchange insights, and received a profound education on party spirit.

When we arrived at the Dadingzishan Navigation and Power Hub Dam, we walked into the ship lock command building, and the magnificent first-level ship crossing facilities came into view. During the visit, the comrade in charge of the ship lock introduced in detail the difficult history of the construction and development of ship-passing facilities and the fruitful results achieved by public welfare navigation assistance. Along with the commentator's introduction, the old comrades who participated in the construction of the aviation and power hub also excitedly recalled the hardships of the construction. Everyone present was shocked when they saw the operation of 6 sets of water turbine generator sets with a single capacity of 11MW in the generator building. The magnificent water transportation project tells the hard work of generations of transportation people and the hard work of the pioneers.

The old comrades discussed while visiting, looking forward to the future development of Longjiang transportation in terms of the opening, innovation, green, environmental protection, and intelligence of the aviation and electronics hub. Everyone expressed that they feel extremely proud and proud to be an old traffic person. Although they have retired, they must continue to carry forward the traffic spirit of hard work, hard work, integrity and innovation, and contribute to promoting the high-quality development of Longjiang transportation. own strength.

Source: Department Office

Editor: Jiang Bin

Editor in charge: Liu Kai