Looking through history, you may find that our country has experienced many bitter experiences in the past. The war was endless, and at the same time, we had to deal with the ever-changing international situation. During the three-year difficult period, we tried to support domest

"Brothers" on the same front

If you look through history, you may find that there were many bitter moments in what our country has experienced in the past. First there was the Anti-Japanese War, and then there was the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party . It was not over yet, the Korean War came again. The war is endless, and at the same time, we have to deal with the changing international situation. During the three-year difficult period, we fought at home and aided foreign countries.

is correct, it is talking about Albania, this little-known European country. At that time, in order to assist the country's with , our country could be said to have given them half of the country's productivity. The result was good, and there was nothing in the end.

This is not to say that my country’s aid diplomacy must be for a certain purpose, but it is enough to just say thank you, and it actually bites China back, saying that we have betrayed them, which is really a headache. Next, let’s take a look at the history of that occurred during the difficult period of , and the exchanges between my country and Albania.

From a historical perspective, my country's aid to Albania was economic aid from 1958 to 1978. China and Arab states established diplomatic relations in 1949, and began to provide financial assistance to them in 1954.

Chairman Mao met with Hoxha

On October 29, 1958, , the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China approved the relevant economic and technical assistance report. At this time, our country had already set itself the goal of becoming a great power, and the responsibilities that a great power should bear. Assist neighboring socialist countries and fulfill internationalist obligations.

At that time, Albania was on the weak side of the international political situation. Before Stalin passed away, the Soviet Union also provided assistance to it, but things changed as soon as Khrushchev came to power. First, Khrushchev completely vetoed Stalin's policies and made good friends with Yugoslavia . Faced with the Soviet Union's actions, Albania naturally severed diplomatic relations with it.

Bucharest conference site

Later, at the Romania Bucharest conference , our country and the Soviet Union began to have disagreements, and Khrushchev’s fierce remarks at the meeting caused a breakdown in Sino-Soviet relations. At this time, Albania did not stand up with the Soviet Union to criticize our country, but stood on the same front as us. From this, the relationship between the two countries began to heat up. .

Difficult Aid

After 1960, China began to provide large-scale economic assistance to Albania. , and our country also contracted all the Soviet aid projects to Albania. As long as Albania says that it has difficulties, our country will always respond.

In addition, in terms of encircling the country's territory, in order to assist Albania's military power and protect the authorities from harassment by neighboring countries, our country has also invested in sending a large number of fighter jets to Albania. Among them, the J-6J-6F is the main fighter, and there are also other Soviet-style fighters, totaling 5167 aircraft before and after.

In addition, tanks, tanks, ships, artillery , cars... almost all military equipment is complete. In order to ensure that the Albanian army can deal with possible problems during use, our country has also assigned corresponding technical experts. guidance work.

But during this period, my country's began to have difficulties , and this happened for 3 years. Despite this, our country still has not given up its aid to Albania. In 1961 alone, our country assisted it with more than hundreds of thousands of tons of grain, and also provided foreign exchange assistance worth .25 billion yuan, in addition to 19 A complete set of projects.

Premier Zhou visited Albania

In terms of food, , there was a big problem with food production that year. In order to assist Albania, our country also planned to purchase from Canada. And at Albania's request, these grains were shipped directly from Canada to Albania.

Faced with this situation in our country, Albania not only did not reduce its own needs, but lion opened its mouth made more demands on our country. According to the memories of the guards who served beside Premier Zhou at that time, Albania did not understand our difficulties at that time, and the two sides could not reach an agreement.

Our country stated at the meeting that on the one hand, the Soviet Union withdrew domestic experts and technical assistance, and at the same time, domestic natural disasters caused difficulties in agricultural production, so the current assistance cannot be as fast, good, and as you hope. big. Even so , my country has signed several relevant agreements with Albania.

Brothers turned into enemies

my country's aid to Albania gave them a serious dependence on . If you don’t grow cotton yourself, China will help you; if you have no place to sell your clothes, China will help you; if your factory doesn’t have spare parts, China will help you.

As far as steel is concerned, my country rarely uses high-quality steel in order to aid Albania. However, Albania actually used these precious high-quality steel materials to make telephone poles, while we squandered the cement that we were unwilling to use. This kind of approach that does not treat oneself as an outsider is really rare. This is aid, not raising a son.

Fortunately, the aid at that time was not in vain. Albania actively carried out diplomacy with my country in the following years, and China and Albania quickly entered the honeymoon period. At this time, the relationship between the two countries suddenly became like buddies who live and die together, and many related cultural songs were produced. The saying " is a bright light in Albania, two lines of Tang poems are in China" quickly became a household name across the country.

However, this relationship soon changed with the pattern of the new era . As the Soviet Union continued to grow, imperialism began to become prominent in the Soviet Union. At this time, our country began to worry about the Soviet Union's invasion of the country, so it softened its diplomacy towards the United States. As a result, Albania directly labeled it a "traitor", saying that our country had betrayed the brotherhood of the past.

Entering In the 1970s, , Sino-Albanian relations stagnated . As Sino-US relations continued to ease , Nixon 's visit to China made the Albanian government feel dissatisfied. But Albania still exercised its rights at the United Nations to ask China to provide a loan of 5 billion yuan. This kind of behavior is really ugly.

A sign that Sino-Arab relations are heading towards rupture Perhaps it is time for my country's economic reform, and market opening to give China more choices in trade. However, Albania cannot understand this approach and can only speculate on China's approach with the most despicable thoughts.

The relationship was at its best when I read "Selected Works of Mao Zedong"

In the years since then, Sino-Albanian relations have repeatedly broken down, and those fighter jets that once aided Albania have become military scrap and are now being auctioned at auction. The former socialist manifesto no longer exists, and now Albania has long entered the embrace of the West. .

The current President of Albania only realized when he talked about his past relationship with my country that our country had taken too much into account. From the perspective of China's interests alone, this is beneficial to our country. It's just that I didn't see it clearly at the time.

But on the other hand, is separated from China's aid , and Albania also has the opportunity to truly seek development on its own. As for the future path, it depends on them.