Before European colonists arrived in the Americas, tens of millions of Indians lived throughout North and South America, but today pure Indians are very rare in the Americas. In the past five hundred years, the global population has experienced explosive growth, but the number of

2024/05/1605:06:32 history 1777

Before European colonists arrived in the Americas, there were tens of millions of Indians living throughout North and South America, but today pure Indians in the Americas are very rare. Friends who like football know that South American football players are basically European and American, and there are few pure Indian faces.

In the past five hundred years, the global population has experienced explosive growth, but the number of Indians has declined rapidly. What is the reason behind it?

Before European colonists arrived in the Americas, tens of millions of Indians lived throughout North and South America, but today pure Indians are very rare in the Americas. In the past five hundred years, the global population has experienced explosive growth, but the number of - DayDayNews

In a large number of Western historical documents, the most widely circulated statement is that "Indians died of smallpox virus on a large scale." Because of the smallpox virus, the population of the indigenous American Indians dropped by 90% in more than 100 years, and many Indian tribes disappeared. It is said that at that time, Western colonists repeatedly gave blankets containing smallpox bacteria to the Indians, which resulted in countless Indians who had no resistance at all and died of the plague.

However, cowpox was only introduced to the West in the Qing Dynasty . Without cowpox, how could Western colonists dare to "capture" the smallpox virus? After a period of interaction, the Indians were wary of the Western colonists. How could they accept their smallpox blankets again and again? Moreover, the Indians were distributed over a wide area, so how could most of the Indians accept the blankets? Even if blankets were accepted, since the smallpox virus requires contact to be transmitted, it would be difficult to cause a 90% population decline. Therefore, the so-called claim that Indians died from the smallpox virus is actually difficult to withstand scrutiny.

More importantly, modern DNA technology has revealed the truth. The so-called Indians died of smallpox was just an attempt by Western colonists to cover up a greater crime!

Before European colonists arrived in the Americas, tens of millions of Indians lived throughout North and South America, but today pure Indians are very rare in the Americas. In the past five hundred years, the global population has experienced explosive growth, but the number of - DayDayNews

British medical historian Roy Porter said: "Wherever the Europeans went, they brought terrible epidemics to the local population that had never been exposed to these diseases and had no resistance at all-smallpox, typhoid and Tuberculosis . "

Western history books tell us that when Spain and Portugal colonized Latin America, they brought viruses such as smallpox, which caused the plague to rage in Latin America. As a result, the plague destroyed the Aztec Empire , the Inca Empire , the virus wiped out the vast majority of Indians faster than the march of Western colonists, so Western colonists could easily colonize Latin America.

However, when scientists analyzed the genetic map of Latin American residents, they found that Indian and European mixed races accounted for the vast majority. For example, Mexico Indo-European mixed race people accounted for 93%, and mixed race people from other countries. The proportion is almost above 80%.

Among Indo-European mixed-race people in Latin American countries, 90% of paternal genes generally come from European white men, and more than 90% of maternal genes come from local Indian women. For example, among the Indo-European mixed race in Colombia, 94% of paternally inherited genes come from Europe, 5% come from Africa, and only 1% come from local Indians, while 90% of maternally inherited genes come from local Indians, 8% come from Africa, and 2 % from Europe.

Before European colonists arrived in the Americas, tens of millions of Indians lived throughout North and South America, but today pure Indians are very rare in the Americas. In the past five hundred years, the global population has experienced explosive growth, but the number of - DayDayNews

If Indians died from smallpox, would the smallpox virus select gender and specifically spare Indian women so that their genes can be passed on to this day?

Obviously, the number one reason for the near-extinction of Indians cannot be smallpox, but can only be the massacre by Western colonists.

Regarding the demise of the Aztec Empire in Latin America, the German historical philosopher Spengler who wrote " The Decline of the West " had a chilling description of this:

Spengler: "It did not die of withering, being suppressed, or suppressed, but was killed in its prime, destroyed like a sunflower whose head is knocked off by a passer-by. None of this happened in some decisive battle It was destroyed by a small group of gangsters in just a few years, and the eradication was so complete that the remaining residents could not even retain any memory of it. "

In fact, in the 15th century. At that time, an Andean chronicler said that when the Spaniards attacked the Inca Empire, they massacred the local Indians indifferently and crazily "like trampling to death ants."

Nowadays, European and American scholars have put forward so-called mysteries such as "the mystery of the disappearance of the Maya", which in my opinion is very hypocritical. Because the disappearance of , Maya, and is not a mystery at all. They were massacred by Western colonists, causing the inheritance of American civilization to be suddenly interrupted. It can be said that every Western colonist at that time was a ferocious "killer of hundreds" or "killer of thousands." , it’s just that they don’t want to admit it now!

Before European colonists arrived in the Americas, tens of millions of Indians lived throughout North and South America, but today pure Indians are very rare in the Americas. In the past five hundred years, the global population has experienced explosive growth, but the number of - DayDayNews

However, the massacre of Latin American Indians by Western colonists mainly involved the slaughter of male Indians, nearly exterminating the paternal genes of Indians. As for young female Indians, Western colonists used coercion to create countless Indo-European mixed-race children. Hence the current gene structure .

It is not difficult to imagine how the Western colonists treated Indian women, which led to the emergence of a large number of mixed-race children and the realization of "gene replacement" throughout Latin America. At that time, the European colonists who entered Latin America were basically men, and many of them were criminals. They acted wantonly in Latin America. Some historical books record their treatment of Indian women, which is unbearable to read.

Of course, in many European and American historical documents, Indian women are said to be their fathers, and they are given to white European men as gifts. This seems to be the same as the Indians "transferring" land to the Americans in a certain version of the textbook. The picture below, a Western beautified oil painting, shows the image of the colonists and the Indians as one family, but the father's line is a white European male, and the child is a white descendant.

It is slightly different from the Spanish and Portuguese colonists' treatment of Latin American Indians. The British and American attitude towards North American Indians is not to retain female Indians and achieve some "gene replacement", but to massacre all Indians. For example, after killing people to seize land, a British governor of Carolina argued: "We can obviously see the hand of God. He reduced the number of Indians to make room for the British." Therefore, now only 20 people are left in North America. Tens of thousands of Indians live in barren reservation areas, and there are few Indo-European people of mixed race.

Before European colonists arrived in the Americas, tens of millions of Indians lived throughout North and South America, but today pure Indians are very rare in the Americas. In the past five hundred years, the global population has experienced explosive growth, but the number of - DayDayNews

It can be seen that in a large number of historical documents in the West, the cause of the near-extinction of Indians is attributed to the smallpox virus carried by European colonists, and it is constructed as "the smallpox virus unintentionally carried caused the near-extinction of Indians", implying that the Indians were almost extinct. The near-extinction of human beings is their "unintentional mistake". In fact, they are using a lighter crime to cover up their greater crime of massacre and genocide against humanity!

Reference materials: "The genocide of Indians by European colonists also included "gene replacement"" and other

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