On September 4, 1993, after more than a month, the humiliating "Galaxy" incident finally came to an end. During the course of several days of negotiations, the Americans looked for trouble at every turn, agreed to random inspections, and finally rummaged through every cargo box o

On September 4, 1993, after more than a month, the humiliating "Galaxy" incident finally came to an end. Diplomats from China and the United States, together with diplomats from the "middleman" Saudi , are preparing to sign the inspection report on the merchant ship Galaxy.

But at this time, the American representative suddenly asked to modify the inspection report text .

Chinese representative Mr. Sha Zukang became angry when he heard this statement. During the course of several days of negotiations, the Americans looked for trouble at every turn, agreed to random inspections, and finally rummaged through every cargo box on the Galaxy merchant ship.

The merchant ship Yinhe took a group photo after returning to China.

Just like this, Americans have to modify the text. It is really unbearable!

Just when Sha Zukang was about to curse, the American representative spoke.

“We hope to add certain adjectives such as ‘thorough verification’, ‘categorically stated’, ‘not included at all’ in the inspection report. "

Sha Zukang was stunned at this moment.

You must know that the "Yinhe" merchant ship incident was a false accusation by the United States that the Chinese merchant ship "Yinhe" was carrying chemical weapons raw materials destined for Iran . When the two sides first started negotiating, regardless of whether we No matter how you explain it, the Americans just don't want to believe it and insist that the CIA has obtained accurate information that the Galaxy is carrying chemical weapons materials.

During the inspection process, the American diplomats also made things difficult for them. I thought that before signing the joint report, the US representatives were prepared to cheat on the text.

Who would have thought that the words they wanted to add to the text of the investigation report were actually to help China and clear our suspicions.

Shazu. Kang's first reaction was to suspect that these Americans were engaged in some kind of conspiracy. But this investigation was conducted under the eyes of a third country, Saudi Arabia. If the Americans wanted to commit a conspiracy, not even China, Saudi Arabia would agree to it. .

In the middle is the Saudi representative.

So, why did the U.S. representative at that time help China clear its suspicions after the investigation?

The root of the problem must start with the CIA.

Around 1993, the Soviet Union had disintegration, the United States dominates the world and seeks defeat alone. However, there are two countries that are still regarded as serious problems by the United States.

The first is China, and the second is Iran.

Needless to say, the disintegration of the Soviet Union . After that, China automatically became the leader of socialist countries. The United States has always hoped that China could disintegrate like the Soviet Union, but it has always been unable to do so. The color revolution is not very effective for China.

Both sides are nuclear powers, so it is impossible for them to fight, but the United States always wants to find opportunities to make China unhappy.

As for Iran, it has something to do with the oil in the Middle East. After the first Gulf War, Iraq was temporarily defeated. Iran was the only powerful country in the Middle East that still had no dealings with the United States.

Therefore, the United States imposed strict oil sanctions and weapons bans on Iran. Luck. Most other countries do not dare to offend the United States, and even if they trade with Iran, they do so secretly.

CIA logo

Only China refuses to obey the orders of the United States and still maintains commercial relations with Iran. Hegemony, so the White House wants to humiliate China and "kill the chicken to scare the monkeys."

The Galaxy incident in 1993 broke out under this background.

But China is not a small country like Iraq. The United States took a small bottle of washing powder and dared to call it a weapon of mass destruction, and used this as a reason to go to war against Iraq.

Although the United States did not like China at that time, it also far surpassed China in terms of economic strength. But after all, China is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations and a country that legally possesses nuclear weapons. The United States does not dare and cannot go to war with China. We can only think of ways to bully China outside of China.

But China is not the United States, and it does not like to build military bases everywhere and engage in economic colonization.At that time, there was little money to invest overseas. In addition to conducting necessary energy trade with Iran and countries in the Middle East, we basically stay at home and engage in construction. It can be said that they are deaf to the fight for hegemony and only focus on small money.

Therefore, it is not easy for the United States to kill the "chicken" of China and warn the "monkeys" of other countries.

It was not until July 1993 that the CIA finally obtained "reliable" intelligence, which was a loading list of the Chinese merchant ship "Yinhe". This list recorded that the merchant ship "Yinhe" carried " sulfur dioxide" "Glycol" and "thionyl (xian) chloride " are two chemical raw materials that can be used to make biological and chemical weapons , and are destined for Iran.

This is really a sleepy moment. Someone gave me a pillow. The excuse of raw materials for biological and chemical weapons is so suitable to use to attack China. On the one hand, as long as the United States firmly holds the "moral high ground" of the United Nations prohibiting the use and proliferation of biological and chemical weapons, even if it forcibly seizes Chinese merchant ships without following the rules, China will have nothing to say.

