Our party has been established for a hundred years and has made extraordinary achievements. We are full of joy in celebrating this year and feel excited when we think of the past. Marxism-Leninism spreads the truth, the hearts of the Chinese people are overjoyed, their blood is b


Qiao Yingwei

Our party has been established for a hundred years,

its brilliant achievements are extraordinary,

this year’s celebration is endless,

I feel excited when I think of the past.

Marxism-Leninism spreads the truth,

the innocent hearts of Chinese people are overjoyed,

blood is boiling and secretly mobilized,

the world is churning and making huge waves.

The serfs are awakened to stand upright,

The frontier of the struggle is raging,

The gun is in the hands of the poor,

The faith defends the political power.

In 2021, the spring thunder sounded,

the Communist Party of China was established,

led the people to seek welfare,

a spark started a prairie fire and strengthened the righteousness.

Nanhu Red Boat points the way,

the victorious years are played,

there is a wave of love along the way,

the world is turned upside down.

1924 was a good year.

The Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated.

Communists were strong-willed and

took the lead in saving the nation.

It is said that in 1926,

the Northern Expedition spread rapidly,

Ye Ting led the team most courageously,

severely beating the warlords to frighten the enemy.

In 2027, dark clouds fell,

Chiang Kai-shek's coup led to retreat,

white terror darkened the outlook,

the national revolution kept the fire.

In 2028, the new movement was added,

the Red Army joined forces Jinggangshan ,

persisted in fighting guerrillas despite danger,

branches built up new forces.

There was a severe drought in the middle of 29,

the people were unhappy and deeply resentful,

officials forced the people to flee for their lives,

responded by joining the Red Army.

In order to prevent the increase of forces in the red zone,

Chiang Kai-shek mobilized troops to encircle and kill.

The Red Army in the Soviet area fought for their lives and

won all four counter-suppression campaigns.

Countless soldiers shed blood,

Inner-party struggles were also fierce,

Li De abused his command power,

it was very difficult to lose one after another.

It was different in three or four years.

The Central Red Army went north,

rushed left and right in the hope of victory,

arrived in Zunyi in January of the following year.

held a meeting and everyone recommended it,

the chairman took power and everyone praised it,

the leader had a good way of delivering the good news,

made the enemy confused.

It is very flexible to attack from the east to the west.

Cross Chishui four times to throw away the enemies.

Warriors fly to capture Luding Bridge .

Snow mountains and meadows are free and easy.

joined forces in the northern Shaanxi base area,

the red flag was fluttered to celebrate the victory,

the army had a backbone,

the people who defended the political power were blessed.

In 1936,

Xi'an Incident broke out.

General Zhang Yang listened to the party's advice and

forced Chiang Kai-shek to contribute to the fight against Japan.

People were heartbroken for thirty-seven years.

The Japanese invaders ravaged the customs.

The Anti-Japanese War lasted for eight years.

All kinds of battles were very frequent.

Many Kuomintang troops fled,

our party's troops rushed forward,

a strange incident occurred in southern Anhui,

the Communists were tested.

Our army achieved great victory at Pingxingguan ,

The hundred-regiment battle increased the army's power,

The fierce battle was against eight routes,

Guerrilla resistance against Japan was carried out behind enemy lines.

There is hope in the next four to five years.

The Japanese invaders will surrender unconditionally.

The revolutionary forces are developing rapidly.

The call for justice will spread overseas.

The Chiang Dynasty was afraid of changes in the weather,

met in Chongqing for fake negotiations,

entered 1946,

launched a civil war, abandoned the peace talks.

Liao Shen, Huaihai and Pingjin,

the three major battles people were saved,

the Liberation War became famous,

the Nanjing government finally perished.

I like to see the year 1949,

the blue sky and colorful clouds hanging in the sky,

the red flag of the founding of the new country was displayed,

the people's power showed that they were the masters.

Entering 1950,

the U.S. imperialist invasion of Korea was raging,

the great leader issued an order,

acted together to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea.

Reinforcements crossed the Yalu River,

vowed to wipe out all the U.S. troops,

the people of China and North Korea were connected, and

defeated the American emperor.

In 1958, it left a deep mark,

The Great Leap Forward of the People's Communes,

In order to combat the imperialist revisionists,

Steel was smelted to promote development.

The 1960s were really strange.

There were disasters in the first three years.

Khrushchev was engaged in restoration.

I was stuck in my neck and was talking unreasonable.

The Chinese people stand tall,

overcome all difficulties and make new achievements,

tighten their belts and focus on production,

pay off foreign debts and become emboldened.

Social education was launched in 1964,

political education was very necessary,

became a household name and focused on ideas,

unified understanding promoted growth.

A big wish came true in the same year,

successfully developed the atomic bomb ,

a mushroom cloud suddenly appeared in the sky,

the enemy was panicked at the sight.

By 1966,

the cultural revolution was raging,

the ten-year movement had grasped the soul,

the merits and demerits would be left to future generations to comment on.

It is gratifying that the army is as stable as a mountain,

it will not disrupt the overall situation and maintain peace,

the party's ideals are above all else,

the people's love for the party is as strong as iron.

Let’s talk about 1970,

The satellite was launched into the sky with unprecedented joy,

Oriental Red Song resounded in space,

Everyone in the universe knew about Mao Zedong.

Things have not been going well in the past seventy-six years.

There was a big earthquake in Tangshan, Hebei Province.

Three great men have passed away.

Who will lead the great governance?

Thanks to the wise Party Central Committee,

the Gang of Four was crushed in one fell swoop,

the dark clouds were cleared to see the blue sky,

the future is bright and the road is bright.

I remember that in 1978,

Comrade Xiaoping stepped forward,

and as soon as the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the CPC was convened,

people across the country were all smiles.

In the 1979 years, when the war of self-defense and counterattack against Vietnam was , our army charged forward and achieved its goal of rapid victory.

The 1980s are a prosperous time,

is becoming popular all over the country with each passing day,

the college entrance examination system is more effective,

talents from all walks of life are showing vitality.

Land contracting is a true scripture,

the rural economy will be revitalized,

the whole people will launch a great competition,

all walks of life will develop rapidly.

The 1990s were great.

regained lost ground and returned to the motherland.

Hong Kong returned in 1997, and

Macau came to accompany us in 1999.

Double happiness came to the door to show prestige,

united as one to express pride,

Xiaoping waved his hand to point the way,

one country, two systems played the triumphant song.

Let’s look at October 1, 1999, the 50th issue of the National Day Ceremony,

the sea, land and air parade over Tiananmen ,

the military parade ceremony was very moving.

The silver eagle spreads its wings and salutes are fired,

balloons doves fly,

the national flag is hoisted with lanterns and colorful decorations, and

the national anthem is sung loudly and legendary.

There were so many major events in the 20th century,

it is difficult to describe them in detail at once.

I eulogized the party’s merits with great joy, and

did not forget to continue the new Long March . The

era has entered a new century.

is celebrating its victory with the icing on the cake.

is just scratching the surface without writing in detail.

will break it down next time.

Thanks to the Communist Party of China,

has a broad mind and a wide influence on the world.

In order to realize the Chinese dream,

works together and is invincible.

creates a community with a shared future,

wants to make the whole world happy,

goes all out to attack the cutting-edge, and

catches up with the slogan that shakes the sky.

There is no need to ask if you join the Party for your achievements.

The kindness of the Party is indescribable.

A strong country in science and technology will take full advantage of it.

It will be praised by the whole world for carrying on the past and forging ahead into the future!

Party Branch of Dongcun, Jixian Town, Zhouzhi County

July 1, 2022
