In more than 1500 BC, King Xia Jie of the Xia Dynasty conquered the country of Youshi. King Youshi offered a treasure. King Xia's eyes shone, his heart was filled with excitement, and his body was quickly ignited. The fire burned blazingly and made him unbearably hot, saying. : "

2024/05/1605:40:32 history 1649

In more than 1500 BC, Xia Dynasty king Xia Jie conquered the country of Youshi. King Youshi offered a treasure. King Xia's eyes shone, his heart was rippling , and his body was quickly ignited, and the fire was blazing. The burning heat made him unbearable, and he said: "This king accepts this treasure, and the two countries will turn their conflicts into jade and silk." He waved his troops and returned to the court.

Youshi State was originally a vassal state of the Xia Dynasty. It paid tribute every year and came to the court every year. However, after Xia Jie came to power, he imposed excessive taxes and made complaints. As a small country in the east, Youshi State could not afford the increasing load, so it refused to pay tribute to Xia.

Xia Jie was very angry and united with other vassal states to attack Youshi State. Under the attack of other countries, Shi State had no power to fight back and had to sue for peace.

King Youshi said to Xia Jie: "I have a treasure for King Xia." After saying that, a young girl came out. The woman's skin was as good as snow, her eyes were like a pool of clear water, and her body exuded a wave of letting go. Feeling the intoxicating fragrance, she raised her eyelids slightly, and looked back at Xia Jie with a smile.

In more than 1500 BC, King Xia Jie of the Xia Dynasty conquered the country of Youshi. King Youshi offered a treasure. King Xia's eyes shone, his heart was filled with excitement, and his body was quickly ignited. The fire burned blazingly and made him unbearably hot, saying. :

With Yu Xi in his possession, Xia Jie no longer attacked Youshi. He carried out extensive construction work and built a new palace for his beloved concubine Yu Xi. Corridors inlaid with ivory, beds carved from white jade, and towers reaching into the sky, show that the palace is magnificent and luxurious, and is called the Qing Palace.

Xia Jie did not bother to please Yu Xi, so the two lingered in Qing Palace all day long. However, every night in the dead of night, Mei Xi sheds tears alone, suffering and suffering in her heart. She recalled her hometown and her childhood sweetheart, her sweetheart.

Not long after, the Minshan Kingdom followed the example of the Shi Kingdom and donated two beauties to the Xia Dynasty. Nu Xi The position of favorite concubine was taken by the two. Xia Jie was greedy for the new and disliked the old, so he threw Yu Xi aside.

In more than 1500 BC, King Xia Jie of the Xia Dynasty conquered the country of Youshi. King Youshi offered a treasure. King Xia's eyes shone, his heart was filled with excitement, and his body was quickly ignited. The fire burned blazingly and made him unbearably hot, saying. :

Meixi was left out, and she sighed. In the prime of life, for the survival of the clan, she left her hometown and her lover, and was treated as a tribute to the enemy.

She resented that she was originally a princess of the Shi Kingdom, but she became a prisoner of the Xia Dynasty. Now she has become an abandoned pawn before she can serve the country! Who has ever treated her as a human being with flesh and blood and thoughts!

Prime Minister Yi Yin of the Shang Dynasty went on a mission to the Xia Dynasty. He inquired about Xia Dynasty's situation in advance and decided to pay his respects to Yuxi first. Yi Yin saw Yu Xi in front of her. She was still beautiful, but there was more sorrow and complaint between her brows.

In more than 1500 BC, King Xia Jie of the Xia Dynasty conquered the country of Youshi. King Youshi offered a treasure. King Xia's eyes shone, his heart was filled with excitement, and his body was quickly ignited. The fire burned blazingly and made him unbearably hot, saying. :

Yi Yin said straight to the point: "Empress, your country and mine are just a small vassal state of the Xia Dynasty. Why did you and I come to the Xia Dynasty? I think we have the same purpose. You sacrificed your life in the past After so much, are you willing to give up now that you are slightly frustrated?"

Yi Yin said again: "The king of Xia Dynasty has been excessive in his governance and cruelly oppressed all our vassals. He has already lost the support of the people. It is difficult for one person to achieve anything, and everyone will lose it. The firewood is high, why don't you and I join forces to get rid of the tyrant Xia Jie as soon as possible, get out of this hellish place, and return to our own country?"

After Yi Yin's persuasion, Yuxi calmed down, dressed up, and used her methods again! Regain Xia Jie's favor.

Yu Xi proposed three strange and interesting ideas to Xia Jie to please the Pomeranian, and Xia Jie agreed to them one by one.

In more than 1500 BC, King Xia Jie of the Xia Dynasty conquered the country of Youshi. King Youshi offered a treasure. King Xia's eyes shone, his heart was filled with excitement, and his body was quickly ignited. The fire burned blazingly and made him unbearably hot, saying. :

First, Xia Jie ordered that all the trees in the garden of Qinggong be hung with prepared meat, which was named Meat Forest. A pond was dug in the garden that could be used for rowing boats. The pond was filled with fine wine and named Liquor Pond.

He also ordered five thousand palace maids to dance in the garden. If they were tired from dancing or hungry, they were asked to enter the meat forest to pick meat hanging on the trees; if they were thirsty, they were asked to lie down by the wine pool and drink from the pool. of fine wine.

Second, Xia Jie ordered a hundred pieces of cloth to be torn apart one by one in front of Yu Xi. The two of them listened to the clear and sweet sound of the tearing cloth and laughed.

Thirdly, Yu Xi wears a man's official hat and plays a different role, twisting and dancing in front of Xia Jie.

Yu Xi instigated Xia Jie to make many crazy squanderings of gold and silver.Because Xia Jie wanted to satisfy his own arrogance and had been cruel and oppressive to the people and various vassal states for a long time, everyone was already dissatisfied with him. Driven by the combined efforts of Yu Xi and Yi Yin, the contradictions in the Xia Dynasty intensified day by day. Its demise hastened.

In more than 1500 BC, King Xia Jie of the Xia Dynasty conquered the country of Youshi. King Youshi offered a treasure. King Xia's eyes shone, his heart was filled with excitement, and his body was quickly ignited. The fire burned blazingly and made him unbearably hot, saying. :

【Muzi Liyuan】

Some people say that Yu Xi is a disaster to the country and the people. Without her, the Xia Dynasty would not have perished; others say that Yu Xi is pitiful. She was originally a princess, but she was reduced to a "tribute" and shouldered the burden of beauty and disaster. of infamy.

What do you think? Please tell me your thoughts in the comment area.

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