At this important historical juncture, people were surprised to find that the Hong Kong police had also undergone fundamental changes. In the past, when subordinates were lectured by their superiors, they would shout "yes sir", which had strong traces of British colonialism.

Today is the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. Different forms of commemorative activities have been held in Hong Kong and across the country. At this important historical juncture, people were pleasantly surprised to find that fundamental changes had also taken place in the Hong Kong police . In the past, when subordinates were lectured by their superiors, they would shout "yes sir", which had strong traces of British colonization. Today, the Hong Kong police no longer shout "yes sir" but instead shout "Understood, sir". Many netizens believe that this change is in line with public sentiment and deserves praise.

For a period of time, although Hong Kong has returned to China, traces of the British colonial period still remain in all aspects, which is not conducive to Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. So much so that some people miss the British colonial era and gang up to oppose the return to the motherland, undermining Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. Therefore, the return of Hong Kong must comprehensively strengthen the overall rectification of ideology , so that Hong Kong people can return to the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation and find the soul of their own nation.

Culture is the foundation on which a country and a nation are based. The reason why Western powers dominate the world is that they are good at using cultural colonization as a precursor to import Western-led values ​​and culture to countries around the world, and use freedom and democracy as a guise to provoke cultural aggression against countries. When a country, from top to bottom, from the elite to the common people, unanimously recognizes Western values ​​and culture, that nation is not far from collapse. It will become a vassal of Western development and lose its own national dignity.

The former Soviet Union is a tragic specimen that deserves high vigilance.

In order to bring down the Soviet Union, the West carried out decades of cultural penetration and ideological rule over all sectors of Soviet society. The West held high the banner of freedom and democracy and encouraged some people in the Soviet Union to oppose Lenin and Stalin , denying the achievements of the revolution and denying the legitimacy of the Soviet state. This trend of completely westernizing to not only failed to attract the attention of the Soviet leaders, but accelerated the trend, causing the Soviet Union, a great socialist country, to collapse. The blood of tens of millions of revolutionary martyrs was shed in vain.

Now, people in the turbulent former Soviet Union are beginning to wake up. They miss the Soviet Union and regret that they cooperated with the West's anti-Soviet actions in the past, which caused their motherland to fall apart, the nation to lose its dignity and become an object of slaughter.

There has never been a cure for regrets, and there has never been a savior.

The Chinese nation was scattered and allowed to be bullied by others. Thanks to the hard work of Chairman Mao and other older generation proletarian revolutionaries, more than 30 million revolutionary martyrs sacrificed their blood and lives for the founding of New China and defended the dignity of the nation. From then on, The Chinese people are proud and proud and working hard to build a great country.

However, in the name of reform and opening up, some people are actually pursuing total Westernization, worshiping foreigners, and desperately attacking their own culture, smearing their own history, and discrediting their own nation's heroes. This move is exactly the same as overthrowing the Soviet Union. In the cultural field,

focuses on pornography, entertainment, gambling, etc., and uses movies, TV series, animations, etc. as carriers, and slowly penetrates into the lives of Chinese people, making people unable to guard against it. In particular, some domestic traitors, in cooperation with Western forces, have taken full action in teaching materials and other fields, tampering with history, inserting illustrations with ulterior motives, and arranging texts with ulterior motives. Classic texts that truly educate children about patriotism, such as "Liu Hulan" and "The Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" ”, “Who is the cutest person in , ”, etc. were removed from the teaching materials. And articles reflecting foreigners were included in large numbers. And through changes in teaching materials, it has a subtle impact on our children and fundamentally shakes the roots of our national culture.

In the economic field, Western economics has become the godfather of economics that dominates us. We have abandoned the entire economic system established decades after the founding of the People's Republic of China and fully integrated with the Western economic system. We are undefended against Western conspiracies. A large amount of foreign investment has been introduced into China and entered various fields. , becoming a major hidden danger to China’s economic security.

In terms of education, it is completely leaning towards the West. Every year, hundreds of thousands of students in China enter Western universities such as the United States to study, and many jobs in China have opened special channels for people who have returned from studying abroad. For example, in many universities in China, when they recruit professors, if they do not have a background in studying abroad, they will not be able to teach in the university.Papers by Chinese scholars can only be recognized if they are published in Western journals. Whether it is to evaluate professional titles or to continue further studies, the first thing to look at is the paper. Western papers have become the baton for the development of our education.

The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation must first be based on confidence and dignity. Without confidence and dignity, how can we talk about rejuvenation? Today, the Hong Kong police no longer say "yes sir", which is a good start. I hope that all fields will also deeply reflect and review. Are there any other places that are controlled by foreigners? Develop specific measures for self-esteem and self-confidence, and use practical actions to regain self-confidence and dignity. Let the Chinese people walk on the international stage with dignity. Instead of letting foreigners maliciously slander our motherland like a well-known writer.