On the other hand, the merchant ship Galaxy will dock at an Iranian port, killing two birds with one stone. It will severely suppress China's prestige, and it can also be used as a reason to continue sanctions or even attack Iran.

Mr. Sha Zukang

So, after receiving the information, the US State Department began to attack China as quickly as possible.

On July 23, 1993, the United States accused the Chinese merchant ship "Yinhe" of selling raw materials for chemical weapons of mass destruction to Iran. While threatening to impose sanctions on China, it directly sent two warships and five helicopters to intercept the Chinese merchant ship "Yinhe" on the high seas.

Later, the Chinese government took the initiative to verify the cargo carried by the Yinhe merchant ship one by one and confirmed that it did not contain the two chemical raw materials mentioned by the United States. and inform the United States of the results.

However, the US government ignored it and insisted that its intelligence was accurate. He also proposed to inspect the cargo on the Yinhe merchant ship.

From a national level, this request is extremely rude and has no basis in international law. The Yinhe is a Chinese merchant ship and its route is the high seas. No matter from which point of view, the United States has no jurisdiction. Why should they ask for inspection?

Those who fall behind will be beaten. Of course, Americans do not stop Chinese merchant ships by being reasonable. From the very beginning, this incident was a shameless intrusion by a hegemonic country on the normal business practices of another country.

At that time, our country's strength was insufficient, and dozens of crew members on the merchant ship Galaxy were stranded at sea without access to supplies. If this continues, their lives cannot be guaranteed.

As a last resort, China could only agree to the United States’ request to board the ship for inspection.

Still photos of the Galaxy incident that were restored in the rabbit

On August 26, 1993, under the auspices of the "middleman" Saudi Arabia, representatives of China, the United States and Saudi Arabia held the first negotiation on the issue of merchant ship inspection. After 9 hours of arduous negotiations, China, the United States and Saudi Arabia finally determined the overall inspection process:

first reviewed the "Yinhe" freight list, found out the goods destined for Iran, and conducted a visual inspection; secondly, for the containers in question, It can be removed for unpacking and inspection; finally, after the inspection, Saudi Arabia, China and the United States will sign the result report and make it public.

htmlTwelve days later, delegations from China, the United States and Saudi Arabia officially boarded the ship for inspection. There are no raw materials for so-called chemical weapons in the United States on the Yinhe. Naturally, nothing can be found through inspection.

But this "Yinhe" incident has become known to the whole world, and the global media is watching. The US representative is also riding a tiger at this time. On the grounds that no chemical raw materials were found and they could not explain it to the U.S. government, they temporarily changed their minds and changed the spot inspection format previously agreed upon by the three parties, requiring that every cargo box on the Galaxy merchant ship be inspected.

So the two sides reached a stalemate again. After several days of games between the top leaders of both sides, on September 1, representatives from the three parties inspected the merchant ship Galaxy again. This inspection uncovered all 782 cargo containers on the Galaxy. The Americans The so-called raw materials for chemical weapons have still not been found.

U.S. aircraft carrier fleet

Only then did the incident mentioned at the beginning appear. The U.S. representative took the initiative to modify the text to help China completely clear away suspicion.

So the question is, why did the US representative do this? In fact, the reason why these officials from the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs added certain words such as "thorough verification," "categorically stated," and "not included at all" in the inspection report was not to help China. Remove suspicion.

Those who are clean will self-clean. China’s innocence has been proven as early as the moment the inspection was completed, and there is no need for the US representative to emphasize it.

What they do is actually a kind of anger after being played. The one who played tricks on them was none other than the CIA.

To put it simply, the CIA’s so-called “absolutely reliable” intelligence is actually not reliable at all. The loading list obtained by their intelligence did contain chemical raw materials destined for Iran, but either the underground spies could not get the real information, so they made it up, or they got the wrong waybill. Because the merchant ship Galaxy had no intention of going to Iran since it left the Chinese port.

There are more than a dozen intelligence agencies in the United States

American diplomats, who were deceived by a piece of false intelligence, went to Saudi Arabia in the summer to compete with Chinese diplomats. In the end, he discovered that he had been defending lies from the beginning, and one can imagine his irritation.

Therefore, they insisted on adding those deterministic words in the investigation report, in order to confirm the CIA's responsibility for the mistakes in its work and putting the United States in an embarrassing position.

Sure enough, after this report came out, the second-in-command of the CIA was directly removed from his post and received due punishment.

Judging from the results, the Galaxy incident proved China's innocence and made the United States lose face in front of the world for a while. But judging from the source, this should not have happened at all.

It was only because we did not have a navigation system at the time and our navy was not strong enough to compete with the United States that the Galaxy incident occurred. Chinese diplomats and the crew of the Galaxy merchant ship could only maintain it as much as possible by doing their best. the dignity of the motherland.