Ruan Ji, courtesy name Sizong, was born in the Chenliuwei family. He was a poet of the Wei State during the Three Kingdoms period and one of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest. You Guoen: After the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the learning of Lao and Zhuang flourished in the world, a

Ruan Ji (AD 210-263), courtesy name Sizong, was born in the Chenliuwei family (now Kaifeng City, Henan Province). He was a poet in the Wei state during the Three Kingdoms period and one of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest.

Menyin entered the official service and was moved to the infantry school captain. He was known as Ruan Infantry in the world. Adhering to the teachings of Lao and Zhuang, he adopts a cautious attitude to avoid disaster in politics.

Ruan Ji passed away in the fourth year of Jingyuan (263 AD) at the age of fifty-three. As a representative of "Zhengshi Zhiyin", he is the author of "Eighty-Two Songs of Huai", "The Biography of Master Mr. ", etc. His works are included in "Collection of Ruan Ji".

Historical evaluation:

Jin Yuzhong, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised Ruan Ji's noble character and called him "the great sage of the world" ("Preface to the Collected Works of Ruan Sizong").

Lu Xun: Ruan Ji is very good at writing articles and poems. Although his poems are also impassioned, many of their meanings are hidden. Song's Yan Yanzhi is already difficult to understand, so it is naturally even more difficult for us to understand his poems. He also talked about gods in his poems, but he actually didn't believe it.

You Guoen : After the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the learning of Lao and Zhuang became more prosperous in the world, and had a greater influence on our country’s academic thought and literature. Ji Kang has "Yu Sheng", "Sound without Sadness", "Unfortunate Zhang Liao Shu is Naturally Eager to Learn", "Shi" Ruan Ji has three treatises on "Tongyi", "Tonglao", "Dazhuang" and "Biography of Mr. Daren", which talks about theory and theory, DachangXuanfeng. (Chapter 4 of "History of Literature" Prose by Pre-Qin Scholars)

Regarding the ranking of the "Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest" in the past dynasties, Ruan Ji always ranked first, which shows that Ruan Ji's reputation among scholars is high. For example: " Shishuoxinyu·Ren Dan" clearly ranks Ruan Ji first, followed by Ji Kang, Shan Tao third, and the rest of the people are behind the three. The order of arrangement in "The Biography of Famous Scholars" is: Ruan Ji, Ji Kang, Shantao , Xiang Xiu , Liu Ling , Ruan Xian , Wang Rong .

Anecdotes and allusions:

Drunk and avoiding relatives

Sima Zhao In order to win over Ruan Ji, he wanted to marry Ruan Ji. In order to avoid this marriage, Ruan Ji began to drink desperately every day. Every day, he was drunk and unconscious, for 60 consecutive days. God, it was like this every day. The person who was ordered to come to propose marriage could not speak to him at all. Finally, he had to report back to Sima Zhao. Sima Zhao had no choice but to say: "Oh, forget it, this drunkard, let him go!" (Details See " Book of Jin·Biography of Ruan Ji ")

Blue and white eyes

Ruan Ji doesn't speak often, but he often uses his eyes as props and looks at people with "white eyes" and "green eyes". Treat people you hate with a blank stare; treat people you like with a green eye. It is said that after his mother passed away, Ji Kang's brother Ji Xi came to express his condolences. However, because Ji Xi was an official in the court and a person of etiquette and law in Ruan Ji's eyes, he did not care about the etiquette during the mourning period. He gave Ji Xi a big roll of his eyes. Later, when Ji Kang came with wine and a qin, he was overjoyed and his eyes immediately turned from a roll of eyes to a blue.

Contempt etiquette

Ruan Ji likes wine. There is a hotel next to his house, and the hostess is a young and beautiful daughter-in-law. Ruan Ji often went to have a drink with Wang Rong. When he got drunk, he would lie down next to him and fall asleep as if nothing had happened, not avoiding suspicion at all. The husband of that family didn't think he had done anything wrong. During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it was considered a matter of course for men and women not to be intimate, but Ruan Ji didn't take it seriously. Once, his sister-in-law was going back to her parents' home. Ruan Ji not only bid farewell to her, but also sent her on her way. Faced with the gossip and criticism from others, Ruan Ji said: "Are the etiquette and laws designed for our generation?"

Ruan Ji suffered the death of his mother

When Ruan Ji was in mourning for his mother, he drank wine and ate meat at the banquet of King Wen of Jin (Sima Zhao) . Sili Xiaowei He Zeng was also present. He said to King Wen: "You are governing the country with filial piety, but Ruan Ji attended your banquet during his mother's funeral, drinking wine and eating meat. He should be exiled to a remote place to correct the customs. enlightenment.King Wen said: "Si Zong is so sad and depressed. You can't share his sorrow. Why do you still say this?" Besides, if you are sick during mourning, you can drink alcohol and eat meat. This is also in line with the funeral ceremony! "Ruan Ji is still drinking and eating meat, looking at ease.

Source: Biographies of Historical Figures