Guo Longzhen was born in Daming County, Handan, Hebei Province in 1894. In 1923, she was introduced to the Communist Party of China by Zhou Enlai and Yin Kuan and became the first female Communist Party member in Hebei Province.

Guo Longzhen was born in Daming County, Handan, Hebei Province in 1894. In 1923, after being introduced by Zhou Enlai and Yin Kuan, she was promoted to a member of the Communist Party of China and became the first female Communist Party member in Hebei Province.

In 1925, Guo Longzhen was engaged in underground work under the leadership of Li Dazhao. On April 28, 1927, Li Dazhao was killed by the Communist Party warlord Hu Jintao, and Guo Longzhen was also unfortunately arrested. A year later, she was rescued and released from prison by the party organization, and was then sent to work in the Northeast. In November 1930, she was arrested again in Qingdao, Qingdao. Faced with the torture of the enemy, Guo Longzhen only replied firmly in 8 words: "I would rather sacrifice than surrender!" In the early morning of April 5, 1931, Guo Longzhen died heroically. , only 37 years old.

pursued faith and light. During her 12-year revolutionary career, she was arrested 6 times. However, she remained determined and became stronger with each setback. Zhou Enlai praised her as "the strongest warrior". She fought for the liberation and awakening of Chinese women all her life. A lifetime of struggle.

Source: Hebei Radio and Television Station Hebei Client