That's because a true general can either use superior strategies such as "attacking the heart and attacking the mind" to eliminate the enemy without any bloodshed, or he can fight on different battlefields and silently provide unparalleled support for victory. The protection of k

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There is an old saying: "He who is good at fighting has no great achievements."

That's because a true general will either use the best tactics such as "attacking the heart and attacking the heart" to eliminate the enemy invisibly without a single blow, or he will fight without a fight. On the same battlefield, silently providing unknown guarantees for victory.

In the revolutionary history of our country, there is such a revolutionary veteran. He almost stayed in the northern Shaanxi border area of ​​our party during the entire Anti-Japanese War, but his achievements were not as good as those of the generals who went abroad. Half a point less.

So what did he do?

The important task of guarding the family

In 1931, Chiang Kai-shek gathered hundreds of thousands of troops to launch the third "encirclement and suppression" campaign against our Chinese Communist Soviet area. In Lichuan, at least three divisions of the Kuomintang came with great momentum. At this time, the main force guarding Lichuan was It is Xiao Jinguang, political commissar of our 11th Red Army and commander of the Fujian-Jiangxi Military Region.

But Xiao Jinguang only has a teaching team of 70 people and hundreds of local armed forces. How can he defend Lichuan with this kind of strength? He could only retreat while fighting, taking guerrilla warfare to the extreme. However, in the end, under the overwhelming force, he was still outnumbered and had no choice but to withdraw from Lichuan.

In the end, although the third anti-encirclement and suppression campaign was victorious under the leadership of Chairman Mao, Xiao Jinguang was accused by Bogu, Li De and other " Communist International consultants" of "fearing the battle and escaping". , these two people even wanted to shoot Xiao Jinguang.

Chairman Mao heard about this and immediately started a dispute with Bogu, Li De and others: "It was my idea to withdraw from Lichuan. If you want to shoot me, I will be the first to shoot." Chairman Mao, Xiao Jinguang was also very moved, and stepped forward and said: "A man dares to do what he does. I have indeed lost ground, but I just don't accept your left-leaning adventurism. If you want to be shot, just shoot him. It has nothing to do with Chairman Mao."

In the end, Bogu Li De softened when he saw that the matter was getting a bit heated, but Xiao Jinguang was still removed from the party and military membership, sent to the military court, and sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Chairman Mao and others worked hard to protect Xiao Jinguang. He was finally "released" and went to teach at the Red Army University. It was not until the Zunyi Conference during the Long March that Chairman Mao came back and took over the leadership. Xiao Jinguang was After being rehabilitated, he was transferred to the Red Army's as chief of staff, and later transferred to the chief of staff of the Red Army's rear headquarters.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, our Red Army of the Communist Party was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army. At this time of crisis for our country and our country, our Eighth Route Army naturally has to send out its main force to drive away the Japanese invaders, but at the same time it must stay. Some troops guarded our Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia base area .

After all, in the 10 years of war from 1927 to 1937, the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia base area was almost the last bit of property left by our party. We must not discard it. So who will stay to guard the family and be the "big shopkeeper in the rear"?

After careful consideration, Chairman Mao handed over this task to Xiao Jinguang, and Xiao Jinguang also accepted the task of "squatting at home" and formed a left-behind corps of more than 15,000 people.

On the one hand, this left-behind corps is to ensure the personal safety of our Party Central Committee, especially Chairman Mao and others, in northern Shaanxi.

The next step is to eliminate local banditry and provide a peaceful and stable environment for local people's lives.

The third is to guard the Yellow River crossing in northern Shaanxi and not allow the Japanese invaders to take a step.

It can be said that although Xiao Jinguang stayed in the rear, his burden was no lighter than that of the generals fighting in the front. After all, he only had more than 15,000 people in his hands. However, Xiao Jinguang did an outstanding job. In less than half a year, more than 4,000 bandits were eliminated.

From March 1938 to September 1939, within a year and a half, Xiao Jinguang led his troops to repel the Japanese invaders several times. This made the Japanese invaders even more crazy and attacked the northern Shaanxi area. is more dense.

Upon seeing this, Chairman Mao transferred General Wang Zhen's 359th Brigade to support the defense work in northern Shaanxi.

Xiao Jinguang and General Wang Zhen hit it off and talked happily. They repelled the Japanese invaders several times, successfully defended our base in northern Shaanxi, arranged and deployed the anti-Japanese strategy for Chairman Mao, and especially completed the anti-Japanese works. " on the protracted battle against " provides a stable environment.

The relationship between Xiao Jinguang and Chairman Mao became even closer during these battles. The two often discussed current affairs together, and Xiao Jinguang also had a "treasure" that was very attractive to Chairman Mao.

Good borrow good return

One morning, Chairman Mao walked to Xiao Jinguang's house and deliberately walked around the door two or three times. Xiao Jinguang, who was in the house giving instructions on documents, discovered Chairman Mao.

Xiao Jinguang stood up and waved to Chairman Mao: "Chairman, you are here, why don't you come in?"

