Before the founding of New China, the village had less than 1,000 people. Outside the east and south walls of the village, there is a 5-meter-wide and 4-meter-deep river protecting the village. To the north of the village is a dense jungle of uneven trees.

Yechang Village is an ordinary natural village in the southwest of Mazhuang Township, Yanjin County. Before the founding of New China, the village had less than 1,000 people. There is a 4-meter-high village wall around the village, with gun towers on the wall. Outside the east and south walls of the village, there is a 5-meter-wide and 4-meter-deep river protecting the village. To the north of the village is a dense jungle of uneven trees.

Yechang farmers fought a fierce battle with the Japanese invaders in 1939.

After the Japanese invaders invaded Yanjin , they massacred many people and burned countless houses in places such as Qingzhuang and Xiaotan, as well as Baihe and Liyuantun in Ji County (Weihui City ). Their crimes were heinous. After the news of

reached Yechang, the farmers in the village were filled with indignation. At this time, they already knew some news about the people's struggle against Japan led by the Communist Party and the victory of the people of Puyang and Huaxian in resisting the enemy. As a result, farmers Li Sigong, Li Jinyan and others launched a series of mobilizations among the farmers, organizing young adults in the village to make and collect earthen cannons, broadswords, spears and other folk weapons. They worked during the day and practiced martial arts at night, always ready to attack. Enemies who dare to invade.

After the Japanese invaders invaded Yanjin County, the farmers in Yechang refused to perform labor service and never handed over a grain of grain to the Japanese invaders. The Japanese invaders attempted to conquer the Yechang farmers by force. On March 26 of the lunar calendar in 1939, the Japanese and puppet troops arrived outside the gate of the West Village of Yechang. More than 100 Japanese and puppet troops wearing steel helmets and holding bayonets in their hands menacingly grabbed food and husbands in the Yechang. When the farmers in the field found out, they immediately rang bells and shouted, carrying knives and guns, they rushed towards the west gate like a tide, and rushed into the enemy group to fight. Seeing that the situation was not good, the enemy tried to seize the road to escape. The angry farmers gave chase. Suddenly, white blades were flying outside the west gate and the sound of killing was loud.

"Hercules" Li Tianen rushed into the enemy group, wielding a machete and killing several in a row. The enemy machine gunner mounted the machine gun and prepared to fire. Farmer Li Jinting took a step forward, waved his machete, cut down the enemy with a "click" and took away the machine gun. For a time, the enemy was hunted down in a panic, and more than 30 people were killed or wounded before crossing the embankment. The farmers continued to hunt and started a more fierce bloody battle.

After more than 1 hour of fierce fighting, farmers in Yechang killed and injured more than 50 enemies, seized a light machine gun, more than 30 rifles and pistols, and more than 6,000 rounds of bullets, and destroyed 2 cars, but the enemy failed to enter Yechang. One step inside the village.

Use urine mud to paste the nostrils to block the poisonous gas

3 days later, the Japanese invaders gathered more than 2,000 Japanese and puppet troops from Xinxiang, Ji County, Fengqiu and other places, driving cars and tanks, and besieged Yechang Village. Brave farmers fought hard.

Forcibly attacked the stronghold several times, but the enemy failed and some people were injured. The angry enemy concentrated their firepower and fired like a storm at the west and north walls of the village. Sharpshooter Li Jinting, who was guarding the wall of Beizhai , knocked down two machine gunners with two shots. In order to consume the enemy's firepower, the farmers on the wall of Xizhai deliberately leaned their red-tasseled guns tied with white towels against the wall, causing the enemy to shoot wildly at the "target", but none of the farmers hidden on the wall were injured. .

After repeated defeats, the enemy was furious and released poison gas inhumanely on this small village. The toxic gas bombs that fell in the village, the smoke plumes rising everywhere, the hot air waves, and the bitter smell of gunpowder smoke stung everyone to tears and made breathing extremely difficult. But this did not shake the determination of Yechang farmers to resist the Japanese and protect their families. They covered their nostrils with urine mud, covered their mouths with wet towels, and used wheat straw fire to blast away the poisonous gas. In the end, they won again.

In order to save the defeat, the enemy dragged two more mountain cannons from Xinxiang, coupled with the original artillery group, to carry out crazy bombardment on the wall of Yechangzhai. The peasants in the wild factory jumped off the village and rushed towards the enemy group. Li Chundao stabbed and knocked down four people with a red tassel gun. Due to being outnumbered and the wall of the village collapsed, more than a dozen women died in a pool of blood.

The village responded to the enemy tactfully

After the enemy invaded the village, Li Jinyan led 10 people to move to the house, courtyard, and alley to fight with the enemy. Li Biqing died heroically, and Li Qianxiang got into the enemy group with an axe, slashed six or seven enemies, and then broke out of the east gate.

Li Jinting and others on the Beizhai Wall saw enemies everywhere inside and outside the village, and immediately retreated eastward along the Beizhai Wall, but the enemy blocked their way.In an extreme emergency, they threw two grenades at the enemy, jumped off the wall and rushed out regardless of life and death. During the fierce street fighting between Li Zhenchao and Li Zhenchao, the children, elderly and women in the village evacuated to the east gate area. However, three enemy machine guns at the east gate kept firing. The Dongbao Company and others who were guarding the east gate immediately jumped off the wall and opened the east gate while seizing the opportunity. machine guns, while leading the crowd to rush out of the east gate. When the enemy saw the crowd coming out of the stronghold, they fled eastward without knowing what was real. The crowd took the opportunity to evacuate to the northeast. After the enemy found out, they hurriedly turned around and set up three machine guns to shoot. The people evacuating at the east gate were strangled to death.

A small village with less than a thousand people fought a bloody battle for a whole day with a powerful enemy that had more than twice the village's population and was well-armed. It demonstrated the heroic spirit of Yechang farmers and the national spirit of defending their homeland, which will forever be remembered in history. Shine on the world and educate future generations.
