In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, we will continue to strengthen the quality and effectiveness of the "Year of Capacity and Style Construction" activities, enhance the sense of mission and responsibility of prosecutors and police officers,

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, we will continue to strengthen the quality and effectiveness of the "Year of Capacity and Style Construction" activities, enhance the sense of mission and responsibility of prosecutors and police officers, and further prepare for the ideological and political preparations for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party. On June 29, Wang Yan, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chief Prosecutor of the People's Procuratorate of Mingshui County, led police officers to the Ma Yuxiang Memorial Hall to carry out an on-site education activity on "Welcoming the 20th National Congress and Always Follow the Party."

During the educational activity, everyone dressed in inspection uniforms, lined up neatly, and visited the five exhibition areas of Ma Yuxiang's life, Li Renxuan, Ma Yuxiang's residence, Wei Wei and Ma Yuxiang, and the audio and video room with reverence, and paid homage to Ma Yuxiang's life. Books, relics, videos and other precious historical materials, and listen carefully to the heroic deeds of martyr Ma Yuxiang. Through precious historical photos and historical relics, we can personally experience the great contributions and sacrifices made by the Communists on the road to national salvation and prosperity, and deeply understand the principles of "firm belief, courage to sacrifice, selfless work, and hard struggle". Ma Yuxiang’s spirit of sacrificing himself for others and being good at creation.

At the end of the visit, under the leadership of Wang Yan, Secretary of the Party Committee of the hospital and Chief Prosecutor, all police officers reviewed the oath of joining the party.

By visiting the memorial hall, party members received a profound and intuitive party spirit education and soul baptism. The police officers have expressed that they will devote themselves to procuratorial work with a more high-spirited mental state and fighting attitude under the inheritance of the glorious tradition of their ancestors, and build souls for the realization of innovative development, leapfrog development, high-quality development moral cultivation of the procuratorial cause in the new era. The Party’s next 100-year journey lays a foundation for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party.

Editor: Chen Baoshuang

Text: Chai Mengying

Review: Li Cui'e

Source: Political Department