According to the latest news today, the death toll has risen to 51, of which 22 are from Mexico, 7 from Guatemala, 2 from Honduras, and the remaining deaths are from other Latin American countries. In March 2021, a semi-truck carrying 25 people crashed in the American Valley, kil

The novel "People Under the Sun" by

records such a story.

Three Palestinians of different ages, forced by their lives, planned to cross the uninhabited desert to the wealthy golden country of Kuwait.

Because he did not have a passport, he had to cross the border hiding in an empty railway tank truck in the scorching sun in August.

Because the time was too long, all three of them were suffocated to death.

Their relatives later asked in pain:

Why didn't you knock on the iron wall can, why didn't you shout?

Why? Why? Why?

The most cruel thing is that the novel has become reality.

On June 27, US law enforcement officers discovered 46 bodies inside a truck near San Antonio, Texas.

On that day, the weather in San Antonio had reached 40 degrees Celsius.

Sources from the law enforcement department said, "There may be nearly 100 people in the truck, and at least half of them are dead.

The cause of death is the same as the story at the beginning, because the temperature in the compartment was too high, causing people to be suffocated to death.

Today According to the latest news, the death toll has risen to 51.

Among the dead, 22 were from Mexico, 7 were from Guatemala, 2 were from Honduras, , and the other deaths were from other Latin American countries, including 4 children.

This is the most serious immigration smuggling incident in the history of the United States!

Illegal border crossings in Texas often occur. Illegal immigrants usually need to pay 8,000 to 10,000 US dollars to be taken to the border, loaded onto a trailer, and then headed to San Antonio, and then transferred. Traveling in small vehicles to their final destination within the United States with no open doors, no food, no water, and no air conditioning, they endured dangerous heat and terrain

and the odds of death were very high. This is the first time this has happened.

In 2003, 19 illegal immigrants were found dead in an airtight truck in Texas.

In 2017, also in San Antonio. , the police once found 39 illegal immigrants in a scorching truck compartment, 10 of whom had been suffocated to death.

In March 2021, a semi-truck carrying 25 people crashed in the American Valley, killing 13 people. The illegal immigrant fell to death on the spot.

Tragedies continue, and this time will definitely not be the last.

The number of illegal immigrants at the U.S. border has been surging, with more than 234,000 in April alone.

The ongoing border crisis has overwhelmed border agents.

The routes for illegal entry into the United States are usually divided into land routes and sea routes.

Stowaways at sea sneak into the United States by hiding in containers, during which they have to endure the harsh maritime environment.

The main way of entry is through the inaccessible desert on the US-Mexico border to the United States. The environment in the desert is extremely harsh. Not only is the weather very hot, but there are also many venomous snakes and wild beasts, which can also pose fatal threats to human life.

There are also stowaways who will first go to Canada and enter the United States through the American and Canadian wilderness. The journey is extremely cold, the distance is long, the environment is harsh, and there are also many wild animals. Once they get lost or cannot withstand the cold, they will face death.

The number of illegal immigrants who have died due to smuggling is immeasurable.

So, what makes these people risk death and immigrate to the United States?

Give it a try

A stowaway once said this.

The reason why we came to the United States through the harsh environment is of course to live a better life. Otherwise, why would we risk our lives to come here?

Many people in Central and South American countries have been oppressed by corrupt officials, international capital and their compradors for a long time. Social classes have been seriously solidified and there is no hope in the country.

The excessive gap between the rich and the poor will lead to hardship for the people at the bottom. Feeling abandoned by society and lacking a sense of identity in their country.

People can only take desperate risks. They are unable to change their situation in their own country. The only thing they can change is their own direction.

is going to die anyway, so it’s better to go to the United States and try your luck.


With different levels of productivity development and different wealth possessions, the flow of population to places with more resources and wealth is a spontaneous human logic.

Latin American countries have a huge gap between rich and poor, extreme income inequality, and a wall separates heaven and hell.

Ordinary workers in Latin America work hard in their own countries and can only earn low incomes.

The United States is a country with a very developed tertiary industry , with high wages and many jobs, but Americans are not very willing to work.

But Latin American immigrants are willing to do it.

They can get higher income and better working conditions in the United States. The salary can still be doubled

Most illegal immigrants come from humble backgrounds and choose to cross the border illegally in order to improve their lives. It is difficult to obtain a work visa abroad, so they choose to cross the border illegally.

For the sake of the children

You may not believe it, but many stowaways go to the United States for the sake of their children.

The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution states:

A baby born within the territory of the United States shall acquire the rights of American citizenship.

Many people at the bottom are looked down upon and live a life inferior to that of pigs and dogs in Latin American countries. They can lie down, but they don't want their children to be like themselves.

They want their children to be born in the United States.

As long as a child is born in the United States, he will be the same as other Americans, with American citizenship, government benefits, and the right to education. He does not have to worry and is not as good as a pig or a dog.

Their descendants can even change their fate, get an education, get a college scholarship, complete their studies, and then enter the middle class.

These are the hope of life and the meaning of the existence of illegal immigrant parents.


Sometimes, illegal immigrants can catch up with the amnesty of the U.S. government, so that these illegal immigrants who were originally "invisible" will become U.S. green card holders and even U.S. citizens.

This is the dream of every illegal immigrant.

Illegal immigrants would rather die than immigrate. As outsiders, we should not be overly harsh.

After all, they endured the sea, extreme heat, extreme cold and death for hope, to truly change their destiny, to change the destiny of their children.

One kick in heaven and one kick in hell.

They cannot change their situation. The only thing they can change is their own direction. They are also trying to find their own sunshine.

I hope there will be no darkness, no injustice, and no barriers in the world.

Everyone can live with their head held high, go their own way, and pursue their own sunshine.

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