Beiyang warrior Sa Zhenbing, eight artillery repelled the Japanese fleet, what is the current status of future generations

The 1850s and 1860s was a period of dramatic social change. In the western world, Russia, Japan and other countries have caught up with the trend of the second industrial revolution and completed the reform from feudal countries to capitalist countries . The old-fashioned countries such as the United Kingdom and France are constantly expanding their advantages, and wantonly encircling the world and seizing interests.

1. From a good background, Sa Zhenbing has been dedicated to serving the country since childhood

On the other hand, the Qing government that ruled China at that time, whether it was the royal family as the ruler, or the minister who managed the country, They are all indulging in the dream of "celestial kingdom", and they don't care about the situation of internal and external troubles.

In 1859, Sa Zhenbing was born at a time when the Chinese nation was in great crisis. His family was a famous family in Fuzhou. Under the influence of his parents, he had an unusual ambition since he was a child - to serve the country.

In 1866, the key minister of Westernization Movement Zuo Zongtang led a large number of people to Fuzhou and established the Mawei Ship Administration School . After hearing about it, Sa Zhenbing went to take the exam without telling his family. After some twists and turns, he was finally admitted to the Mawei Shipbuilding School.

Whether studying in Shipbuilding School , or later studying abroad as an international student, Sa Zhenbing's desire to learn to serve the country remains the same.

In 1894, this was a turning point that was crucial for China and for Sa Zhenbing himself. Neighboring Japan, after many reforms by Meiji Restoration ,The national strength has gradually become stronger. In order to plunder more resources and develop their own economy, they have set their sights on China, a country with vast land and abundant resources.

2. Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War broke out, Japanese Island The importance of defense

The Japanese army first started war on Korea, the vassal state of China at that time. Without sending troops to confront, the Sino-Japanese War of Jiawu officially broke out.

However, although China has also carried out a Westernization movement and cultivated a new type of navy, the serious political corruption of the Qing government made the Beiyang Navy have many problems such as a weak defense system and insufficient equipment. The Japanese navy is in retreat.

The Yellow Sea Battle , the Yalu River Defense Battle, the Battle of the Golden Brigade... The Beiyang Navy fought hard, but was outnumbered. Ding Ruchang was seriously injured and Deng Shichang died tragically, Bohai and Yellow Sea were taken away by Japan step by step. Next, they focused on the last base of the Beiyang Navy: Weihaiwei, Shandong.

The First Battle of Weihaiwei was not without tragic, and Sa Zhenbing was a key figure in the First Battle of Weihaiwei. In order to resist the Japanese attack, Sa Zhenbing was arranged by Ding Ruchang to defend the island of Japan. Ridao is a key island in the defense system of Liugongdao . If Ridao falls, Liugongdao will be in danger, and Weihaiwei will be endangered.

Liugong Island

The Beiyang Navy understands the importance of the Japanese island, so Sa Zhenbing and his colleagues are determined to defend the Japanese island, and the Japanese Navy also understands the importance of breaking the Japanese island,Breaking the Ri Island, you can break the Liugong Island, and the sword refers to Wei Bay . Because of this, the Japanese army concentrated most of their firepower on the Japanese island.

3. Difficult defense, Sa Zhenbing repeatedly repelled the Japanese army

From January 30th to February 7th when Sa Zhenbing and others had to evacuate the Japanese island, it took 8 days. During this period of time, it was the middle of winter, and the cold wind was howling on the island. Under such difficult conditions, Sa Zhenbing and his comrades could not be lightly injured and could not let the Japanese fleet move forward.

From February 7th, the defense of Rishima became more difficult. On the small island of Rishima, only a few forts were destroyed by Japanese naval ships, and there were no cannonballs. It was originally a supply point for Rishima. Liu Gongdao was overwhelmed and unable to provide support in time. Under the dilemma, Ding Ruchang could only make a decision to let Sa Zhenbing lead the remaining personnel to withdraw to Liugong Island.

The Japanese-Island Defense Battle was not the most tragic, nor the longest, one in the Sino-Japanese War, but it was the most inspiring battle for our navy in the entire war.

As a key figure in the defense of the Japanese island, Sa Zhenbing led his comrades to fight against the Japanese army in a difficult combat environment, and never allowed the Japanese army to break through the defense line.

His tenacious will and brilliant results in the Battle of Rishima surprised the enemy. In Japan's historical materials about the war, there are records about the defense of the Japanese island. They objectively commented that the officers and soldiers defending the island had very ingenious combat skills. There were only eight cannons on the island, but they were able to repel more than 20 Japanese warships under heavy artillery fire.

Ridao Fortress

Although the Ridao Fortress could not be secured in the end, Liugong Island Defense ended in failure. But the national spirit of Sa Zhenbing and the Beiyang naval officers and soldiers in the defense of Japan Island has inspired us.

