Hello everyone, I am Dabaobei. Today I bring you Meng Tian’s [Data Talks Heroes] this week. Let’s analyze together how Meng Tian’s overall strength is in the current version! [Comprehensive data] Meng Tian’s appearance rate in high-scoring peak games is close to 13%, which is 2%

Hello everyone, I am Dabaobei. Today I bring you this week’s [Data Talks Heroes] of Mengtian . Let’s analyze together what Mengtian’s overall strength is in the current version!

[Comprehensive data]

Meng Tian’s appearance rate in high-scoring peak games is close to 3%. Compared with last season, it has increased by %. His winning rate is also around 52%. is currently in addition to Ma Chao, Hua Mulan , and Secret Letter. In addition, the highest priority is against the road hero .

PS: The current high-scoring pinnacle Simon Tian’s winning rate ranks second in the confrontation lane, second only to Hua Mulan!

At the same time, his ban rate has been slowly increasing recently. Although it is now close to %, if the secret message ban rate (ban + selection) declines in the future, Meng Tian's ban rate may also increase!

PS: Due to the decline in secret trust strength, the extra ban positions will be given to other heroes.

It is worth noting that Meng Tian’s average output reached 634, which was 00+ higher than Ma Chao, ranking first among the heroes on the road. The average injury resistance is also 5265, which is in the second position (the first is Kuangtie ).

Q: What can this data show?

① Meng Tian is very good in terms of output. can give the crispy heroes a great threat , which is not weaker than Ma Chao and Hua Mulan.

②The damage resistance is also perfect. He will be a good player in the terrain group position, which is more in line with the positioning of a heavy warrior.

③The overall comprehensive ability is relatively high, and he can carry and fight.

[Other segmented data]

Compared with last season, Meng Tian’s appearance rate in the peak 1350 and high-star games has also increased. In addition to the version factor, the popularity of heroes such as Charlotte , Old Master has also declined. Somewhat related to .

At the same time, it is not difficult to find that the higher the segment, the higher the popularity and winning rate of Meng Tian . This is mainly due to the rhythm. Meng Tian can easily set up the early rhythm and help the team snowball, which is more popular in high-scoring segments.

In the low segment, although Meng Tian is still strong in the early stage, even if he gets the advantage, it will probably be delayed until the later stage . During that time, Meng Tian's strength will also drop a lot, and he will be easily restricted.

PS: It is difficult to convert advantages into victory, and it cannot snowball like a high-level player.

and its operating space and mobility are not very high, and it relies more on the timing of entering the field. Players in all ranks are not very interested in this type of hero, so the popularity is very low.

Q: So what is Meng Tian’s strength and why is he so popular in high segments?

① We have also said that the early intensity is very high. For fast-paced versions, this type of hero is very popular.

When facing regular fighters online, they all have a chance to fight . Even if they can't be suppressed, they are difficult to kill. And it’s easy to get a single lane right, and roaming support will be faster.

③The threat to the C position in team battles is also very high, especially for standing shooters. Meng Tian can limit most of his output with a single hit, which can easily affect the direction of the team battle.

PS: This is also a more suitable version.

When the team is engaged in tower pressing, small-scale team battles, entering the jungle, etc., Meng Tian will have an advantage . With a big move and a push forward, it will be difficult for the opponent to enter the field. After the semi-rework of

⑤, its mobility has been improved, it has also gained a certain ability to retain people, and Meng Tian's shortcomings have also been solved.

[Mengtian’s strong period]

Through Mengtian’s strong period, we can find that his winning rate in the first 13 minutes was very high, and the highest even reached 70%. This is the same as what we said, once gets an advantage in the early stage, it will easily radiate to the team , helping the team to set the rhythm, thus turning the advantage into a victory.

And after 13 points, that is, entering the middle and late stages, Meng Tian's winning rate will slowly decline. This is mainly because the opponent's C position equipment has already taken shape, Mengtian's positioning ability will be far inferior to that of the early stage, and it is easy to be unable to come out after entering the field.

PS: Your own shortcomings will also be magnified, and heroes with long/displaced hands will have a hard time.

[Mengtian equipment data]

① Meng Tian’s equipment is relatively diverse, and can be selected according to the lineup and the direction of the situation in the game.

② For example, if you want to maintain a high fault tolerance rate and have a certain output, you can choose half-meat, that is, Violent Armor + Shadow Battle Ax + Boots of Resistance / Foot of Forbearance + Eye of the Phoenix / Eternal Night Guard + The set of Pure Sky + Star Breaker .

And if your own lineup is not lacking in damage, injury resistance and standing heroes, you can choose full meat: Violent Armor + Boots of Resistance / Foot of Forbearance + Eye of the Phoenix + Ominous Omen + Wrath of the Blood Demon /Pure Sky+Eternal Night Guard.

③ If you are facing a station shooter, such as Houyi or Lu Ban, and you need to burst out damage to kill him in seconds, you can directly go to the critical flow after completing the violent attack. But this equipment plan is very risky, and it will test your timing of entering the market. If you don't grasp it well, it will easily outweigh the gain..

PS: So I still recommend the above two sets.

④Although Meng Tian has a dominating body, once he is hit by a small control skill, he can still be easily restricted. Therefore, you can use the foot of shadow blade in the early stage to increase the online strength, then add the boots of resistance, and sell the foot of shadow blade in the later team battle.

In the early stage, it is better for Meng Tian to give priority to producing meat . For example, he should produce the Violent Armor first, to supplement his frankness and fault tolerance, and then choose to take the shadow battle ax/meat armor route .

No matter what the production route of Mengtian is, his strength will decline in the later period. After that period of time, you must pay close attention to the position of yourself and your teammates to avoid the situation where your teammates cannot keep up after entering.

[Meng Tian’s skill data]

Currently, Meng Tian only carries flash, and few people carry weakening. This is mainly due to his own mobility.

Carrying flash can improve one's ability to start a group and the threat to the C position. It can also be used to adjust the position of the punch . If it is weakened, it can only improve its tankiness. If you play as a tank, it will be difficult to reach the C position.

Generally speaking, although Meng Tian is not as popular as Ma Chao and Mulan, his winning rate is higher than them. Moreover, its own mechanism is more suitable for the version. Once you practice it, you will be a good player in improving your score!