The 11.13 version has undergone major changes, and the environment has changed greatly. Now, Moang will share with you the results of today's test with friends, and try to help everyone avoid detours.

Hello brothers:

I am the commentator of Moang. The strong lineup of the version is all in [Game Map Ranking] !

Moang also marked the strength of the lineup according to the different game environments of Genting and Golden Shovel, and will update them at any time to suit the version environment. The

11.13 version has undergone major changes, and the environment has changed greatly. Now, Moang will share with you the results of today's test with friends, and try to help everyone avoid detours. Since it is only a one-day test, the intensity may be slightly different. Please forgive me.

Ao Xing Ninth Five and Dragon Training System

The first thing I recommend to everyone is Ao Xing system . Ao Xing now seems to be the answer in the early stage of the current version. In the test, as long as it is formed (2-star Ao Xing), it is basically stable in the top two, and the chicken-fighting intensity is very high. But now, because dragon training, Nami and Vladimir (should have these two sets of repairs) are more popular, It is difficult to form a lineup.

Although the upper limit of the Storm 95 lineup will be higher in the later stage, the formation of the lineup is more difficult than that of Dragon Taming Storm, especially in the afternoon test, Dragon Slayer Assassin, Dragon Slayer Lilia and Assassin Talon system players changed Many, the intensity of Storm Ninth Five in the late stage is not much different from Dragon Taming Storm, and it is not particularly recommended for everyone to transform in the late stage.

In addition to Dragon Taming Storm, the Dragon Training System lineup also had a strong rise in and in the test. The main reason is that Nami and Vladimir are slightly stronger than the supermodel. The current mainstream is still Ryze C, and the score is relatively stable; and Nami C has also greatly improved its strength and playability. It should also be the stable C position of this version of the dragon training system; and Sona and Anivia's C is not as strong as the previous two Cs, and Sona is slightly stronger than Anivia. If you want to train your dragon, the 5/7/9 method is now recommended.

Assassin system

This version of the assassin was cut down, but due to the rise of the mage, the strength of the assassin is still very high. After discussing with my friends during the test, I still feel that the strength of Shadow Fighter is the highest. Although the bond between Saifen and the Assassin has been slightly cut, the strength of with the stab switch is still super high compared to . After being fully formed, it is not afraid of most version lineups, and this lineup is not too difficult to match up with other assassin system lineups. , eating chicken is relatively stable after large-formation.

The second set of assassins I want to talk about is Dragon Slaying Assassin , Bloom, and Lilia are greatly enhanced. Olaf is now the opposite version of the popular mage. It is the same as chopping melons and vegetables, but the strength is greatly improved. , although the upper limit is not as high as that of Shadow Fighter, it is very easy for Olaf to score points with 2 stars now, and there are relatively few peers in the lineup.

In today's game, a dragon-slaying system with Olaf and Lilia dual C appeared. The output of 3-star Lilia is very explosive now, but due to time constraints, Moang only tested it for one game and was only the second Ming. Moang will continue to test it the day after tomorrow. If it feels strong enough, we will recommend it to everyone with detailed pictures and text.

Tyrone Thorn System version is still strong. Although the assassin has been slightly cut in this version update, the dragon-taming Nomuxi has been greatly enhanced. The adventurous frog thorn has returned to the world, and the frog's output has really been greatly improved. This lineup was tested by a friend (rank 600+) with 1 chicken in 4 games, 2nd in 1 game, 4th in 1 game, and 7th in 1 game (frog did not have 4 stars). The strength is still relatively high, but The lineup has a relatively high positioning against Talon . It takes advantage of Talon's first skill. Can it kill the enemy's C position instantly? If the positioning is wrong, it will be more difficult to defeat the mage, Varus and Nami in the later stage.

is similar to the Adventure Frog Thorn lineup, which is the Jade Dragon Adventure Thorn . The strength of this lineup is relatively good in the test, but now Shi Aoyu’s output strength has dropped greatly, and the enemy’s front row will be slower in seconds. Overall, there is no Adventure Frog Thorn. High, but easier to mold.

Varus system

Varus system is mainly adventure star shooting . Although this version of Varus has been slightly cut, Nami has been greatly enhanced. Now the skill release efficiency is greatly accelerated, and the lineup endurance is greatly improved. As long as Varus' early three-star lineup's output ability has not dropped much relative to the previous version, his ability to steal points is now relatively high. But Nami and Vladimir are popular right now. There are many players in the Star Realm, and they still have a lot of peers. If you play with a lot of peers, try not to choose this lineup.

The lineup of Star Boundary Shooting was also tested. The formation difficulty of the lineup was similar to that of Adventure Star Boundary Shooting, but the strength after forming was much different. However, due to the opening of 4 fighting, the ability to stabilize blood in the early and mid-term is relatively high, and the points gained are relatively stable.

Adventure Thorn Xia

Adventure Thorn Xia The intensity of Adventure Thorn Xia has dropped slightly in the update. The current lineup is still very high in points, but now this lineup has higher requirements for double C. Tai Lung's role in the lineup has greatly increased, and it is no longer Xia Xia It’s an era when magical equipment is enough to win points. In a version with many mages and assassins, Xayah's current environment is not very good.

Jade Dragon Secret

In this version, everyone thought that Shi Aoyu had been killed, and the Jade Dragon lineup would be in ruins. Moang thought so too at first, but after the test at night, I felt that the strength did not drop much, but the frankness dropped slightly. It's just that the equipment requirements are higher. Now Yulong's secret score is still very stable, and this lineup is easier to beat the popular mages, and the strength is still relatively high.

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