There is not enough food on the island of Japan, and there is not enough fresh water supply. In order to guard against the enemy's surprise day and night, the officers and soldiers,Had to take a break in a dark, damp underground bunker. On the isolated island of Ri Island, they did not give up the hope of victory; in the face of fierce enemies, they always stood firm in the idea of ​​protecting the country and the people.

The Weihaiwei defense battle finally failed, and the Sino-Japanese War of Jiawu also ushered in the final result in 1895. Under the instigation of Empress Dowager Cixi , Li Hongzhang negotiated with Hirobumi Ito as a representative, and signed the Shimonoseki Treaty which humiliated the country. At this point, the Westernization Movement, which was vigorously carried out, officially failed, and the once prosperous Beiyang Fleet also declined.

Fourth, not forgetting the original intention, Sa Zhenbing devoted his life to cultivating the Chinese naval power

At this time, Sa Zhenbing had no relatives. In his hometown in Fuzhou, his parents had already passed away, but he has always supported He, his wife who still remembered her husband during the war, passed away soon after, leaving only Sa Zhenbing's children. In order to support his family and recuperate, he chose to temporarily work as a teacher in the squire's house to make a living.

The man is poor and ambitious, Sa Zhenbing is in a difficult situation at this time, but he has experienced the Sino-Japanese War of the Jiawu period and the defense of the Japanese island, and his ambition is still unchanged. In 1896, he accepted the employment of Zhang Zhidong , and re-entered the field of naval construction, serving as a new army.

In 1903, he accepted an appointment to revise the charter of the Naval Academy and cultivate naval talents. He did not forget the failure of the Beiyang navy in the Weihaiwei defense battle, so he was determined to develop a truly powerful Chinese navy team.

1903, 1933, 1949, 1950...and finally 1952. Sa Zhenbing's life moves forward step by step.He is a witness to the weakening of the Chinese navy, a broken experiencer, but also a founder of revival. Until the last moment of his life, Sa Zhenbing was still concerned about the development of the Chinese navy.

The waves are surging, the sand is washed away, and the gold is left. The heroism of the Japanese island defense battle and the unswerving support for the development of the Chinese navy. In this famous general, we have seen the process of the continuous development of the spirit of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation.

5. Continuing the family tradition, Sa Zhenbing's descendants have made great achievements

Although Mr. Sa Zhenbing died in 1952, his spirit has given us lasting encouragement. Mr. Sa Zhenbing has a good life, and his descendants are also worthy of the names of his father and grandfather, each of whom has extraordinary achievements. The most noteworthy descendants of Sa Zhenbing are his son Sa Fujun and grandson Sa Benyuan.

Sappho is the only son of Sa Zhenbing and his wife Chen. Although Sappho lost his mother when he was a child, Sa Zhenbing raised a pair of children very well with his loving heart.

Sappho Jun

Under Sa Zhenbing's words and deeds, Sappho Jun was talented at a young age. The 24-year-old Sappho graduated from Purdue University in the United States. Like his father, he couldn't wait to dedicate his talents to his country.

With his outstanding performance in the United States, Sappho directly participated in the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway , which was mainly in charge of Zhan Tianyou after returning to China. Subsequently, Sappho carried out railway construction projects in Sichuan, Yunnan and other places. From the railway director of the National Government to the director of the Ministry of Communications... His brilliant resume has proved his outstanding talent.

Mr. Sa Zhenbing's grandson, Sa Benyuan, the son of Sa Fujun, has also accomplished a lot. Under the influence of his grandfather and father, Saben Yuan was an excellent student since childhood. At the age of 11, he was selected to study at Tsinghua University . After graduating from Tsinghua at the age of 18, he went to MIT to study.

Fuzhou Sa's Old House

Influenced by his father, Sa Benyuan also chose to engage in the construction industry. After he returned from his studies, he went to Shanghai to open an architectural firm, and then he taught at Hujiang University and so on.

The last war in 1948 forced Sa Zhenbing, Sappho and Sa Benyuan to say goodbye forever. Sabenyuan's father Sappho Jun and grandfather Sa Zhenbing both chose to stay inland, while Sabenyuan chose to go to the United States to work first. In 1952, Sa Zhenbing died. With the special approval of the central government, Sa Benyuan was able to return to China to express condolences with his wife and children.

The waves in Fujian are surging, and the great rivers of history are still moving forward. Looking back on Mr. Sa Zhenbing's life and the development of Sa's descendants, we can't help but feel that the scholarly family of Fujian Sa's has cultivated so many talents. The red stars shine and shine forever, no matter what industry they choose to work in, but the heart of serving the country and the people will always remain the same, and we will always be proud to have such a national pillar.
