Hundreds of celebrities including Gong Jun Luhan mourned the Wenchuan earthquake, and the support club issued a ban on entertainment announcement, which is commendable

May 12 is Nurses' Day, which is also the 13th anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake. On this special day, People's Daily issued a poster at 0:00 in memory of the deceased, and wrote: The 13th anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake, an unforgettable memory, cherish the memory of the deceased, and move forward bravely.

Shen Teng , Nicholas Tse , Yang Mi , Lu Han , Angelababy, Zhang Xiaofei, Gillian, Zhang Zhehan , Song Qian , Xu Jiaqi , Modern Brothers Liu Yuning , Joey Yung, Wu Zun Liu Yuxin , Xu Kai , Fan Chengcheng , Zhang Jie , Xie Na , Hu Yutong, Tang Yan , Liu Tao Chen Weiting, Sun Yizhou, Chen Xingxu, Wang Sulong, Li Qin, Zhao Xiaotang, Han Dongjun, Faye Wong, Sun Yi, Song Yan Fei, Ling Chao, Li Zhenning, Jike Junyi, Wei Daxun and more than 50 celebrities forwarded the content.

Guo Xiaodong , Zhang translated , Huang Shengyi , Li Chen reposted the pictures of the disaster site that year, the tragic scene makes people feel sad.

Cai Xukun, Gong Jun, Yi Yang Qianxi , Meng Jia , Jing Tian , Duan Aojuan, Zhang Hanyun , Wang Likun, Wang Jia , Zhu Guangquan , Song Weilong , Zhou Dongyu , Zhang Xinyao, Wu Yue , papi sauce, Zhang Mingen , Zheng He Huizi, Meng Ziyi, etc. chose to forward CCTV news condolences to express their condolences.

The recently controversial He Jiong did not choose to forward it, but only wrote a paragraph to express his grief: Thirteen years later, we will not forget it. May the weather be prosperous, and the country will be prosperous and the people will be safe.

It is no exaggeration to say that at least 200 celebrities have used various methods to cherish the memory of their compatriots who passed away in the earthquake .

is not only the voice of celebrity artists, some fans support club also issued Wenchuan earthquake ban entertainment announcement, calling on fans not to publish and disseminate any Amway and entertainment content in any form.

This move has been recognized by many people, and this is the best look of star chasing. The story behind the


In the face of this sudden natural disaster, celebrity artists also contributed a lot, donating a lot of materials and money. Some celebrities even volunteered in the disaster area , and Wu Jing was one of them. The location he supported was Luohan Temple in Shifang City, Sichuan, where 108 children were born, and everyone called them "Arhat Baby".

Wu Jing spent 15 days here in this temple , witnessed the birth of many "Rohan Wa", and recognized one of them as his godson.

Wu Jing was very interesting when he described this experience. He said that when he was holding a child, it was like holding a cannonball. At that time, he felt that life was very great, and he saw a "shocked child", and he had a lot of fate with this child.

After a year of volunteering, he returned to the temple again and organized a star football game here. He also recognized a godson by the way. The reason was that the child was named Jiang Yuchen. And this child's name is the same as the name of the protagonist of the book he liked to read at that time, he thinks this is fate.

When the film " 108 ", which tells the story, started filming, Wu Jing took the initiative to ask for zero remuneration as an assistant, and this film will also be released soon.

Of course, most celebrity artists donated money and materials to support the disaster area, while Jay Chou wrote a song for the victims of the Wenchuan earthquake - " Daoxiang ".

Jay Chou said that this song came out of his own reading about the earthquake and the social situation at that time. Instead of writing about earthquakes directly, he wanted the listeners to resonate with the song. He hopes to use this song to tell everyone a very simple and easily forgotten truth, that is contentment.

In addition to songwriting, Jay Chou donated 500,000 yuan immediately after the earthquake, and then donated an additional 2 million yuan. After that, he donated 1 million yuan to his Chongqing concert, and at the same time donated nearly 30 million yuan of income from the concert.

's former children have grown up

It has been 13 years since the

earthquake, and the children in the disaster-stricken areas, which were the focus of the whole nation, have grown up. Tang Zihan, a third-grade girl rescued by her teacher, became a teacher and continued to fulfill her teacher's unfulfilled dream.

Li Xinyu, who lost his right hand in the earthquake, scored 625 in the college entrance examination and was admitted to and of Central China Normal University with a high score.

The boy who was rescued and said he was going to drink Coke became the curator of a Coke museum, he said to continue the "Coke" spirit.

Cheng Qiang, who displayed the banner "Grow up I am airborne " when seeing off the relief workers, became the 38th squad leader of Huang Jiguang's squad.

Liu Jia, who was waiting for the People's Liberation Army rescue in the damaged school building during the earthquake, has now become a civilian nurse in the army.

We remember our compatriots who lost their lives to the earthquake, but we also see hope. I believe that after the hardships, the future will be bright.