My name is Ji Changzhen, I am 76 years old this year. I have had many identities in my life, including being a daughter, a wife, a mother, and a teacher, but the identity that makes me most proud is that of a member of the Communist Party of China.

My name is Ji Changzhen, I am 76 years old this year. I have had many identities in my life, including being a daughter, a wife, a mother, and a teacher, but the identity that makes me most proud is - a member of the Communist Party of China .

Although I was born in the old society, I was fortunate enough to grow up under the red flag. From birth to junior high school, my life has experienced great changes. Under the leadership of the Party, New China is making great strides forward. Because of these personal experiences, I know that socialism is good and the Communist Party can help us live a good life. I have admired the Communist Party since I was a child. When I first entered junior high school, I applied to the class teacher and became the first batch of Communist Youth League members in our grade with my outstanding performance.

In order to move closer to the organization, I persist in learning and constantly improve myself. With in-depth study and understanding of the party's knowledge, I am determined to be a glorious people's teacher and cultivate more useful talents for the construction and development of the country. In 1965, I was studying at Tianjin Normal School and submitted my first application form to join the Party. Since then, I have always held myself to the standards of a party member, united my classmates, studied and worked seriously, and accepted organizational training and tests. In June 1972, I became a member of the Communist Party.

Since I joined the Party 50 years ago, the Party has taught me the belief and attitude of perseverance and hard work. I insist on playing the vanguard and exemplary role of party members in teaching and educating people, and cultivate qualified builders and successors for the party and the country. As a high school ideological and political teacher, the class I led was rated as an advanced collective. My ideological and political teaching results were among the best in the district bureau. Many of the students I taught joined the party in college and became national pillars.

I am now a community preacher and continue to convey the voice of the party through the community "small courtyard lecture hall", new era civilized practice station, micro classroom, etc. This not only makes my life rich and colorful, but also realizes my future after retirement. the value of. Looking at the commemorative medal of "50 Years of Glory in the Party", I was moved and honored. In the future, I will continue to use my own strength to fulfill the original intention and mission of a Communist Party member, set a good example, follow the Party unswervingly, and contribute to the construction of our country. Contribute your strength to the beautiful homeland.