Chairman Mao smiled after hearing this: "I see you are working, I don't want to disturb you."

Xiao Jinguang will Chairman Mao dragged him into the room and asked him to sit down. Chairman Mao patted his head and said: "Jingguang, your room smells so good."

Xiao Jinguang was a little surprised when he heard this: "I am a grown man, how can there be any fragrance in my room?" Son."

Chairman Mao laughed: "Look at the many books in your room. This is a rare book. You are worthy of being the first talent to graduate from a major in our party."

Xiao Jinguang listened and touched it. He smiled "hehe".

It turns out that what Chairman Mao said is indeed true. Xiao Jinguang studied at the Soviet Red Army School and the Leningrad Military and Political Academy, and systematically studied military theory. He is indeed the first military command talent in our army with "a professional background".

Seeing that Xiao Jinguang was a little embarrassed, Chairman Mao patted him on the shoulder: "Great talent, you have so many books here, so you can't keep them to yourself."

Xiao Jinguang suddenly realized that Chairman Mao was here to borrow books, indeed. , Chairman Mao's character of being a bookworm and loving reading has long been known to everyone. It seems that he has read all his previous books and came to his place to "enjoy the autumn breeze".

So Xiao Jinguang opened the small book box next to him: "Chairman, I happen to have some books here. Which one do you want to read and choose yourself."

Chairman Mao then smiled, turned around and took a copy of "Combat Doctrine" from the box, and turned his head Then he found a book "Battle Issues" on Xiao Jinguang's desk, and quickly walked over and copied it in his hand.

Xiao Jinguang saw this and said with some embarrassment: "Chairman, you should read the "Combat Doctrine" first, but I still have to give lectures on "Campaign Issues" to the troops."

Chairman Mao laughed: "Don't worry, I'll give it to you after you finish reading it. You must be able to borrow and return it easily."

After hearing this, Xiao Jinguang reluctantly gave the book to Chairman Mao. However, when the book arrived at Chairman Mao's place, it always had "no way of getting in," so Xiao Jinguang could only use other materials to give it to him. The troops gave lectures.

But later he wrote in his memoirs: It is my honor for the chairman to take two books from me. If these two books can be put to use and have some enlightenment for the chairman, it will be my honor even more. The way the chairman borrowed books from me was like a true good friend.

But soon, a crisis from "inside" emerged.

"Ask for credit" from Chiang Kai-shek

In December 1939, the Kuomintang launched its first anti-communist climax regardless of the main contradiction in the Sino-Japanese War and the national crisis.

On the one hand, Xiao Jinguang sent a telegram to Chiang Kai-shek in the name of the commander of the left-behind regiment, criticizing this die-hard's crime of undermining the united front. At the same time, he also ordered the troops to fight back. If anyone attacks us, they should fight back first.

In February 1940, Xiao Jinguang started army production and self-sufficiency in order to break the economic blockade. General Wang Zhen's 359th Brigade was the production model brigade.

Not only that, just a month later, the Japanese invaders once again sent out the Sixth Route Army to launch a raid on northwest Shanxi and the northern Shaanxi border area. However, in just one month, the Japanese troops who came to raid were defeated by the 359 Brigade and the left-behind corps. After being defeated one after another, the Japanese troops were beaten and fled.

Chairman Mao was very happy when he heard the news: "With you Xiao Jinguang here, I can eat with peace of mind."

said and said to Xiao Jinguang jokingly: "This time, you should be rewarded by Chiang Kai-shek for your military exploits. "You can't just send a telegram to criticize him."

Xiao Jinguang also laughed after hearing this. After returning home, he actually wrote a telegram. After Chairman Mao read it, he made some slight modifications and sent it to Chiang Kai-shek.

The main message of the telegram is that the 359th Brigade has been strictly guarding the crossings of the Yellow River during this month. The Japanese army's offensive rhythm is like a storm, and the battle is very fierce. They urgently repaired the fortifications and defended the northern Shaanxi base area without fear of life or death.

After Chiang Kai-shek saw this telegram, he was speechless and did not know how to respond.

In fact, Chairman Mao's move, although it seems to be a joke, is actually equivalent to posing a difficult problem for Chiang Kai-shek. If Chiang Kai-shek does not acknowledge the contributions of Xiao Jinguang and Wang Zhen,

then he will be equivalent to being accused of undermining anti-Japanese unity. , if Chiang Kai-shek acknowledged Xiao Jinguang's contribution, then he would be a slap in the face to the die-hards within the Kuomintang and deny his previous anti-communist behavior.

This is undoubtedly an extremely clever conspiracy and extremely profound political wisdom. Faced with this situation, Chiang Kai-shek could only choose to say nothing and let the matter go unresolved, but no one knows this. No matter what the truth is, Chiang Kai-shek's behavior was nothing more than self-deception.

Commander for life

In 1945, the Anti-Japanese War was victorious, but the war on our land in China has not disappeared, and peace has not yet come. Xiao Jinguang was appointed by Chairman Mao as the deputy commander of the Shandong Military Region .

