Comrade Nong Guangbo, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Dean of the Party, led all the police officers to review and learn from Malipo, from the early revolutionary activities of the Party in Malipo to the comprehensive liberation of the Malipo Special Zone, to the comp


In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party, it further stimulated the enthusiasm of the entire hospital and police officers to love the party, the country, and the hospital, unite people's hearts, and boost morale. On June 30, Malipo County People's Court carried out a series of celebration activities in various forms.

Special Party Classes recall the history of the Party and draw on the majestic power of progress

Comrade Nong Guangbo, Secretary of the Party Group and Dean, from the early revolutionary activities of the Party in Malipo to the comprehensive liberation of the Malipo Special Zone, to the comprehensive struggle to suppress the remaining bandits, and then to self-defense In terms of counterattacks and other aspects, we led all police officers to review and study the history of the Party in Malipo County, deeply understand the revolutionary struggle spirit of Party history, absorb the wisdom of history, and encourage all police officers to sharpen their character in historical experience, remember their identity as party members, and inherit Carry forward the "Spirit of Laoshan", implement the action of "doing practical things and being at the forefront" into work, and truly implement the court's "Spirit of Laoshan" with practical actions.

The anti-corruption party class builds a line of defense and promotes the construction of "corruption agencies"

Comrade Nong Guangbo, secretary of the party group and dean, combined with the current "case-based reform" and "corruption Malipo" construction, taught everyone a special class on the anti-corruption party, which was profound We analyzed the weak links in our hospital's party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work, and explained them from aspects such as improving awareness of disciplines and rules, strictly implementing system regulations, and rectifying practical problems, guiding police officers to build a strong ideological defense line against corruption and anti-corruption, and proactively Be observant of rules and disciplines in work and life, and take action to promote the construction of "Incorruptible Malipo".

On-site teaching to understand the thoughts and the spirit of revolutionary struggle

organized all the police officers of the hospital to go to the Southern Xinjiang Memory Exhibition Hall and Balihe Dongshan to carry out on-site teaching on patriotism and party day activities with the theme of "Re-walking the Red Road and Gathering Judicial Strength". Listening to the commentator's wonderful explanation of the self-defense counterattack at the Southern Xinjiang Memory Exhibition Hall made all the police officers personally feel the sacrifices made by countless revolutionary martyrs to protect the health of the motherland, the safety of the mountains and rivers, and the safety of the people.

We also went to the original site of the Bali River Dongshan battlefield to re-trace the red route, and arrived at the "Shangganling" called "Shangganling in the 1980s" to experience the contributions of the revolutionary martyrs fighting in extremely difficult conditions and protecting territorial integrity. The police officers were organized to recite the poem "A Diary to Mom". The police representatives conducted exchanges and speeches based on actual positions, and combined the "Laoshan Spirit" and the " Xichou Spirit" of the new era to talk about how they practice the " Wenshan principles" in their posts. "Do it", Comrade Nong Guangbo, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Dean, issued political birthday greeting cards to party members, and encouraged all party members and police officers to always remember their identity as party members, give full play to their role as role models, actively devote themselves to the party's judicial cause, and promote the development and progress of Malipo Court .



recited the poem "Diary to Mother"



The police representative spoke



Issued a birthday card

Physical activities boost motivation and unite officers to work together to start a business

In order to enhance team cohesion, the officers and police were organized to sing "My Motherland and Me" "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China" celebrates the party's birthday.

In various cultural and sports activities such as "Tug of War", "Two Persons and Three Legs", and "Megaphone", the unity of all police officers was gathered, fully demonstrating the style of court police officers, and creating an atmosphere for the convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

"Tug of war"

"2 people and 3 legs"


Draft/proofread: Dai Huimin

Editor: Dai Huimin

Reviewer: Tao Zhengyong


Party Founding Day

(Source: Ma Li People of Po County court)