Why is it so difficult for a good leftover girl to find someone? Just look at Jinsha and you will understand

40-year-old Jinsha

Jinsha, 40 years old, talented and beautiful, I believe she is the goddess in the minds of many boys. I remember watching TV series such as " 18-year-old sky " and "myth" played by her for more than ten years, and I was very impressed. However, a good girl like her can't find a partner? Why?

Recently, there is a very hot news in the entertainment industry. Jin Sha appeared on a blind date show and lamented that it was difficult to find a partner. In fact, many outstanding leftover women in contemporary China represented by Jinsha are almost all facing such a dilemma. Why?

Then let's analyze it.

still takes Jinsha as an example to see her view on mate selection:

The above is Jinsha’s self-exposure mate selection requirements in the interview program. I will briefly summarize the main points as follows:


2. Appearance: big eyes, big nose, three-dimensional, good-looking when smiling. Simply put, you have to be handsome.

3, Occupation: Outsiders.

4, likes: love sports.

5, inner: soulmate, this requires oneself to experience.

6, other requirements: I am not famous, everyone can guess.

In addition, Jinsha himself said that he is unwilling to lower his requirements. If he can't find it, he would rather single .

Judging from the above requirements, are there many such boys in reality? I don't think it's a lot. One in 100 boys is not bad. However, in reality, is it easy to meet such excellent boys as one in a hundred? Of course it is not easy to come across.

Even if you meet such a good boy, the boy will fall in love with the girl, can two people be together? I guess this is more difficult.

Therefore, from Jinsha's case, we can see that girls are too good, and the average men are not worthy of it. The requirements of girls also directly exclude most boys, and in reality, there are almost no such people. Even if they meet, it is difficult to get together.

In addition, let’s take a look at the big data from the latest national census results:

According to the published data: male population is 723.34 million, accounting for 51.24%; female population is 688.44 million, accounting for 48.76%. The sex ratio of the total population (taking women as 100, and the ratio of men to women) was 105.07, which was the same as the basic of in 2010, but slightly lower.

This means there will be 34.9 million single men who have no or no wives. The results of the

census show that the sex ratio of the total population is 105.1, which is basically the same as the 105.2 in the sixth national census of , which is slightly lower. From the perspective of the birth population, the sex ratio of the birth population was 111.3 in 2020, a decrease of 6.8 compared with 2010, and gradually approached the normal level. That is to say, whether it is an existing man or a new born man, there are more men than women.

It stands to reason that the imbalance in the ratio of men and women makes women more popular in the marriage and market, and they will not be left. But what is surprising is that there are quite a few women left now.

Now a common phenomenon is: from the perspective of the total population, there are more men than women; from the perspective of population distribution : rural is rich in surplus men, big city is rich in surplus women.

The problem of male bachelors in rural areas is very serious; the problem of leftover females is much more serious than that of leftover males in big cities. This has become the norm in society.

Some experts said some time ago that the problem of leftover males and females can be solved by pairing the leftover males in the countryside with the leftover females in the cities. Will everyone agree with this? Does such an expert make sense?

According to statistics, , Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and other 15 major cities have one common feature: there are more women than men. In

Beijing , Guangzhou , Hangzhou , Nanjing and other cities, there are tens of thousands more women than men.

Taking Shanghai as an example, in the 2018 Shanghai household registration population survey , there were 7,241,400 men and 7,382,300 women, with 140,900 more women than men.

From this point of view, more women than men stay in big cities to work hard.

The reason for this phenomenon is that many men who work hard in big cities have reached the age of and marriage, but for various reasons, either they can't afford a house, or they have to support the elderly, etc., and can't continue to stay in big cities. Go down and you will go back to your hometown. Moreover, it is difficult for boys from rural areas to buy a house and marry a wife in big cities.

On the contrary, women think more about the job itself and long-term development, such as high salary and stability. The financial pressure and family burden of girls in the city are not as great as that of boys. girls all want to find a good man in a big city to marry. Considering these factors, big cities are undoubtedly their best choice.

In this way, the structure of the marriageable population in big cities has become unbalanced.

Some men flee big cities when they reach marriageable age, while women prefer to stay in big cities or work or get married. But at the same time, they also find it difficult to find the right person to marry.

So, big cities are full of older single women. The phenomenon of more men than women does not occur in big cities.

Some people feel that there are more women left than men left around them, or those who make noises on the Internet seem to hear and see that there are more women left than men. It's just because these people only saw part of it, or only heard part of it. Most leftover men in rural areas rarely speak out online, while leftover women in most cities like to speak out online.

Jinsha is not a non-marriageist. When participating in a marriage show, she is also considered to be active in the presence of a male guest 11 years younger than her.

Therefore, the biggest obstacle to marriage in Jinsha is that it cannot find the right person to marry.

For the same reason, many outstanding leftover women in are not unwilling to get married, but they are indeed unable to find boys who meet their requirements.

The high mate choice of outstanding leftover women, the imbalance of male and female ratios in big cities, and the small proportion of outstanding young men have all become important reasons why she has not married yet.

However, there is another very important fact. That is: the rare high-quality men who meet the requirements of girls are almost all robbed by girls, and there will be no shortage of girls around. Because high-quality men have many choices, almost all of them like young and beautiful girls, and almost none of them want to find older girls. Men's liking for girls is almost always liking young and beautiful girls. How many really good boys are willing to look for older ones?

To sum up, it is too difficult to find a good partner for leftover women, mainly because leftover women have too high requirements, and most men are looked down upon by leftover women; while boys who meet the requirements of leftover women hardly look down on leftover women. The needs of both men and women are seriously out of balance.