My father is a veteran cadre with more than 80 years of party experience. The old comrades who fought and worked in Zhao County during the war years are all his close comrades-in-arms and life-and-death friends, so I have many amiable uncles, uncles, and aunts. , I always visit t

In order to rescue and excavate Zhao County party history materials, the Zhao County County Party Committee invited old comrades who had fought and worked in Zhao County to hold two party history symposiums in 1983 and 1998 respectively. I was fortunate to attend the symposium and Detailed records were made. My father is a veteran cadre with more than 80 years of party experience. The old comrades who fought and worked in Zhao County during the war years are all his close comrades-in-arms and life-and-death friends, so I have many amiable uncles, uncles, and aunts. , I always visit these elders during festivals, business trips, and travels. During my interactions with them, I also heard many times some of their memories of the war years. Now all these elders have passed away. In January this year, my 96-year-old father also passed away. Whenever I think of their extraordinary experiences, I always shed tears, especially when I think of those heroes who sacrificed their young lives bravely and unyieldingly during the war years, my blood boils. Time flies, years are ruthless, and before I know it, I am already 77 years old. It is my unshirkable responsibility to use my pen to write down the experiences of my fathers and leave them to future generations during my lifetime, and it is also a tribute to these fathers who have passed away. The best and most meaningful memory, which is also the original intention of writing this article.

In the summer vacation of 1928, Zhang Xiyan and Ge Yongsheng, who were studying at Baoding Second Normal University in Zhao County, returned to their hometown and secretly recruited Wang Guanghan and others to join the Communist Party of China. They established the first party organization in Zhao County, the Zhao County Special Branch affiliated to the Longping County Committee of the Communist Party of China. committee. Our Zhao County Party Organization is under the leadership of the Longping County Party Organization, and most of the early Communist Party members in our county were members of the Kuomintang, especially those who developed in the county. Almost 100% of them had joined the Kuomintang. People can't help but ask: What on earth is going on? Then let us start with Zhang Xiyan and Ge Yongsheng’s Second Baoding Division.

Baoding No. 2 Normal School was founded in September 1904 by the famous educator Yan Xiu. It was originally called Baoding Junior Normal School. In 1909, it was renamed Zhili Second Junior Normal School. In 1912, it was renamed Zhili Provincial Second Normal School. Later, with the cancellation of Zhili Province and the establishment of Hebei Province, it was renamed Hebei Provincial Second Normal University in 1928. In 1909, when it was founded, the academic system was five years, and in 1923, the new academic system was changed to six years. The Second Normal School is a government-run secondary normal school with no tuition and food fees, so there are many students from ordinary farm families. They come from the middle and lower classes of society and are more familiar with the suffering of the masses of people. Because of this characteristic, the Second Division became a hotbed for the survival and development of the Communist Party. In 1923, the school had members of the Communist Party of China and the Socialist Youth League (renamed the Communist Youth League on January 26, 1925). In 1925, the school’s Communist Party branch was established. Later, the Second Division of Baoding became the activity base of the local party organization in Baoding, known as the "Little Soviet Area in the North" and the "Second Red Division". At that time, it was the birthplace of revolution in the land of Yanzhao and . According to incomplete statistics, from 1923 to before the "July 6th" massacre in 1932, Communist Party members and Communist Youth League members of Baoding Second Division responded to the Party's call and used their winter and summer vacations to return to their hometowns to go deep into 53 counties in Hebei Province to publicize Marxism, spreading revolutionary fire, developing party members and league members, establishing party and league grassroots organizations, and established party organizations in 29 counties. The Second Division of Baoding made pioneering contributions to the early party building of our province. The school has successively trained 53 provincial and ministerial-level leading cadres and 27 university party committee secretaries and school deans, as well as academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences Shi Changxu, famous writer Liang Bin, American scientist Guo Xiaolan and other celebrities. . Xiaozhuang Normal University, which was founded by Hunan First Normal University and Tao Xingzhi, an educator, is known as the "glorious representative of secondary normal schools."

