Peng Le was a famous general in the Eastern Wei Dynasty and a lovely man. In October 537 AD, Yuwentai's army in the Western Wei Dynasty numbered less than 10,000 and had only enough food for three days. They formed an array in Weiqu. He also ordered the soldiers to hide their wea

Peng Le is a famous general in the Eastern Wei Dynasty and a lovely person.

In October 537 AD, Yuwen Tai's army in the Western Wei Dynasty was less than 10,000 and had only enough food for three days.

In the evening, the Eastern Wei army came to Weiqu. General Hulv Qiangju believed that the deep and muddy reeds were not conducive to our army's operations, so it was better to maintain a stalemate from afar, and dispatched elite cavalry to sneak attack on Yu Wentai in Chang'an, destroy Yu Wentai's lair, and make him lose without a fight.

And Gao Huan (the actual boss of the Eastern Wei Dynasty) thought: "How about setting fire to burn the enemy troops to death?"

And the general Hou Jing said that Yu Wentai should be captured alive to tell the world, and burned it. Who would believe it if the bodies could not be distinguished! "

Note that there are reasons for the optimism and arrogance of the Eastern Wei generals at this time. At this time, the Western Wei Dynasty was extremely poor due to natural disasters and wars. The reason why Yuwentai of the Western Wei Dynasty sent troops was because he had no food, and he actually came to grab food. And , with the strength of the whole country, less than 10,000 people were mobilized, but at this time, the Eastern Wei Dynasty easily mobilized more than 100,000 troops.

How can we not be optimistic at this time? The protagonist appeared. General Peng Le, who was a soldier, rushed out to ask for help: "I am outnumbered, and I want to catch him one by one. Are you afraid that I won't win?" ! "

Gao Huan was deeply encouraged, so he attacked Weiqu with his entire army, and unexpectedly ran into the pocket formation of the Western Wei Dynasty. As a result, the Western Wei army defeated the Eastern Wei army with one enemy ten, annihilated and incorporated more than 80,000 Eastern Wei army, and obtained grain, grass, weapons and weapons Countless. The weak Western Wei regime was consolidated by this war, and the Eastern Wei never had the chance to annihilate the Western Wei in one fell swoop.

6 years later (AD 543), Gao Huan's son Gao Cheng molested Gao Zhongmi's wife as the trigger. Gao Zhongmi mixed old and new grudges and finally killed Xi Shouxing, the defender of Hulao Pass, and surrendered to the Western Wei Dynasty, which triggered the Battle of Mangshan between the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasties. Taking turns, in this battle, it was the Western Wei Dynasty that lost its composure and was completely defeated. Yuwentai was chased by Peng Le, and the funny scene happened at this time:

Yuwentai was running alone. , stopped, and said to Peng Le, who was chasing him: "Are you stupid? Is it stupid? If you chase me and kill me today, what's the use of you? You are useless, how many days can you live? Hurry the fuck back and collect those trophies of gold and silver! I'll give you another gold belt as your reward for chasing me! "

When Peng Le heard this, he thought, "Bullshit! That's right! Respect yourself as a bandit! If you don't go back, the spoils will be divided!" So he took the gold belt thrown by Yu Wentai and went back.

Gao Huan took a look, Peng Le Come back, where is Yuwentai? Didn't you go after Yuwentai? Peng Le waved Yuwentai's gold belt and said, Yuwentai ran away, but he was scared out of his mind. Gao Huan asked, why was he so scared? Are you scared?

Peng Le told him what Yuwentai said to him, and said that Yuwentai took the initiative to take off his belt and gave it to me. Wasn’t this because he was scared out of his wits? I thought he was scared out of his wits, so I let him go. When Gao Huan heard this, I'll kill him! He thought of Peng Le's fierceness when Sha Yuan was defeated. He was so angry that he picked up Peng Le's head and slammed it on the ground. , bumping into each other and cursing: "The defeat of Shayuan is all because of your bullshit! "

raised the knife and wanted to kill him, but it is always bad to kill a general on the spot. Thinking of Peng Le's true temperament just now, he actually laughed angrily. So he ordered someone to bring three thousand pieces of silk to press him. As a reward, the general

was not crushed to death by three thousand pieces of silk. In the early years, Er Zhu's old general Lu Cao obtained the bones of the elder. , the tibia, which was one foot and six feet long, was made into two sticks, and one of them was given to Gao Huan. None of the generals could use it, and only Peng Le could barely lift it.

And Peng Le's "real person" temperament was also improved. 3 years later, Gao Huan was seriously ill and said to Gao Cheng: "Peng Le has a good friend, but he lacks a string."

How many people can there be who are fat-bellied and knowledgeable lords? Such "two tigers" will inevitably be deceived by others and eventually die.

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