From the Party History Research Office of the Nanchong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Red Culture Research Association of the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, the Sichuan Provincial Party School of the Communist Party of China, the Marxist Sch

News from this website [Reporter Yuan Jun] On the morning of June 30, the launch ceremony of the second "Long March Road·Side for Deeds" and the seventh purpose forum event were held in the Guest Expo Park of Ma'an Town, Yilong County, Dexiang's hometown. Zhu De's Granddaughter Ms. Zhu Xinhua sent a video speech for the event. He also entrusted Commander-in-Chief Zhu De’s last security secretary, Mr. Li Tingliang, to come to the scene to congratulate him.

This event was jointly organized by the School of Marxism of the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, the Sichuan Yujie Cultural Foundation, the Sichuan Side Cadre College and the Sichuan Red Culture and Education College.

comes from the Party History Research Office of the Nanchong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Red Culture Research Association of the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, the Sichuan Provincial Party School of the Communist Party of China, the School of Marxism of Sichuan Tourism University, the Sichuan Red Culture and Education College, the Yujie Cultural Foundation of Sichuan Province, and the Yilong of the Communist Party of China County Party Committee Propaganda Department, Nanchong City District and County Party Schools, Party School of Bazhong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Deng Xiaoping's Hometown Management Office, Zhang Lan's Hometown Management Office, Zhang Side Memorial Hall, Red Fourth Front Army General Headquarters Former Site Memorial Hall , Sichuan Provincial Popular Literature and Art Research Association Responsible comrades from relevant units attended the event. Biandan Cultural Art Troupe, Beidou Industrial Park Geographic Information Management Company in Western Sichuan Province, Chengdu Non-Public Enterprise College, Chengdu Chamber of Commerce in Nanning, Guangxi, Ya'an Rongjing Granite Mine and other guests as well as People's Headlines, International News Network, China Police Net, China City News, Sichuan News Network , cover news , Nanchong Daily and other media friends were invited to participate in this event.

Yilong County, Sichuan is not only the birthplace of the founding father, Commander-in-Chief Zhu De, but also the hometown of Comrade Zhang Side, a shining example of serving the people. Therefore, it is affectionately called the "Hometown of Dexiang" by people all over the country.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the event officially started. Xiang Chao, member of the Standing Committee of the Yilong County Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, delivered a welcome speech; Li Tingliang, Zhu De's former security secretary, read a congratulatory message on behalf of Zhu De's granddaughter, Ms. Zhu Xinhua.

Sichuan Yujie Cultural Foundation, Sichuan Tourism College , and Sichuan Side Cadre College were awarded the "Zhu De Research Institute".

Wang Yinglong, executive vice president of Yilong County Party School (Sichuan Side Cadre College), gave a report on the sixth purpose forum and the first "Long March Road·Side Action" activities.

After the forum, all the guests went to Zhu De’s Former Residence Memorial Hall to carry out commemorative activities.

laid a flower basket to the white marble statue of Comrade Zhu De under the scorching sun.

and reviewed the oath of joining the party, collectively recited "Serving the People", and listened to the micro-party class - "Inspirations Left to Us by Zhu De's Glorious Life".

took a group photo after visiting the Memorial Hall of Comrade Zhu De’s Former Residence.

It is reported that this year’s seventh purpose forum will be held in Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hebei and Beijing.