In August 1925, students from classes 4, 5, and 6 of the new system of Baoding No. 2 Normal School were admitted. Zhang Xiyan in our county was assigned to class 4, and Ge Yongsheng was assigned to class 6. Hou Xiquan, a student from Longping, Class 4 (now the eastern part of Longyao County, ), was introduced to the Communist Youth League in his hometown in the first month of 1925 by Zhu Linsen (who was admitted to the new class 1 of the Second Normal University in 1923). In May 1926, he was appointed as the Second Secretary of Baoding Secretary of the division branch, he became a formal member of the Communist Party of China in August. At that time, the Party branch secretary of the Second Division was Han Wendong, a student from the Tang Dynasty in the first class of the new system.Under the organization of the school's Party and Youth League branch, Zhang Xiyan and Ge Yongsheng not only participated in acting and fundraising activities in support of the "May 30" tragedy, but also eagerly read "New Youth ", " Wizard ", " Yusi" ”, “Duxiu Wencun”, “February 7th Memorial Book” and other progressive books and periodicals, and joined the “Social Science Research Association” and gradually accepted Marxist ideas. In the winter of that year, Zhu Linsen and Hou Xiquan successively led Zhang Xiyan and Ge Yongsheng to secretly join the Communist Party of China. In August 1927, the Shunzhi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was established, and immediately rebuilt the Baoding City Party organization that had been destroyed by the enemy in 1926. The Baoding Special Branch of the Communist Party of China was newly established, with Han Wendong as the secretary of the special branch, and the office was located in the Second Normal School. During the summer vacation of 1928, Zhang Xiyan and Ge Yongsheng were instructed by the special branch to return to their hometown to develop party members and establish the Zhaoxian Communist Party organization.

In April 1928, Li Jixian, the special commissioner of the Kuomintang Northern Expedition’s Beijing-Hankong Line Field Party Affairs Steering Committee, came to Zhao County to register and develop Kuomintang members and establish the Kuomintang Zhao County Party Branch. Li Jixian, whose original name is Li Yanlin, is from Hongzidian Village, Pingshan County. He belongs to the left wing of the Kuomintang. After the Kuomintang's new right wing headed by Chiang Kai-shek launched the "April 12" armed coup against the Kuomintang left wing and the Communist Party and massacred the Communist and Kuomintang left wing, the Kuomintang left wing headed by Soong Ching Ling still insisted on implementing Mr. Sun Yat-sen's "Alliance with Russia" The three major policies of "the Communist Party of China, the Communist Party of China, and the support of farmers and workers" advocated cooperation with the Communist Party, overthrowing the warlord powers, and striving for national independence. After Li Jixian, a leftist member of the Kuomintang, came to Zhao County, he did not take the upper-level route and stayed away from the landlords and gentry. He actively looked for progressive young people and used these people as the main body to form the Zhao County Kuomintang organization. He and progressive young people Wang Guanghan, Niu Wenxi (Niu Jieren) and others formed the Kuomintang Zhao County Party Headquarters Preparatory Committee, and registered Kuomintang members at Berlin Temple. After launching a series of connections, more than 100 people were registered among progressive intellectuals and students. Ge Yongsheng took this opportunity to also register as a member of the Kuomintang. Among these progressive young people, he actively promoted the ideas of Marxism and the Communist Party, and organized young people to study progressive books and periodicals such as "A Brief Introduction to Socialism", " History of Social Development", "A Brief Introduction to Historical Materialism", "New Youth", "The Communist Manifesto" , so that these young people can accept Marxist theory and deepen their understanding of the Communist Party. In August, Zhang Xiyan and Ge Yongsheng successively promoted Wang Guanghan, Song Jichen and others to join the Communist Party of China, and then formally established the Zhao County Special Branch Committee of the Communist Party of China (referred to as the Special Branch Committee) at Ge Yongsheng's house in Xiguan with Zhang Xiyan as branch secretary, Ge Yongsheng as the organizing committee, and Wang Guanghan as the propaganda committee member. ). At that time, Shijiazhuang did not yet have the leadership of the Communist Party of China to lead the entire region, and it was too far away from and Baoding . More importantly, the party organization in Baoding at that time was only a special branch. How could one special branch lead another special branch? In view of this, Zhang Xiyan and Ge Yongsheng thought of Longping County, which is close to Zhao County. Zhu Linsen and Hou Xi, who encouraged them to join the party, were both from Longping, and Longping established the Longping County Executive Committee of the Communist Party of China in July 1926 (renamed the Longping County Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1927). The secretary was Zhu Linsen, so the two of them started working together with Longping County The party organization connected, and the Zhao County Party Organization became a special branch organization under the leadership of the Longping County Committee of the Communist Party of China. After the establishment of the special branch, young people such as Niu Wenxi, Yang Jiaoqin, and Qu Qingchen were recruited to join the party. In early September 1928, Zhang Xiyan, Ge Yongsheng, and Wang Guanghan returned to school and left Zhao County. Hu Zhixiang was appointed secretary of the Zhao County Special Branch of the Communist Party of China.

To be continued...

Source: Zhao County Archives

Editor: Ma Pengli

Reviewer: Sun Xiaocong

Producer: Xu Zhepu