In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, commemorate the glorious history of the party, and further inspire the majority of party members and police officers to take on new responsibilities in the new era, on June 30, Luochuan C

2024/05/1005:51:32 history 1899

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, commemorate the glorious history of the party, and further inspire the majority of party members and police officers to take on new responsibilities in the new era, on June 30, Luochuan C - DayDayNews

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, commemorate the glorious history of the party, and further inspire the majority of party members and police officers to take on new responsibilities in the new era, on June 30, Luochuan Court organized party members and police officers to go to Ganquan County to carry out "Re-walking the Long March" Set sail on a new journey" themed party day event.

At the Laoshan Martyrs Cemetery, everyone followed the guide to visit a large number of photos, documents, physical objects, and video materials at the Laoshan Battle Memorial Hall. In front of the solemn monument among the green pines and cypresses, they paid homage to the three revolutionary martyrs with great reverence. After bowing, they lined up to pay homage to the revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the Battle of Laoshan. They listened carefully to the on-site teaching of "The Important Battle to Welcome the Central Red Army to Northern Shaanxi - the Battle of Laoshan" and learned in detail the great historical significance of the Battle of Laoshan, allowing all Party members have strengthened their ideals and beliefs.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, commemorate the glorious history of the party, and further inspire the majority of party members and police officers to take on new responsibilities in the new era, on June 30, Luochuan C - DayDayNews

In Gelao Village, Shimen Town, everyone walked 6.8 kilometers along the footsteps of the Red Army , and experienced actual combat scenes such as crossing blockades, building fortifications, throwing grenades, and rescuing the wounded. They felt the Long March on the spot. The suffering and glory on the road. Although the mountain road was rugged and the sun was scorching, it could not stop everyone's passion. Everyone was high-spirited and high-spirited, marching side by side under the bright red party flag, feeling the unyielding and indomitable revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary martyrs with their perseverance. During breaks along the way, everyone listened carefully to the creation story of "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention", watched "Long March Allegro", sang red songs such as "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", "Singing the Motherland", and re-understood perseverance and self-improvement. , the courageous spirit of the Long March .

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, commemorate the glorious history of the party, and further inspire the majority of party members and police officers to take on new responsibilities in the new era, on June 30, Luochuan C - DayDayNews

At the old site of Mao Zedong’s “Snowy Speech” in Elephant Trunk Bay, Daozhen, everyone once again faced the party flag, raised their right hands high and solemnly swore an oath, which further strengthened the confidence and determination to draw wisdom and strength from the party’s century-old glorious struggle and inspired the pursuit of justice for the people. Enthusiasm and drive. Later, by carefully listening to the on-site teaching of "The Historical Significance and Practical Enlightenment of the "Snow Speech"" given by teachers from the Ganquan County Party Committee Party School, everyone gained a deep understanding of the great exposition of "The Long March is a manifesto, the Long March is a propaganda team, and the Long March is a seeder." The important significance has injected strong spiritual power into carrying forward the great Long March spirit and striving to walk the Long March road in the new era.

After a day of "Long March", all party members and police officers showed their strength and spirit of being united, not afraid of hardship, facing difficulties, and moving forward courageously. Everyone said that in the future, they will further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, vigorously inherit the red gene, carry forward the spirit of being able to endure hardships and dare to take on responsibilities, constantly improve the ability of officers and entrepreneurship, devote themselves to work with stronger fighting spirit and full enthusiasm, and solidly promote the " two Establish the normalization of the theme education of "" and the theme education of "Two Perseverances", strive to create a "demonstration court for doing practical things for the masses", and contribute to the construction of a safe Luochuan with practical actions.

Author: Wang Ying

Editor: Zhao Jiaxin

Editor: Zheng Lipo

Chief editor: Yao Qiming

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