Zhejiang Nanhu, a small boat. On the day of birth, from weak to strong. A spark started a prairie fire and gradually grew. At the top of Nanchang City, the first shot was fired. I want to know the Party’s kindness, listen to the Party’s words, and follow the Party!

Zhejiang Nanhu, a small boat. The day

was born, it went from weak to strong.

started a prairie fire and gradually grew.

At the head of Nanchang City, the first shot was fired.

Build a team to help farmers and workers.

After defeating the local tyrants, the land was divided again.

occupied Jinggang and established a base.

encircled and suppressed them five times and defeated them one by one.

Crossing Chishui four times is like God’s control.

The grasslands and deserts can be traveled without falling.

Plateau snow-capped mountains, bowing their heads in greetings.

Cave dwellings in northern Shaanxi , a spark.

Spinning cotton and weaving cloth, self-sufficient.

Hundred Regiments Battle , the Japanese army was defeated.

Xi'an incident , grasp the current situation.

Chongqing negotiates and strategizes.

Three major battles, the liberation of the country.

is self-reliant and started from scratch.

development plan, three to five years.

The peninsula is on fire, protecting the homeland and the country.

went to Ganzhiling and frightened the American emperor.

Banmen signed, sincerely surrendering.

Economic construction, people's communes.

educated youth, go to the mountains and go to the countryside .

Cultural revolution, ten years of catastrophe.

Reform and opening up, bringing order out of chaos.

The people are prosperous and the country is prosperous and strong.

The dragon explores the sea and looks at the sky.

Shenzhou Tiangong, traveling across the universe.

The aircraft carrier was launched to enhance the prestige of our country.

fights corruption and promotes integrity with the people at heart.

Rural revitalization and poverty alleviation.

fights corruption without mercy.

be honest and self-disciplined, strictly govern the party.

’s birthday is coming, and I wish the party forever.

As a party member, fulfill your obligations.

The party is established for the public and governs for the people.

’s original intention remains unchanged and its mission remains on its shoulders.

Dang, mother, I love you so much! I want to know the favor of the Party, listen to the Party, and follow the Party!