At this time, ten years have passed since our party arrived in Yan'an . It can be said that these ten years in Yan'an were the ten years when Xiao Jinguang defended Chairman Mao. No matter how crazy the Japanese invaders' attacks were,

no matter how violent the attacks from the Kuomintang, How insidious Leng Jian was, Xiao Jinguang never let Chairman Mao be harmed at all. He completed his task brilliantly, protected the hope of our party, and protected Chairman Mao.

Before leaving, in order to pay Xiao Jinguang a farewell, Chairman Mao paid out of his own pocket and asked his secretary Li Yinqiao to cut some meat. At the dinner table, Chairman Mao earnestly told Xiao Jinguang:

"Jingguang, you You are one of my most kind people. This time when you go out, your first priority is to fight well, but the more important priority is to live well. I will definitely need you in the future."

looked at Chairman Mao with real emotion. Xiao Jinguang's eyes gradually became moist. These ten years were his most precious ten years, the most glorious ten years. During these ten years, his relationship with Chairman Mao had been inseparable for a long time, and now they were suddenly separated. How could the two of them be willing to part with each other?

On Xiao Jinguang's way to Shandong, he had just arrived in Puyang, Henan, when he received a new appointment and went to the Northeast as the deputy commander-in-chief and chief of staff of the Northeastern People's Autonomous Army (later the Northeastern Democratic Coalition ).

Finally, the War of Liberation started, and Xiao Jinguang also showed his talents on the Northeast battlefield. This former "keeper of the family" showed his outstanding offensive abilities to the world.

In May 1948, the war to besiege Changchun began. At this time, Xiao Jinguang was the commander of the First Corps of the Northeast Field Army. He led his troops to surround Changchun City, preparing to "attack the heart first."

At this time, there are nearly 110,000 Kuomintang defenders in Changchun City. If they engage in a fight between trapped beasts, they will definitely cause certain casualties to our army.

Xiao Jinguang noticed this. He first knocked down the airport outside Changchun, completely cutting off the connection between the defenders in the city and the outside world, and then began to "siege but not attack".

After four months of waiting, the defenders in the city could no longer sit still. Zeng Zesheng, commander of the 60th Army, led his troops to revolt, but he also made a request-his troops could not be dispersed.

This is a very dangerous thing. You must know that since ancient times, when dealing with surrendered troops, they have to be broken up and organized into different teams. If they are allowed to gather together, it will definitely be a big hidden danger.

However, Xiao Jinguang agreed to Zeng Zesheng's request with his generous mind and grand layout. So far, more than 40,000 people in the 60th Army revolted and Changchun was fully liberated. Xiao Jinguang captured Changchun City at the minimum cost and became completely famous.

Facts have proved that Xiao Jinguang's vision was correct. Zeng Zesheng's 60th Army was later reorganized into our army's 50th Army. It showed its prowess in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. It chased the Americans in the Han River Blockade. This is the same army, organized by different people. The energy exerted by the command was completely different.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xiao Jinguang was once again entrusted with an important task by Chairman Mao, which was to form the navy of New China. Xiao Jinguang was the commander of the navy.

After hearing this task, Xiao Jinguang was a little embarrassed. He said to Chairman Mao: "I will absolutely carry out the Chairman's task, but, I can't swim and am a landlubber. How can I be the commander of the navy?"

Chairman Mao After hearing this, he smiled: "You can't be the commander of the navy because you can't swim? Our air force commander Liu Yalou is still airsick. This is our cadre policy. Just go ahead and do it."

got Chairman Mao's approval Encouraged, Xiao Jinguang was completely relieved and worked as the commander of the navy for thirty years, achieving outstanding results and laying a firm foundation for our new Chinese navy.

Chairman Mao praised Xiao Jinguang many times in public: "Xiao Jinguang did a very good job. No one else would have done a better job than him. From then on, he will be the commander of the navy for life."

Even later, when During this special period, some people wanted to attack and discredit Xiao Jinguang. Chairman Mao was very unhappy when he found out. He said to people: "There is absolutely no problem with Xiao Jinguang. We had a very good relationship when we were in Yan'an. If you want to get rid of Xiao Jinguang again, then first Get rid of me. His lifelong position as Navy Commander was specially approved by me."

Chairman Mao's protection moved Xiao Jinguang even more. After Chairman Mao passed away, Xiao Jinguang was also very sad and sat alone on the chair many times. He cried silently because he was missing Chairman Mao.

In 1989, Xiao Jinguang died of illness in Beijing at the age of 82. This old man who continuously struggled for the founding and construction of our country left us.

Xiao Jinguang is a true "warrior". The profound revolutionary friendship between him and Chairman Mao is worthy of our memory and reflection. His dedication to the construction of our country's navy and his willingness to stay in northern Shaanxi for a whole day in order to protect Chairman Mao Ten years of selfless spirit is worth learning from.

With the guidance of the deeds of these revolutionary predecessors, I believe that we will have a steady stream of spiritual power to build China in the future.