Zhou Yu died, Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu's daughter and said to Xiao Qiao: Let her be my daughter-in-law

In 210 AD, Zhou Yu died of illness, and Sun Quan came to pay his respects. Just before Zhou Yuling, Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu's daughter and said to Xiaoqiao : Let her be my daughter-in-law. Xiao Qiao was taken aback: Lord, what are you talking about, my daughter is only 5 years old, how can I be your daughter-in-law? As a result, Sun Quan said softly, "That's it."

Although Sun Quan said it so resolutely, Xiao Qiao couldn't help but ask one more question: Zhou Lang How can you be your concubine when your beloved daughter is young ? Seeing that Xiao Qiao was a little nervous, Sun Quan smiled slightly: I want her to be my daughter-in-law. If you missed a word, don't worry about it.

After hearing this, Xiao Qiao slowly eased her expression. It turned out that the lord was joking, but it still made Xiao Qiao feel very embarrassed to make fun of her husband's spirit. In fact, Sun Quan's joking, funny and inappropriate manner is not an exception, but a norm. Sun Quan was originally a stubborn master who was free and easy.

In November 221 AD, in order to avoid fighting on two fronts, Sun Quan succumbed to being the king of Wei and Wu. Cao Pi was also very happy and sent messengers to bring gifts and war horses to Sun Quan. At that time, the messenger sent by Cao Pi was so arrogant that he refused to get out of the car. Such contemptuous and arrogant actions made Jiangdong's civil and military people very embarrassed.

The old minister Zhang Zhao Weeping silently in shame, the famous general Xu Sheng clenched his fists in anger, and immediately wanted to kill the messenger to vent his anger. Sun Quan was the only one who talked and laughed freely, condescending to personally salute the messenger and lead the way. The humility and submissiveness of his attitude is truly shocking. And that night, he feasted the ministers,Let all civil and military officials drink with him.

But in fact, many officials are not in a good mood. His lord has become a courtier of another country, Liu Bei One side is coveting it. When it is really a time of internal and external troubles, where is the mood to drink? But Sun Quan himself was very happy, not only did not feel troubled, but happily poured wine for everyone. When it was poured in front of Yu Fan , Yu Fan fell down and pretended to be drunk. Sun Quan saw that Yu Fan was drunk, so he went to pay respects to the next person.

As soon as Sun Quan left, Yu Fan sat down. Sun Quan was very angry, and immediately wanted to kill Yu Fan, but he was hugged by the big Sinong Liu Ji : "My lord, calm down, Yu Fan is a famous person in the world and cannot be killed." As a result, Sun Quan became angry: Cao Cao can kill Kong Rong , why can't I kill Yu Fan? It was Liu Ji who persuaded again: How can the lord learn from Cao Cao, he should learn Yaoshun . Cao Cao killed Yu Fan, didn't people's hearts be in chaos? You must not do such a stupid thing.

Sun Quan slowly calmed down when he heard this, and Yu Fan escaped. The next day, an order was issued: The decision made after being drunk in the future will not be counted. Don't do it.

It can be said that Sun Quan's character is really unpredictable. Cao Pi was very insulting to him, but he could still take it lightly; Yu Fan was very upright, and he actually used Cao Cao to justify himself. In fact, Sun Quan's playful character has never changed, whether it is for Jiangdong's inner officials or the clan's nephews.

A few years later, Sun Quan once again feasted his ministers at Wuchang ,The only exception is not to invite the Prime Minister Gu Yong . It stands to reason that Gu Yong is the head of the hundred officials. It is against the rules not to attend such an occasion. But Sun Quan said to the people around him: "Gu Gong does not drink a drop of alcohol, and has a pure and good character. Every time he was there, we would not have a good time. Today, we might as well leave him alone and have a good time.

So, I had a drink with everyone, and everyone was so drunk at the time. Sun Quan was very happy when he saw that everyone had finished drinking. Ask the attendants to throw cold water on the ministers' faces, thinking about throwing them up and continuing to drink with himself. And the old minister Zhang Zhao couldn't stand it anymore, so he left the table and walked to his carriage. Sun Quan went to meet him in person: Now that singing and dancing are peaceful, isn't it very happy? Why did Duke Zhang leave?

Zhang Zhao said very angrily: Back then, when King Zhou of Shang was a wine pond and meat forest, he also felt very happy. You are so outrageous now, so this wine game Also so unhappy. In fact, we can clearly see that at that time it was by no means a time for peace and prosperity. Such a large banquet is really not in line with the rules.

Confucius in Eastern Wu Zhuge Jin , he is modest and elegant, with a gentleman's style, but his face is relatively long, so he is often laughed at by his colleagues. And just one day at the banquet, Sun Quan deliberately pulled a donkey and wrote the words "Zhuge Ziyu". Zhuge Jin was embarrassed and embarrassed in court. Or son Zhuge Ke stood up, picked up the pen and added two words: donkey. Looking at it this way, it is Zhuge Ziyu's donkey (the donkey has become Zhuge Jin's)

Another ingenious part of this answer is that he did not directly say how talented the two were, but Indirectly raising Sun Quan's vision and strategy is higher than Liu Bei, so this answer is perfect. Hearing these words, Sun Quan laughed: Ke'er is very intelligent, and it is rare. We can clearly see that although Sun Quan treated Zhuge Jin and his son very favorably,But still a little frizzy. Next, Sun Quan asked Zhuge Ke: Who do you think is more virtuous, your father or your uncle? This question is actually a very sensitive question, because two people serve different monarchs. If you tout Zhuge Liang , it is disloyal to Sun Quan, and it will increase the prestige of others and destroy your own spirit.

It is inappropriate to brag about one's own father. After all, Zhuge Liang's talent in Wolong is known to everyone in the world. As a result, facing such a relatively difficult question, Zhuge Ke answered very well: I think my father is smarter than my uncle. Because my father chose a better protagonist, my uncle couldn't.

The ingeniousness of this answer

is that he did not directly say how talented the two were, but indirectly raised Sun Quan's vision and strategy to be higher than Liu Bei, so This answer is perfect. Hearing these words, Sun Quan laughed: Ke'er is very intelligent, and it is rare. We can clearly see that although Sun Quan treated Zhuge Jin and his son very favorably, he was still a little frizzy.

Just a few years later, Sun Quan had a whim and wanted to visit the city of Sun Shao . Moreover, it was not during the day, so I had to choose to go in the middle of the night, and make a posture that the Wei army was about to attack the city. Sun Shaochu remained calm and took the initiative to fight. In an instant, arrows rained down, and Sun Quan was almost shot to death by his nephew. Fortunately, there were not many generals under Sun Shao, and he was relatively stable, so he soon realized that it was Sun Quan's troops. That's where the archery stopped. Fortunately, this is Sun Shao. If he catches up with Gan Ning or Xu Sheng, Sun Quan will probably kill himself.

This is Sun Quan, a ridiculous and technically thirsty Sun Quan. His life is as brilliant as he was fifteen years old, and as funny as his six battles in Hefei. The only advantage is longevity. To borrow a modern catchphrase: all I have is time, I just consume, and I just play.
