After more than a hundred years of hard work, the Chinese people ended their humiliating history. On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower that "the Chinese people have stood up since then." At that time, many countries did not recognize the

After more than a hundred years of hard work, the Chinese people ended their history of humiliation. On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower that "the Chinese people have stood up since then" . After the founding of the People's Republic of China, diplomatic work was also a highlight. At that time, many countries did not recognize the New China. In order to break the blockade of these countries, the older generation of revolutionaries began to run wild in diplomatic situations.

On March 25, 1960, the Chinese mountaineering team members who were preparing to return to Lhasa for rest at the bottom of the Himalayas received an order. Premier Zhou demanded to climb Mount Everest again at all costs.. Premier Zhou issued such an order because China and Nepal were negotiating on the ownership of Mount Everest at that time. Finally, China climbed to the top from the north slope and put up the five-star red flag.

China and Nepal established diplomatic relations

Nepal is a neighboring country of China, and its full name is the Kingdom of Nepal. The exact location of Nepal is on the southern road in the middle foothills of the Himalayas. Nepal is a typical landlocked country, with an area of ​​only 140,000 square kilometers and a very dense population. Although the area is small, there are more than 30 ethnic groups living in Nepal.

Nepal has established a kingdom as early as the sixth century BC. In 1814, the British invaded Nepal and became a British colony. The United Kingdom recognized Nepal's independence in 1923, Nepal implemented a constitutional monarchy in 1951, and Nepal established diplomatic relations with China in 1955. Nepal is also one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with China.

China is not only a neighbor of Nepal, but the two countries also have a long border. The border between China and Nepal is more than 800 kilometers long. Nepal has been communicating with China since ancient times. The exchanges between Nepal and China can be traced back to the Eastern Jin and Eastern Jin Dynasties thousands of years ago.

In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was an eminent monk named Fa Xian . This eminent monk wrote " Fa Xian Zhuan " after traveling to many countries. Among them, there is a record in "Fa Xian Zhuan" about this eminent monk's visit to Nepal. In Buddhism, Nepal is the holy land where Sakyamuni was born and passed away.

Many people are familiar with "Journey to the West". In "Journey to the West", Master Xuanzang once passed through Nepal when he went to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures. The real Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty Although he did not have three disciples to accompany him to learn the scriptures, Master Xuanzang still retrieved the scriptures from India on his own. It is recorded in the "Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty" written by Xuanzang The place called Ah Qi Po Manchi.

This place is in what is now Nepal, and according to Tang Dynasty historical records, the exchanges between China and Nepal reached their peak in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, Nepal was called the Nepali Kingdom, and the king of the Nepali Kingdom also sent people from his own country to the Tang Dynasty to visit, exchange and study many times.

As a neighbor of China, Nepal has a very long history of exchanges with China. After the founding of New China, Nepal and New China established diplomatic relations in 1955. After the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries still had some disputes. The main focus of debate was the ownership of Mount Everest .

Different maps

Although Nepal established diplomatic relations with China as early as 1955, and the exchanges between the two countries have a long history, they naturally refuse to give in when it comes to territorial issues. The focus of the competition between the two sides is the ownership of Mount Everest. On the other side of Mount Everest is the Kingdom of Nepal. They call Mount Everest Saga Mata.

Sagar Mata means "the mountain that reaches heaven" in Nepali . The Chinese people and the Nepalese people both have deep feelings for Mount Everest. The border between the two sides is more than 800 kilometers long. At that time, most of the border lines had been agreed upon, leaving only the ownership of the sovereignty of Mount Everest.

At this time, both China and Nigeria took out their own historical documents and previous maps. Chinese historical documents and maps drawn by successive dynasties show that Mount Everest appeared in historical materials very early, proving that Mount Everest should belong to China . In China's historical maps, Mount Everest is either drawn on the border line or within the border line.

However, the map provided by Nepal is completely different. According to the map provided by Nepal, Mount Everest is right on the national border. Since the maps of the two sides are completely different, Zhu Feng's ownership has never been discussed. After all, if were all transferred to Nepal, the Chinese people would definitely not be happy, but if all were transferred to China, the feelings of the Nepali people would also be hurt.

The ownership of Mount Everest

Since 1960, high-level officials from China and Nepal have held many consultations on the issue of the ownership of Mount Everest. At first, Nepal insisted that Mount Everest should belong entirely to Nepal, but China's historical maps and historical records show that Mount Everest appeared very early, and as early as 1975, China had survey records of the height of Mount Everest.

Faced with these historical materials, Nepal did not admit it and still insisted on its original ideas. Therefore, the two sides reached a deadlock this time, and the results were not satisfactory. There is still a dispute over the ownership of China. Later, Chairman Mao pointed out that the friendship between China and Nepal should not be affected just because of the ownership of a mountain.

The Nepali side also believes that Chairman Mao’s words are reasonable. Taking into account the direction of Mount Everest and the geographical location of China and Nepal, Chairman Mao suggested that residents from southern China rarely go there, while residents from northern Nepal almost never come, so the north and south are used as boundaries to divide Mount Everest into two parts. two. The southern part of belongs to Nepal and the northern part belongs to China.

Nepal has raised a question. If someone wants to climb Mount Everest, they must climb from the south with a Nepalese visa. Despite China’s clear and friendly attitude, out of consideration of its own interests, Nepal still has not reached a consensus on the ownership of Mount Everest.

At that time, and new China had just been established, which was only more than ten years ago. When China and Nepal were negotiating over the ownership of Mount Everest, they were hyped up and even discredited by some Western media with ulterior motives.

Despite China's sincerity, some people still ask why the Chinese have never climbed Mount Everest since China has always said that half of Mount Everest belongs to China. In 1960, Premier Zhou issued an order to climb Mount Everest at all costs.

Premier Zhou knew that this was a very risky order, and it was also very risky for and the mountaineering team members. However, considering the sovereignty issue of Mount Everest and the country's international image, climbing Mount Everest this time seems more meaningful.

On May 25 of that year, several Chinese mountaineers overcame all difficulties and climbed Mount Everest from the north slope. And this is also recorded by humans. It is the first time in history that someone has climbed Mount Everest from the north. When the five-star red flag flies high on the roof of the world, the whole world sees China's determination to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and also sees the unyielding will of the Chinese people.


Climbing Mount Everest from the north slope is another first for the Chinese in human history. At that time, the equipment of Chinese mountaineers was very backward, but and these team members still showed the courage to light up the Chinese red on the top of Mount Everest despite the courage of thousands of people. Just one year after the five-star red flag flew for the first time on Mount Everest, the two countries finally signed a border treaty and the issue of the ownership of Mount Everest was resolved.