At that time, Professor Zhong was already a very authoritative expert in the respiratory department of our country. Just an hour ago, he received a call from Beijing. It was a call from the central government. He only heard the call saying: "Professor Zhong, please come now." Go

Text | The History of Floating Fish

Editor | The History of Floating Fish

One day in 1984, a familiar figure appeared in the Guangzhou Airport. He was the well-known Academician Zhong Nanshan.

Everyone can see at this time that he is extremely anxious. Is there something urgent happening?

After he got on the plane to Beijing, it could be seen on his face that he was worried.

At that time, Professor Zhong was already a very authoritative expert in respiratory medicine in my country. Just an hour ago, he received a call from Beijing. It was a call from the central government. He only heard the call: "Professor Zhong" , please go to Beijing immediately, Ye Shuai needs you! "

After hearing this, Professor Zhong immediately became very energetic. After hanging up the phone, he quickly packed his luggage and arrived in Beijing as soon as possible! ticket and hurried to the airport.

So, how is Ye Shuai’s condition?

Why did the central government suddenly summon Professor Zhong to Beijing? What happened to

in the end?

On April 28, 1897, Ye Jianying was born into a merchant family in Yanyangbao, Meixian County, Guangzhou. When he was a boy, he was in the wave of the Revolution of 1911. Affected by this, he was determined to serve the country since he was a child.

In 1924, at the invitation of Liao Zhongkai, he came to Huangpu Military Academy to teach. During this period, Ye Jianying felt communist ideas for the first time. After Chiang Kai-shek's rebellion, he joined the Communist Party without hesitation.

Since then, Ye Jianying's figure can be seen in our country's long revolutionary road.

He has participated in countless battles, and being in various harsh environments has also had a considerable impact on his body.

At that time, he was young and strong, and many internal injuries were not exposed. However, as he grew older, Ye Shuai's physical symptoms gradually emerged.

In 1979, Ye Shuai, who was 182 years old, was still busy with state affairs and often stayed up late.

Therefore, he didn't pay attention to any abnormalities in his body.

However, one day, the guard beside him carefully discovered that there was something wrong with Ye Shuai's walking posture.

is unsteady when walking, his steps become smaller and smaller, and he often shakes for no reason.

The guard was very anxious and reminded Ye Shuai many times to do a check-up. However, Ye Shuai was busy with many things and was still responsible for some work of the Central Military Commission at that time, so he had no time to do a comprehensive check-up.

As the days passed by, Ye Shuai's condition began to get worse. He found that sometimes he couldn't even hold the pen to write.

Because the country was in the early stages of modernization at that time, it did not establish a systematic medical care team.

In 1980, after learning about Ye Shuai's condition, Mr. Deng quickly established a professional medical team for him. He also established a health care association specifically for those heroes who had made great contributions to the founding of New China. They check their physical condition regularly.

After the medical team conducted a complete examination on Ye Shuai, they were very worried because they could find out that there was an abnormality in Ye Shuai's body, but they were still unable to determine what the disease was.

With the limited medical conditions at that time, if the delay continued and the right medicine could not be prescribed, it would also pose a considerable threat to Ye Shuai's life.

In order to determine the cause of the disease as soon as possible, doctors often suggested that Ye Shuai walk back and forth. Ye Shuai was very optimistic about this, and never put on airs, and walked back and forth in front of the doctors cooperatively.

The hard work paid off. Through continuous research by experts, it was finally clear that Ye Shuai was suffering from " Parkinson's disease ".

This disease is more common in the elderly. However, the symptoms it causes are not only muscle stiffness and slowed movements, but it can also easily lead to lung infection.

In 1982, after years of fatigue and worsening of his condition, Ye Shuai's lungs unfortunately became infected.

Even so, he never stopped working.

However, during the tiring journey, his lungs were invaded by the virus, and his symptoms began to worsen.

coughs uncontrollably every day.

This also made the doctor around him very worried. He often said to him: "Ye Shuai, your current condition is really not suitable for you to continue working hard. Let's go back to Beijing for treatment first?"

However, Ye Shuai smiled and said : "Thank you for your concern. It doesn't matter. Don't worry. I know my body is fine."

He politely rejected the doctor's suggestion.

But the doctor was still worried about Ye Shuai's health, so he contacted a local hospital with the most advanced equipment and treated Ye Shuai in his free time.

During the treatment, because Ye Shuai was over 80 years old and the blood vessels in his hands were very thin, coupled with the frequent needling of needles, the nurses had to work hard to find blood vessels in order to give him infusions.

Sometimes young nurses will feel panicked and have no idea what to do. Ye Shuai comforted him in a soft voice: "Don't be nervous, I can't run away."

In 1984, 87-year-old Ye Jianying's lung inflammation worsened again, in addition to pneumonia. In addition, he suffered a myocardial infarction.

The central government ordered the medical team to do their best to rescue Ye Shuai.

