The security personnel and staff around Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou wore special clothes. Comrade Wang Juchen, a member of Premier Zhou's staff, presented each of us comrades with a Chairman Mao badge, which we solemnly wore on our chests.

Celebrating the Party’s Birthday with the Chairman’s Guards and Soldiers

The guards and staff around Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou wore specially made clothes.

Comrade Wang Juchen, a staff member of Premier Zhou's side, presented each of us comrades with a Chairman Mao badge, which we solemnly wore on our chests.

Comrade Hongyou Meteor specially chose the Shikumen Hotel in Shijiazhuang City for today’s discussion.

Because the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Shikumen, Shanghai, it has profound implications.

Four security soldiers from Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou.

Comrade Lao Bao, a red friend, presided over the symposium.

Li Jintai, Chairman Mao's bodyguard, spoke first. He fondly recalled many touching stories around Chairman Mao. Someone once maliciously spread rumors about the leader. After hearing this, he was trembling with anger and said angrily, I used to work beside the chairman day and night, standing guard for the chairman, how come I didn't see these things? Those who spread rumors and false accusations deserve to die!

Chairman Mao’s bodyguard Ben Lanwu should be a senior familiar to many comrades. On December 26 last year, the video of his speech in Shaoshan, the hometown of Chairman Mao, has been viewed tens of thousands times on the Internet. After seeing the video on the Internet, someone called him and asked: You said the chairman is in the office every day, doesn't he just go home? Mr. Ben said: Chairman Mao has no home. His study is his home. He is with us guards and staff every day. Even Jiang Qing can only see the Chairman on his birthday and Spring Festival a year. It is also difficult for children to meet the chairman. Chairman Mao only had the people in his heart, and he was working hard for the people day and night. We all listened with tears in our eyes. A proletarian people's leader with no private property, no savings, and no personal interests!

Wang Juchen, a staff member of Premier Zhou, affectionately recounted the unforgettable past of Premier Zhou assisting Chairman Mao and loving Chairman Mao!

Hongyou Meteor worked hard for this symposium!

toast! Cheers to the birthday of the Communist Party of China created by the great leader Chairman Mao!

About the author: Liang Tonggang, formerly known as Liang Tonggang. A native of Shijiazhuang City. Graduated from college. He joined the army in December 1974 and served successively as reporter for the 615th Regiment and military representative in the factory. Squad leader. Director, deputy editor and editor of "Police Window" magazine. Hebei Provincial Public Security Department Cultural Section Chief, Deputy Researcher, and Researcher. Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Hebei Provincial Public Security Literary and Art Federation and Chairman of the Writers Association. He began publishing works in 1972 and has published more than 2,500 (first) articles of various types in more than 200 newspapers and periodicals across the country except Tibet and Taiwan Province. In 1999, he joined the Chinese Writers Association . He is an expert in the Social Science Expert Database of Hebei Province, a director of the National Public Security Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and a director of the Hebei Writers Association. He is the author of 6 collections of poems and essays including "Love in the Olive Grove". He has won more than 60 national, military, provincial and municipal awards for various works. His works and deeds have been reviewed by more than 40 newspapers and periodicals across the country. His personal biography has been compiled into more than 30 dictionaries such as "Dictionary of Chinese Writers" and "Dictionary of Chinese Heroes and Models". He has been rated as "Excellent Civil Servant" and "Excellent Communist Party Member" by the department and provincial agencies many times, and has been honored with third-class merit once. He has won the honorary titles of National Self-taught Person, National Outstanding People’s Policeman, National Outstanding Demobilized Veteran, Outstanding Communist Party Member of Hebei Province, Outstanding Communist Party Member of Hebei Province Veteran Cadres, and Outstanding Editor of the First Social Science Journal of Hebei Province.

Picture and text author Liang Tonggang Information Li Jiandong Editor Xiao Chang