Why has there been no grass growing on Qin Shi Huang’s Qin Straight Road for more than two thousand years? Experts: This is a conscientious project! Why has there been no grass growing on the road built by Qin Shi Huang for more than two thousand years? Experts: Just dig it up an

2024/05/1803:54:33 history 1753

Qin Shihuang 's Qin Zhidao , why has there been no grass growing for more than two thousand years? Expert: This is a conscientious project! Why has there been no grass growing on the road built by Qin Shihuang for more than two thousand years? Expert: You will know if you dig it up and take a look !

In the history of China's two thousand years of emperors and emperors, Ying Zheng was a strong man who did great things and could achieve great things: Ying Zheng was born in Zhao State capital Handan , and later returned to Qin State . 13 He came to the throne at the age of 22, put down the rebellion of Changxin Hou Lao Ai, and then got rid of the powerful minister Lu Buwei and began to dominate the political affairs. After taking office, he reused Li Si, Wang Jian and others. He spent nearly 10 years to destroy the six kingdoms of Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, completed the great cause of unifying China, and established a centralized power A unified multi-ethnic country - Qin Dynasty . Ying Zheng thus became the first monarch in our country to hold the title of "Emperor", as Qin Shihuang.

After Qin Shihuang unified the world, he abolished the enfeoffment system and replaced it with the county system; at the same time, the books had the same text, the carriages were on the same track, and the weights and measures were unified. Attack the Huns from the north, conquer Baiyue in the south, build the Great Wall ; build the Ling Canal to connect the Yangtze River and Pearl River water systems. Among Qin Shihuang's "big construction projects", in addition to the legendary Epang Palace and the ever-standing Great Wall, there was also a huge project, which was the construction of the expressway of the Qin Dynasty - Qinzhidao.

Why has there been no grass growing on Qin Shi Huang’s Qin Straight Road for more than two thousand years? Experts: This is a conscientious project! Why has there been no grass growing on the road built by Qin Shi Huang for more than two thousand years? Experts: Just dig it up an - DayDayNews

Qin Zhidao Ruins

The enfeoffment system was abolished and replaced by the county and county system; at the same time, the books were written in the same text, the carriages were on the same track, and weights and measures were unified. Attacking the Huns from the north and conquering Baiyue from the south, the Great Wall was built to defend against foreign invasions. The Great Wall of Qin did play a role in defending against enemies, as Jia Yi said in " On the Passage of the Qin Dynasty " Like this: "( Great Wall ) But the Huns were more than 700 miles away. The Hu people did not dare to go south to herd horses, and the scholars did not dare to bend their bows and complain."

Why has there been no grass growing on Qin Shi Huang’s Qin Straight Road for more than two thousand years? Experts: This is a conscientious project! Why has there been no grass growing on the road built by Qin Shi Huang for more than two thousand years? Experts: Just dig it up an - DayDayNews

Qin Zhidao

 Similar to the Great Wall, the construction of Qin Zhidao also has A very clear military purpose - to prevent and prevent the intrusion of the Hun nobles in the north. In the thirty-fifth year of Qin Shi Huang (212 BC), Qin Shi Huang ordered his general Meng Tian to lead an army of 300,000 men and spent two years building a 700-kilometer-long north-south road stretching from Linguang Palace in Shaanxi to Jiuyuan County in Baotou, Inner Mongolia. A military passage, the Qinzhidao is the shortest road from Xianyang to Yinshan in the north. It is generally straight from north to south, so it is called "Zhidao".

Why has there been no grass growing on Qin Shi Huang’s Qin Straight Road for more than two thousand years? Experts: This is a conscientious project! Why has there been no grass growing on the road built by Qin Shi Huang for more than two thousand years? Experts: Just dig it up an - DayDayNews

In addition, there are many opinions on the purpose of building Qinzhi Road. In addition to "as a troop transportation channel", the more popular opinions include "for the convenience of patrols" and "as a transportation line". No matter what the original intention of Qin Shihuang was, the Qin Zhidao's high-speed and convenient transportation function. After its completion, the Qin Zhidao was used by various dynasties from the fall of the Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, and played a huge role in history.

According to legend, Qin Shihuang had very high requirements for this road. In addition to being wide and flat, it also requires that it not soften when it rains and that grass never grows. The First Emperor would have such a request, which is probably related to his wish to pass on the Qin Dynasty from generation to generation for thousands of generations.

But at the time when there was no concrete, this was undoubtedly a great challenge to the skills of the craftsmen. At the beginning, the craftsmen responsible for the construction were in a difficult situation, but after studying ancient books and repeated trials, the craftsmen really found a solution-that is, the soil for building the road was thoroughly baked, or fired, and then Incorporate into . As a result, the road is hard, and the soil quality has been artificially changed, resulting in no vegetation. Modern archaeological excavation research has also confirmed this.

The construction of Qin Zhidao allows us to have a glimpse of the diligence and wisdom of the working people in ancient my country. Relying on manpower and using simple tools, they built this great project that amazed the world bit by bit. After its completion, the Qinzhi Road was used before the Qing Dynasty and was gradually abandoned during the Qing Dynasty. In the 1970s, the archaeological community re-launched research on Qin Zhidao.In 2006 and 2013, the Qinzhidao Site, the starting point of Qinzhidao Site, the Yan'an section of Qinzhidao Site, and the Qingyang section of Qinzhidao Site were included in the sixth and seventh batches of national key cultural relics protection units respectively.

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