However, due to abnormalities in various systems of his body, his condition was unimaginably complicated, so the rescue of Ye Shuai was also called the "Huaihai Battle" in medical history.

Ye Shuai's condition has touched the heartstrings of countless people. In order not to miss any opportunity, members of the medical team have been treating and monitoring Ye Shuai day and night.

At the critical moment, an expert said: "I think it is necessary for us to invite the authoritative expert in respiratory medicine, Professor Zhong Nanshan, to come to Beijing for diagnosis and treatment."

Everyone heard this concern and agreed, and soon, the central government called the people far away Professor Zhong from Guangzhou.

explained the situation. When Professor Zhong heard that Ye Shuai was seriously ill, he became extremely anxious.

did not dare to delay and immediately flew to Beijing.

During this period, it only took 10 hours for Professor Zhong Nanshan to appear in front of everyone.

After arriving, Professor Zhong Nanshan ignored the rest and immediately changed into surgical clothes and walked into Ye Shuai's ward.

After some inspections, Professor Zhong soon had a professional opinion: "At present, Ye Shuai's lung infection is very serious, which has affected his breathing and is life-threatening, so the first thing we have to do is to Ye Shuai resumed normal breathing and then underwent other treatments."

Everyone agreed with his opinion.

After discussion between Professor Zhong and various experts, they decided to perform tracheotomy on Ye Shuai first.

They submitted the operation plan to the central government, and the central government soon responded: "Agree! Treat Ye Shuai at all costs!"

The "Battle of Huaihai" in medical history officially began.

Although Professor Zhong was younger than other professors at that time, he was one of the best talents in the world in the field of respiratory system.

Even the United Kingdom has sent invitations to him many times, hoping to retain him.

From this we can see how superb Professor Zhong’s medical skills are.

In the operating room, Professor Zhong skillfully picked up the tool and slowly cut open Ye Shuai's trachea. Every subsequent step was so meticulous.

Outside the operating room, everyone had mixed feelings. They didn't know whether the operation was going well. They were extremely worried about Ye Shuai and hoped that he would recover safely.

A few hours later, the operation was over. Professor Zhong walked out tiredly and said to everyone: "Fortunately, I lived up to my expectations."

In an instant, everyone applauded in celebration, and everyone's cheeks were filled with smiles.

They understood that Ye Shuai was saved.

After the operation, Ye Shuai still had to go through the dangerous period of infection. In order to better monitor Ye Shuai, Professor Zhong stayed by his side every step of the way.

However, due to the rising temperature at that time and the lack of effective constant temperature equipment, Ye Shuai's wound still became infected.

Fortunately, Professor Zhong launched the rescue in time and once again brought Ye Shuai back from the edge of life crisis.

After two months of rehabilitation treatment, Ye Shuai's physical condition gradually improved, and the symptoms of pneumonia gradually disappeared.

At this critical moment, Professor Zhong Nanshan created a miracle in the medical field. The central government was also very concerned about this and awarded Professor Zhong many honorary titles.

In 1986, 89-year-old Ye Shuai developed ventricular fibrillation due to the influence of myocardial infarction and was dying. Professor Zhong learned about it and performed rescue operations again.

After diligent rescue efforts, Ye Shuai was temporarily out of danger.

But Ye Shuai was helpless because he was old. Not long after, ventricular fibrillation occurred again.

Finally, Ye Shuai passed away on October 22, 1986, at the age of 89.

While remembering, everyone recalled what Ye Shuai once said: "Although I am old and sick, and often cannot do many things, I will do my best before the central government asks me to step down. "I will do my best to die!"

He said these words and did them.

Although Ye Shuai has passed away now, his spirit of devoting his whole life to the country is still passed on.

Academician Zhong Nanshan is one of them.

After participating in the treatment of Ye Shuai, Academician Zhong has still been fighting on the front line, making great contributions to ensuring the safety of people's lives and improving my country's medical cause.

When the SARS virus was raging, Academician Zhong was not afraid of danger and went to the front line to arrange reasonable and effective treatment and prevention strategies.

In January 2020, when Wuhan was hit by the new coronavirus and plunged into crisis, the 84-year-old turned into the most beautiful retrograde man and boarded the high-speed train to Wuhan without hesitation.

He showed with practical actions what it means: Sacrificing one's life to go to the national disaster, treating one's death as if one were returning home.

Academician Zhong has fulfilled his mission and made great contributions to the people of Wuhan and the whole country in defeating the epidemic.

In September 2020, Academician Zhong Nanshan was awarded the highest honor " Medal of the Republic ".

Today, our country is developing rapidly in every aspect.

Behind this, we cannot do without the selfless dedication of the party and the people, and the revolutionary ancestors who have contributed to the construction of the motherland. It is precisely because of your hard work that we have such a stable life today.

Finally, I wish our country a more glorious and prosperous future.

Note: The pictures come from the Internet

Source: Fuyu Shiji

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