Qinghai News Network·Daimei Qinghai Client News What is the original intention of the Communists? "Don't forget the original intention and mission, remember the heroes and model martyrs", "Commemorate the 85th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March", "Seventy yea

Red Army Primary School inherits the red gene. Photography: Zhou Jianping Xu Zhen

Qinghai News Network·Damei Qinghai Client News What is the original intention of the Communists?

For an octogenarian party member, he wrote his original intention by hand on stacks of manuscript paper and engraved it on the long river of life.

For many years in a row, every party’s birthday, Tang Chunyan, an old party member who lives in Wuyi Community, Dongguan Street, Xining City, would give the organization a special gift: copies of party history materials handwritten in pen and artistic fonts.

"Don't forget the original intention and mission and remember the heroes and martyrs" "Commemorating the 85th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March" "Seventy years of great changes" "Looking back on history to defend national security" "Don't forget the way you came, you will know where you are going"... why do you have to write so much by hand? According to the document, Tang Chunyan, who was wearing reading glasses , lowered his head and asked: As an old party member who has witnessed the struggle of our party since the founding of New China, how should I express my admiration for the party and let the red gene be passed on from generation to generation? ?

"What I can do is to sort out the development results of our party and our country over the past few decades, and then write them down as insights and experiences, so that I can have traces to follow when I look back at my manuscript." After some self-questions and answers, Tang Chunyan's intention gradually became clear.

In Tang Chunyan's manuscript, he collected and organized the achievements of his motherland in various fields over the past decades. Each manuscript is written with a neat pen or brush. He said: "I want to preach to young party members and residents in our branches and communities why the Communist Party of China is 'able', why Marxism is 'workable', and socialism with Chinese characteristics is 'good', and put the party's policies Policies and the spirit of various meetings are communicated to everyone around me. "

Over the years, Tang Chunyan has been collecting and organizing various materials. Only the party history information draft "Don't forget the way you came, you will know where you are going" was handwritten in five drafts, and the fifth draft was finalized. “It’s hard to imagine the effort that an 80-year-old man spent in handwriting more than 20,000 words of party history materials in order to ensure the authenticity and credibility of the content. This handwritten It took about half a year to write the draft, which reflects the spirit and feelings of a party member who remains loyal to the party and remains enthusiastic and passionate about the party's cause. He gave everyone a vivid party lesson with practical actions. "Dongguan Street Street Five. Xie Yufang, secretary of the party committee of a community, said.

On the one hand, there is a handwritten message written by veteran party members about never forgetting their original aspirations, and on the other hand, it is the solemn oath of the "Little Red Army" at the joining ceremony.

"I am a member of the Young Pioneers, and I swear under the team banner: I am determined to follow the leadership of the Communist Party of China, study hard, exercise well, work hard, and be prepared to contribute all my strength to the cause of communism!" June 29, At the entrance ceremony of the second batch of young pioneers of the first-grade Sun Yuqing Squadron of Xining Red Army Primary School's "Welcome to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China", 15 students gloriously joined the Chinese Young Pioneers and became glorious young pioneers. The children wore Red Army uniforms and Red Army hats, and confidently put on the red scarves tied by their seniors and sisters.

is the only Red Army primary school in Xining City . The construction of this campus highlights the red cultural connotation. Every area, building, and passage of the campus are set up with the words " Don't forget your original intention , keep your mission in mind" and "Red Scarf Aspirations" Party" and other slogans. A red cultural wall was also built in the corridor of the campus, and countless small red stars decorated around a large five-pointed star were decorated on the top of the corridor. In the school exhibition hall, 40 "Little Red Star Evangelists" will also give voluntary explanations to primary and secondary school students, party members and cadres in enterprises and institutions, the masses and tourists from time to time across the province, shouldering the important task of "passing on the red gene from generation to generation".

Red is the brightest color, and spirit is the most precious wealth. In recent years, our province has attached great importance to discovering, inheriting, and promoting our province’s red cultural genes. Through effective policies and measures such as strengthening organizational levels, increasing financial support, and deepening guarantees, we have carried out high-quality literary and artistic creations, mass cultural activities, and important holidays. Integrating red culture, red literary and artistic masterpieces have emerged one after another, and brand red cultural activities have achieved fruitful results.

Our province also insists on using red resources as vivid teaching materials to strengthen ideals and beliefs and strengthen party spirit. It deeply explores the spiritual connotation of Qinghai's red resources, carefully builds a "red melting pot" for party history study and education, and carries out in-depth publicity and education on the great party-building spirit to guide The majority of party members and cadres carry forward the glorious tradition and continue their spiritual blood.

Documents, photos, and stories explain the rock-solid original mission of generations of Communists, educate and guide the people of Qinghai to inherit the revolutionary tradition, inherit the red gene, and unswervingly listen to the Party and follow the Party Walk.