Hello everyone, I am Rufeng, a veteran player who brings you stories about dreams! (Original coding is not easy, thank you for your attention and likes) Ergou was forced to change his name! Ergou's server in Lingyin Temple, the God of War, Mulin, was forced to change his name bec

Hello everyone, I am Rufeng, a veteran player who brings you stories about dreams! ( original coding is not easy, thank you for your attention and likes )

The second dog was forced to change his name!

Ergou served in Lingyin Temple in the Forest of War God. He was forced to change his name because his name was too unique. He changed his name to a new one, called "Dragon Hidden in the Clouds".

Qi Yunlou unexpectedly bought a 160 Angrily put down the belt

The former Putuoshan boss came back unexpectedly and bought a 160 Angrily put down the belt. He has confirmed to join the Qiyunlou uniform team, along with Fufeng, Xia Dian, Uncle Si, etc. The boss fights side by side.

Mr. Mu created 2 Divine Horses + Power Splitting + Good and Evil Boys

Mr. Mu of Yishui Snow Mountain transformed the two 14-skill Divine Horses and Power Splitting Boys in his hands, and all of them were marked with the Good and Evil Beasts. This kind of baby has both The roles of good and evil and force splitting will be more diversified.

Gua Ge beats the crap out of 11 skills and listens

Yishui Xueshan Gua Ge’s updates on the baby are still in progress. Already possessing the 10th skill and the 11th skill Sumeru Watching and Listening, he bought another 11-skilled Listening embryo to play. Unfortunately, when he hit 9 red, the skill of Watching All Things disappeared.

Haowen defeated Xia Dahu

In the 175 Sword Club PK last night, facing the "lifelong enemy" Xia Dahu, Haowen played very aggressively, launching a point kill in the third round, firmly grasping the initiative on the court, and finally It took more than 40 rounds to defeat the opponent.

It is worth mentioning that in more than 40 rounds of competition, Haowen only took 2 medicines in total. In this competition, he completely defeated his old rival Xia Dahu.